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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007



:yoinks: TML it looks like you got some rock hard buds there bro????

:confused: I'm gonna tell you once more what works on spider mites BIO-NEEM It's all natural.

:chin: Pool supply companies will be your best bet for DE :confused: I've already told you this before :wallbash: you're as bad as my 3 1/2 year old son :asskick:

Nice job bro

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Hey, congrats on the harem! You sure get a high percentage of females - must be something you're doing right! Or is it the magic feminizing rabbit's foot hanging on the door to your grow? :chin:

Hey Garlic - stop teasin the Canadian dude - swimming pools - it's another 2 months before it gets warm enough for the pool stores to stock supplies :yoinks: Besides, he's a mitey grower (ducking)


What's up TML :wave:
Freeze looks mm mm good. :yummy: I have been using my computer less and less, so I guess things are really picking up with the warm weather. Ottawa is making me quite happy but the Sharks series is amazing! :dueling:

Have a great weekend buddy :joint:


Occasional User
Hey TML...I do some...ummm....digging to see what I can find for D earth....

My hydro store will know where you can go...next time I'm in I'll ask.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Bro

Looking good here, I have never seen a mite at my place, I have a massive amount of spiders hanging around, I could send you some of those LOL.
Waiting on some new pics to see what I should be doing.
But just wait till you see what I have got planned.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
lookn real nice TML herd that i have great luck with females from seed also.


Take Five...
Hi everyone, BG if you are looking for Diatomacheous Earth it can be found at any good pool supply store or aquarium supply store.

Probably cheaper at the pool store, but probably sold in larger packages than the aquarium store. DE is used in both places in a filter system.

If D Earth is some new hot rock band, then my apologies! :D

See ya at WnB!

Peace everyone!

Hope that helps.


Occasional User
Pool Supply or pet store...hmmm...of course....I'd say Pool store...cheaper and will always come in handy. Pet store might not turn any heads though.

TML...let us know if that works for ya.

And heady....great band name.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, congrats on poping all ladies :) ... can't wait to see these in flower....

Have a good week-end.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for all your replies :wave:

Tayla - Hey Thanks :smile:
It's actually a pretty crappy camera...but the subjects make for nice pics :yummy: The camera does have a nice colour balance to it though, which makes ideal for macro mode use even under HPS conditions.
Thanks for hanging around

garlic city gro - Thanks man :smile:
Yeah...I think these will be some of the tightest nugs I've grown for sure
:bat: I know, I know...I've been told a million times :biglaugh: Hard to get some things round here though.
The Trounce seems to be doing it's job for now, and I plan on changing soil and bombing the flower room for vacation.
Introducing some ladybugs to the equation will help too...once I find some.
Thanks for looking out bro

Mr GreenJeans - Thanks eh :smile:
Rabbitt's foot working wonders :wink: I read on DP's website a long while back that they found Lower temps, blue spectrum lighting, no wind, Nitrogen, and a higher humidity contributes to developing more females. Some believe it's decided in the seed itself :confused: I have noticed since I've used these conditions, I've had a great ratio.
:biglaugh: Hey, thanks for sticking up for me bro. You know that Garlic can be a big bully sometimes
I have checked some pool stores round here...I usually get "Diawhatawhat!?"

Insomniac - Glad you like the pics :smile:
Havin fun in the sun eh? :woohoo: Spring and the playoffs...man life is good
Thanks for still stoppin in even though you're busy. Go Sens!

BonsaiGrower - Thanks man :smile:
If you locate any, lemme know...I'll see if shipping costs are worth it. That's where they ding ya :whip: Havn't checked all pool supply stores, but a few. Such a hard to find item round here :bat:
Thanks for all the advice :smile:

Dr Dog - Thanks :smile:
You're blessed that you don't have mites. Once you do... :wallbash: They're very hard to eliminate. Been battling with them awhile.
I wanna add some Ladybugs...just havn't found any yet
Looking forward to seeing what you have planned

Maj.PotHead - :biglaugh: Maybe we have a special attraction from females
I guess in the growing world...it's a blessing.
Thanks for stopping in eh

HeadyPete - Thanks for the tips
A good Aquarium/Fish store just might do the trick :chin: There's one I havn't tried yet anyhow.
Hey D-Earth rocks man :headbange
Won't see me at W'n'B too often...you guys wake up waaayyy too early :biglaugh:
Glad you stopped by man

