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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Howdy Gang :gday:
Still here just been very busy sorting out a new life for me and the staffies plus been having internet issues thanks to fricking abbott and the bastardized version of the NBN he is implementing across Australia :D
Anyways I hope you'll are getting ready for the spring time madness that's just around the corner and I wish you all the best bloody season you've ever had this year :good:
Hopefully I can get something happening, even just 2 1# trees would get me and the dogs a nice ute or stationwagon so we can travel around instead of catching the bus :yoinks:
But it is very very nice to be back up the top of OZ instead of being stuck down in the bloody cold south of OZ.
Had my daughter up here for 4 days over the weekend and that was bloody nice but even bloody more sad when I had to put her back on the plane to Adelaide, I hopefully will be back down that way around Jan as I have a booking or 2 to get both my legs finished up being inked. Then it's time to start thinking about both sides of my rib cage and stomach area
Much Love and Good Vibes to you all


60 all out lol


Donald Mallard

el duck
Hey Boom,
good to hear your enjoying the early spring weather,
bit of a chill in the air still i noted today,
but im sure another week should see that gone ...

i was at the beach today ,, fairly nice down there ,
twas a good day had all round ...

Sat X RB

hello All ... cricket no, rugby YES!

it's been plurry cold here too Wal. I have some Thai tomato seedlings that I 'm having to bring in each night to save them stress. no frost, but still ... sounds like you had a nice day at the beach ... meeting people ... doing things, I 'll bet.

there's a large part of me that is conservative ... and I 'm wondering bOOm what you want to illustrate yr body for? I like naked bodies to be bare ... and smooth ... and cool ... and stroke stroke lick lick ... aw, fuck sorry everyone, got carried away with thoughts of nudity. thank goodness we've never met bOOm, so I haven't any images of yr stomach or chest. (Hey! just had a thought! put up some pics when yr done!)

oh waffle waffle waffle ... but I feel good this morning!
hello All ... cricket no, rugby YES!

it's been plurry cold here too Wal. I have some Thai tomato seedlings that I 'm having to bring in each night to save them stress. no frost, but still ... sounds like you had a nice day at the beach ... meeting people ... doing things, I 'll bet.

there's a large part of me that is conservative ... and I 'm wondering bOOm what you want to illustrate yr body for? I like naked bodies to be bare ... and smooth ... and cool ... and stroke stroke lick lick ... aw, fuck sorry everyone, got carried away with thoughts of nudity. thank goodness we've never met bOOm, so I haven't any images of yr stomach or chest. (Hey! just had a thought! put up some pics when yr done!)

oh waffle waffle waffle ... but I feel good this morning!

What. The. Fuck? Dude?

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Are there any Kiwis here at icmag? Everyone I've talked to seems to be from Oz..

My best buddy and I once spent a month in NZ, fly fishing around both big islands.
Beautiful country. We camped out a little and stayed in a lot of holiday travel parks.
We were invited to spend 3 days pub crawling in Wellington with a guy we had met fishing on the Tongariro River, just upstream from Lake Taupo.

That was about 30 years ago .. I'd love to go back for another visit one of these days....
Man, we saw tons of great looking places to grow weed there...Sativas on the north island and Indicas on the south island...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hey satty,
we have had quite a few frosts ,down to minus 5 ,
i was concerned about the garden , but no damage at all ,
must be happy plants i gather, even the bananas seem fine ..

Hey bud green , yea its an awesome place isnt it , i love New Zealand too,
good people there, very hospitable , i didnt try any pot while i was there , but id like to go again and check that out ...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
hello All ... cricket no, rugby YES!

it's been plurry cold here too Wal. I have some Thai tomato seedlings that I 'm having to bring in each night to save them stress. no frost, but still ... sounds like you had a nice day at the beach ... meeting people ... doing things, I 'll bet.

there's a large part of me that is conservative ... and I 'm wondering bOOm what you want to illustrate yr body for? I like naked bodies to be bare ... and smooth ... and cool ... and stroke stroke lick lick ... aw, fuck sorry everyone, got carried away with thoughts of nudity. thank goodness we've never met bOOm, so I haven't any images of yr stomach or chest. (Hey! just had a thought! put up some pics when yr done!)

oh waffle waffle waffle ... but I feel good this morning!

:laughing: Bwahahahahahahaha :laughing:
Love ya work Sat brother and one day we will meet up bro, I'm alot closer these days than before :)

And yes I like tattoos oops sorry I LOVE Tattoos always have always will, I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea but hey that's what makes the world go round :dance013:


Active member
Things were just starting to pick up in the lounge and some one had to mention man love. :yoinks:
Talk about how to empty a room.

Anyhow, has anyone had any experience with outdoor auto's.
I am looking for a couple of options that will allow me to be all finished before the tin birds arrive at the end of the season.
Also looking at long flowering sativa auto that I can fully finish in a southern location again before the birds arrive.


Active member
actually if you go back a few months, you'll find dude talking about how he likes to watch little boys parts, something like "doesn't it make you get stiff?".

i guess his work establishes him on this board. that's a shame.


I like the sound of growling fighting Tasmanian devils fighting at night, what a sound.


What it is with this Vietnamese OXO rolled weed getting around? If anyone wants to sell tonnes of good cannabis that won't kill you or turn into gravy if you add water, well Southern Qld needs you.

I'm not chasing or trying to buy just stating fact.


Hey folks how's things?

Had some friends say should no longer take pics of plants with iphone
Or post any to stay safe?

Have a few sss going and apparently a Durban poison very stout structure so far on that

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Ozza

That`s the Meta Data they have been debating .
Smart Phones have GPS built in . So records the location and date and time . Wipe the meta data before posting . IC does it automatically when you upload to a gallery .
Other wise you can use a meta data cleaner .

I am astounded the amount of young folks who send SMS messages arranging drug deals . When the cops eventually nab them . Their guilt and history is proven by their telephone . Seen lots of it in court columns in the news papers .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Wasn't me mate, I would never do that shiza. If i have pics, they would be on an old school camera or old digi. Those phones are good for anything unless you want them to know what undies you wear.
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