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bobblehead's organic bedroom of high brix gardening


Active member
Lookin' titties. That last batch is allllll diggety - sexy too!

What's in that bed?


Death Star

Nightmare Diesel


I really hate bandwagons.. but GG4 is the clear winner here. I'm really unimpressed with the death star right now. Its not even sticky, and its a bushy mess. Blueberry has really surprised me so far, and I'm looking forward to sampling the final product. The rest I know how they finish. Nightmare D takes too damn long.


Active member
looks awesome bobble!

Is your bed on the floor, directly?

It looks like it is, and I was curious about drainage but also temperatures.

What day are your ladies?

:wave: good vibes and green blessings - hoping ur back is better, stretching is really helping mine.

The beds are on casters so I can move them around. Maybe 4" off the floor. No drainage, I just hydrate my soil. Temp stays around 72-75F. Days are too rigid. They are at 4 weeks. They will come down when they look done and I have time to chop. Days change with the environment and are unimportant.

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

― Bruce Lee

Aye bobble you need to drop some gg4 at my local club shits drier than granny snatch this way! I know your sittin on a bale or two lol

IDK about a bale but I'll smoke this bud with you.

Those things look real good, bobble! Looking real good at 4 weeks, lots of potential in them.

Ah, I was curious if it was Doc Bud. I'm using his old soil mix until I can figure out this whole high brix thing.

uh... I used dr. earth 4-4-4 as a base with promix. Added a bunch of other stuff that I mentioned, sent it off to the lab for testing, found out what I was missing, and added it. Wait a while and retest. High brix develops over time. You can't buy it in a bottle.
That nug looks greasy, mang......

uh... I used dr. earth 4-4-4 as a base with promix. Added a bunch of other stuff that I mentioned, sent it off to the lab for testing, found out what I was missing, and added it. Wait a while and retest. High brix develops over time. You can't buy it in a bottle.

Okay, yeah, back in post 23. I smell what you're stepping in now. I'm using the same stuff, minus a few things. I've ditched the bottles except for an auxin dominated kelp concentrate. I apologize if you are mentioned it but where do you get your soil tested? Do you use MSU or send it out of state? I can't complain about MSU for $25 soil test.


Wow very nice plants and nugs man! The Death-Star is my favourite of your show, i have to grow this Strain one time too.

Keep it up.



ICMag Donor
Hey - I was for the most part unimpressed by DeathStar until about week 6 or 7 - then she really started to fatten up and show her true colors. I'm not going to say she is the frostiest thing in the garden - she's no slacker - BUT - it's her high and the subtle smells that really make her a winner...well, that and her yield.

I'd not label her as headstash - especially since you have things like TK in the garden - but she is a fantastic commercial plant. Taken the full 11wk - she is worthy smoke still...



Active member
That nug looks greasy, mang......

Okay, yeah, back in post 23. I smell what you're stepping in now. I'm using the same stuff, minus a few things. I've ditched the bottles except for an auxin dominated kelp concentrate. I apologize if you are mentioned it but where do you get your soil tested? Do you use MSU or send it out of state? I can't complain about MSU for $25 soil test.

I used fruit growers lab in cali. I think they run a different test than msu, but I cant tell you the details off the top of my head.

Wow very nice plants and nugs man! The Death-Star is my favourite of your show, i have to grow this Strain one time too.

Keep it up.


Thanks for watching!

Hey - I was for the most part unimpressed by DeathStar until about week 6 or 7 - then she really started to fatten up and show her true colors. I'm not going to say she is the frostiest thing in the garden - she's no slacker - BUT - it's her high and the subtle smells that really make her a winner...well, that and her yield.

I'd not label her as headstash - especially since you have things like TK in the garden - but she is a fantastic commercial plant. Taken the full 11wk - she is worthy smoke still...Frank[\QUOTE]

I know death star is good weed.... and im happy to have her in the garden, but I have the luxury of picking from a variety of clone only elites. I want to monocrop my beds instead of planting all willy nilly. I can just tell death star isnt going to make the cut. Especially finishing at 11 weeks.


Sour dub



Active member
@5 weeks. Death star front right, blueberry front left, nightmare diesel in the middle, and gg4 on the far end.

@2 days- BSC front, Sour dub middle left, OGKB middle right, Triangle on the far end. I accidentally snapped the main top on the triangle putting down trellis. :( Major bummer. Hopefully she'll still fill in the space.

The guy who gave me this blueberry said it wasn't very frosty... IDK what he was smoking, but its not only frosty but FAT! I have 3 vegging to fill the bed that's going to be empty in 5 weeks.I would have gone with gg4 but the clones aren't rooted and the BB are.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I think he said it was frosty but not a knock you on your ass smoke. But what do I know I don't smoke good shit. Ask silver how it is to smoke.

I would call you a retard but that is insulting to retarded people so assbag it is.


Active member
I think he said it was frosty but not a knock you on your ass smoke. But what do I know I don't smoke good shit. Ask silver how it is to smoke.

I would call you a retard but that is insulting to retarded people so assbag it is.

lol thanks for the clarification! :joint: