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BlueDigiBerry F2

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Schmavis, that cross sounds amazing, let us know how it works out!

I was so excited with how the bdb1xdh came out that I popped another 10 :) lol we shall see what comes out!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
VG - I wanted to clarify - your Blueberry Bx1 - Blueberry x (Blueberry x Digi Bx1) - Got that much. Was it an F1 or F2 male you used?

I think, those seeds are getting moved up the line into the next position. I know it's something no one else (or very few) have. I'd like to see what's in those and they are probably the freshest blueberry seeds I have. :joint:


Hey frank it was the F1 males that i used, same as the pollen i used to make the BDB F2 batch iirc



ICMag Donor
Since starting back up all I can think about is blueberry and why in the world I haven't got any going yet. These are next up on the list, VG. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication! :respect:



bdbf2 x gfxbb sounds amaZing!
definitely show that off if/when you get around to growing it.

Schmavis, that cross sounds amazing, let us know how it works out!

I was so excited with how the bdb1xdh came out that I popped another 10 :) lol we shall see what comes out!

Will do guys. Who knows, maybe someone will beat me to it. :biggrin:

My pack had 12 seeds. I popped 8 and all were girls. Not sure yet but I think I will pop the remaining four in a couple months just to see if I am lucky enough to get at least one girl to make some seeds with.

Best of luck Buddah with the next ten!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi BW,

The regular BDB F2s are available from real gorilla/gypsy.

The bx to my Blueberry mother was just a small batch i made to back up the genetics, so they havent been released (apart from sending some to Frank - because he provided the digiberry bx pollen for the BDB cross)



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Any chance you've got a new batch of these brewing? I hemmed and hawed on the last pack at Gorilla and someone smarter than me grabbed them.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey Got Bud, The stock of BDB is getting low these days but i should have enough to send in a small batch to realgorilla. will try and sort next week



Active member
Nice to hear that there is more!

I'll be growing these in a few months and hopefully there will be other people growing them out at the same time for comparison :)


Active member
Hi all, I have some BlueDigis here, big thanks to VG for making these available and the work you all do, to Dank Frank Chili Berkster and predecessors too I give thanks. I'll post updates here as we go along. I had 11/13 germ, these 6 are stronger than the other 5 which are similarly smaller but still healthy and strong. Very thick stems, nice strong smells. They are a couple of weeks old, I topped and cloned them recently. I'll pot them up and put them into flowering indoors when they are ready.

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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
nice looking bunch of plants, glad to hear about the decent germ rates, did you get the pack recently?
thanks for posting Anjey, let us know how you get on !



Active member
Yum looks great Anjey... I missed out on the BlueDigiBerry but got 2 packs of the FatBubbaF2s... really hoping for those super fat wide dark Kushy leaves and the full flavored kushy smoke the ‘92 Bubba Kush I remember having. Haven’t seen a real dark deep pure kush like that in some time.
To me the ole school blueberry and bubba kush were some of the most medically beneficial strains that was in my arsenal some 10-15 years ago.

Love to see some action in here.
Thanks for sharing yall


Active member
I put one bdb seed in soil about 5 weeks ago now I think it is, looking really good so far , I only run a small DIY carbon filter in my small veg/mom box and with the bdb in there it seems like the smell is just going straight through.

Out of all seeds I have popped through the last years I think this is one of my favourites so far.
The plant is growing super tight and bushy, I tried crushing a stem and the stems are hollow, plant never stopped growing after crushing the stem and it started growing the shoots right away after topping.

Smell of the plant and stem is.... Hmm how should I describe it? Like acidic sh*t and nasty burnt rubber smell , even though it smells pretty nasty I always want to take another sniff on it!

Been having it very hot here (around 35c/95f in the tent) for the last few months so I only popped one seed in the beginning since I hear blueberry strains can be very sensitive, put 2 more about 2 weeks ago also, looking just fine so far.

So germination so far 3/3 , I popped the seed I though looked the nicest first and the other 2 where the "worst looking" seeds, not that they looked bad or anything just not as pretty as the other ones.

Will pop some more soon and will hope for some blueberry smelling plants!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking promising, healthy plant. They can stretch quite a bit !
The burnt rubber smell comes up in the odd pheno, thought to come from the sour bubble that Frank and chilie used as the outcross for their digiberry bx (which was the male in the BDB cross)

thanks for posting