Black Ra1n - Thanks man :smile:
They're gonna get another good bit of vegging/training/topping and should be a nice flower show.
I plan on going a little taller and bushier than normal with this next grow to see how if affects yield.
Hope you're having yourself a good weekend too


Big thanks to everyone for the great replies :D

I do have some pics to put up of the 4 new ladies, but I hafta run right now. Any chance I get to come back and show them off today, I will :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
The Vegging Harem

The Vegging Harem

Time to show you guys how my 4 new ladies are doing :smile:

Cheezy Bastards


^ Bit thicker leaves on this one. They are growing quite uniform though. Both have been topped

Pacific Shark


^ Both have neat structures...2 a little more Sativa. Both have a nice mix though :yes: Should be interesting watching these grow out :lurk:


Gonna try adding a little more height to my style of grow and see if that helps increase yield.
These will be vegged out for another 3 weeks or so...2 of which they'll be on their own :yoinks:
Both PS's will be cloned, so we can look forward to a BB and PS grow the time after that :yes:

Harvesting both Grape and Freeze in 3-4 days. Gonna need time to dry'em before I leave :confused:
Checked the trichs the other day and at day 47 we already have a nice 15-20% Amber on Freeze and a few here and there on Grape :yoinks: Pistils still havn't fully matured on Freeze and still stacking calyx, we'll see what happens with her in next few days. We'll hold off on the pics till then.

Hope you all enjoyed seeing my new ladies
Thanks or stopping by everybody :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
there beautiful TML....:woohoo:
and i told ya they get big of them selfs....your not gonne be sorry you growing them....i still got 1 clone of her...i removed the original 2 a balkony and stressed the hell out of her....and no banana's :confused:....

i gonne try that clone again and see if she performs....and if she's stable i'm in luck that means the genepool woz kind 2 me ....:D

thanks for the nice pics bro!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
^^^ hahahaha good laugh at core's signature.

Hey TML, those new ladies you have are looking nice. Are you going to keep topping them or just let them grow up for the whole veg. period?

Take care man..



Those cheesy bastards look great, the first two are real healthy..:D:yes:

Keep up the good work man! :lurk:

Jah bless!:rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Core - Glad you like :smile:
So far the Cheezy Bastards have been a delight to grow. Very tight internode spacing, fat and thick...yet smaller sized leaves. Very easy to care for plant.
Would love to see you give her another whirl :lurk:
:laughing: What's with the Sig.? did I miss something?

Black Ra1n - Thanks eh :smile:
I believe I'm going to top them once more at least. Maybe twice...we'll see how much growth to time I get.
Wanted to try and grow plants out a little larger this time round :yes:

BeAn - Thanks man :smile:
This should be an exciting round....I'm geeked :woohoo:

Bonsai - Sweet :smile:
It's gonna be a fun one to grow too :canabis:


Thanks for your continued support guys! :D

Couple more days till harvest day...so I'll have alot of sweet pics coming up very soon :lurk:
We'll get some BB re-veg shots and a vacation before and after shot going with the vegging ladies as it comes too.
We'll try and keep it interesting :smile:



Registered Medical Patient
lookin good TML, Im intrigued...esp. w/ the PS, that sounds like some nice smoke...whats the lineage again??Cant wait to see those girls in full bloom...I wish I had access to clones.....Peace

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:laughing: What's with the Sig.? did I miss something?

yea...this dude is back on the forums with multiple handles...again misinforming newer members.....telling them 2 go buy battery acid for 5$ (wich is't bufferd btw)....when a ph- not even costs 3$ or 4$ more....
and some other fuckarounds i've been following ...... :fsu:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hey

Zeus - Thanks man :smile:
The PS= Jade Mikado X Great White Shark (Brazilian Super Skunk X South Indian White Widow) :yummy:
Blueberry has been my only gifted clone so far...and what a gift it was :canabis:

Core - :laughing: Some peoples children eh? :bat:
I guess some people have too much time on their hands :confused:
Makes me glad I have a great source of good friends here on IC I can rely on for accurate advice :yes:



:wave: Nice stout little bushes you have there TML :woohoo:

:chin: Now I was just wondering where are we going to party when the igloo melts this summer??????? :confused:

Looking great