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bobblehead's organic bedroom of high brix gardening


Active member
Or even lazier... just dump the dirt in mounds on the floor. :biglaugh:

I was iust joking about the ND. It's ok except for the 12 week flower. Not my cup of tea but its nice weed. I end up smoking it up fast. I prefer something a bit more stoney.


Well-known member
What a shit show in here.... i'm sticky all over. :)

Keep up the good work bh, I have definitely seen an improvement in your game when you switched some things around and went living soil beds. Everything lookin' flawless..

I haven't been following too closely... are you still running remote, or is your increased success also contributed to you possibly now living with the garden?

I just bought another spot (a very convenient location and safe/clean spot for me and the GF) and will be leaving turning my country spot remote after this harvest. So long as I'm making water at the speed I need I'm pretty confident in the blumats and PPK methods to make it work. Of course, I've got a bit extra breathing room now so I might have to try some organic beds myself. They are certainly pumping out amazing quality.

Excuse me if I'm asking things that have already been answered, but are you running RO in these gardens? From a well or city tap?


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I was hoping it would have some kick. I'm getting close to chopping the glue too. I haven't tasted her or the cookies. I picked up three cut onlys and it's been a trip putting them in my soil mix, watching them do their thing. Now, it's going to be taste time soon as shit.

I have no idea what to expect. I hope I love this Nightmare bc I'm going to have close to an
elbow of it


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
kiddie pool = lazy mans soil bed

god the banter between ich and bobble and silver is fucking hilarious in here as usual... pages of it.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Well if it were not for silver and I no one would come in here to see his lame chicken less grow. Sorry bobble the truth some times hurts deep.


Active member

I like this one myself. The attachments are around $35. Lifetime warranty options also.

I checked out the geopots but they didn't provide the dimensions I wanted. Seriously considering building my own. I guess the big question is; what is your liner made of? Or what would you recommend? I hear about using landscaping felt. Just doesn't seem wide enough. I could just overlap it I suppose.

On another note, I just ordered my first Meyer Hatchery catalog.


ICMag Donor
Or even lazier, geopots make a planter bed.

I'm going to assume you didn't see my post right above yours...

That would be the geoplanter... :biggrin:

I know that BrotherIndica is rocking one of them right now and liking it pretty good. Want to say that maybe Lapides is rocking them as well...



Active member
I'll always remember that day I watched a Ryobi drill light itself on fire and fall apart infront of my eyes. I almost cried looking at the face of the owner.

Now that would be a sight! And i would just package it up and send it to ryobi and wait for my brand new replacement to arrive. If the 3 year warranty is expired, well i bought the 2 year additional warranty at HD cause i figured im probably gonna break something within 5 years. That was 2.5 years ago and everything is still working! Even after the circular saw got flooded from all the water from the fire. even the battery worked after being submerged! Just let it dry out and had to clean the connections.

What a shit show in here.... i'm sticky all over. :)

Keep up the good work bh, I have definitely seen an improvement in your game when you switched some things around and went living soil beds. Everything lookin' flawless..

I haven't been following too closely... are you still running remote, or is your increased success also contributed to you possibly now living with the garden?

I just bought another spot (a very convenient location and safe/clean spot for me and the GF) and will be leaving turning my country spot remote after this harvest. So long as I'm making water at the speed I need I'm pretty confident in the blumats and PPK methods to make it work. Of course, I've got a bit extra breathing room now so I might have to try some organic beds myself. They are certainly pumping out amazing quality.

Excuse me if I'm asking things that have already been answered, but are you running RO in these gardens? From a well or city tap?

This is at my residence. I normally poke my head in every day just because you never know what issues you might catch before they become a problem... but this room is running itself. when im super busy with work and school (more often than not) i can go days without checking in. If i set up automatic irrigation i wouldnt need to go in at all. I add teas and things but i dont really follow a schedule. I barely even foliar spray anymore because i just dont have time to mess around with it. Ihave a good soil base that im trying to keep in balance with albrecht ratios. If you balance your soil, then you cant go wrong. Just add water. Im growing the best quality buds ever. I wish i was doing bed grows up at the lake house. I would be in a much better position financially right now.

I'm using straight city tap. I used to use ro.. but it was taking to long to prepare water so i switched and everything is fine.

I was hoping it would have some kick. I'm getting close to chopping the glue too. I haven't tasted her or the cookies. I picked up three cut onlys and it's been a trip putting them in my soil mix, watching them do their thing. Now, it's going to be taste time soon as shit.

I have no idea what to expect. I hope I love this Nightmare bc I'm going to have close to an
elbow of it

It'll get you high, its just more of an up/energetic high. I like to smoke weed that calms me down. Not that im hyperactive. Lol. Mostly just stressed out.

Well if it were not for silver and I no one would come in here to see his lame chicken less grow. Sorry bobble the truth some times hurts deep.

At least i have an active thread with pictures for you guys to come talk shit about me and harrass me. who's the assbag now?


I like this one myself. The attachments are around $35. Lifetime warranty options also.

I checked out the geopots but they didn't provide the dimensions I wanted. Seriously considering building my own. I guess the big question is; what is your liner made of? Or what would you recommend? I hear about using landscaping felt. Just doesn't seem wide enough. I could just overlap it I suppose.

On another note, I just ordered my first Meyer Hatchery catalog.

I used pondliner because i had it. Geopots are cool, but you still have to catch the water that runs through. I lined the bottom of my beds with grow rocks. Others have used screens on the bottom. I like working with wood because you can do whatever you want. Landscape fabric only comes 4'w at the store, so dont count on using anything off the shelf trying to self engineer a geopot.

I don't know but I think this site is a gateway to smoking pot. Case in point is you.

I think most people come here after they've already started smoking. There's also people here who don't smoke at all, and grow strictly for love, and by love i mean money...........

Classic Seeds

hi bobblehead still a fun and informative forum you have going here,chickens or no chickens I am here to see you buds and got no opinions about birds except I like mine battered and fried aloha cls


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I'm going to assume you didn't see my post right above yours...

That would be the geoplanter... :biggrin:

I know that BrotherIndica is rocking one of them right now and liking it pretty good. Want to say that maybe Lapides is rocking them as well...


I did strawberries outside with the. They were awesome. Have lasted two seasons now. I'm a big fan of the ruggedness and quality of the geopots


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Fuck, in the interest of full disclosure, I also have laying hens in the back yard.


Active member
@7 weeks- finishing strong!

GG4- sorry its sideways... ic loaded it funny and im not fixing it!

Nightmare Diesel


Death Star- not sticking around!

silver hawaiian

Active member

So if the DS is getting tossed, is that a statement that the BB is that much more impressive (at least as far as grow/production is concerned)?

What are your impressions of each of the new-to-you varieties on the 7 week batch so far? Everyone looks nice and spear-y. I was going to pat the Nightmare on the back for the usual monster donksicle sparks, but then I kept scrolling and saw the BB was the same. :)

What's in the new bed?

Looking quite greatly good - and those seven weekers needa hurrytfup


Edit: And on the real, these latest batches have, IMO, been your best that I've laid tissue on. Really seems to be low-headache for you also, which is funny, since that's all you were ever seeking in the first place (even if it was at a place hours away) :laughing:

Seriously though :respect: and it's definitely working. :)

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