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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Agree that Barca is more interesting city... atleast is on Meditteranian Sea and not on cold and windy Atlantic shore...

I was in 2000 nine months working and enjoying life in Barca,
love to remember those time with smile as i met some interesting ladies there...,

and i met my present
wife there...even we lived in same city in Croatia we never know
for each other so we needed those Barcelona to unite us... LOL :biggrin:

We married in 2006...

Hmmmm....:chin: now when i think a bit i can give you advice to not to go to Barcelona cause you can get married and maybe
you dont wish this stuff that happends to you...

Anyway... i have only good experiences... same in Barcelona as city or with mine marriage so i belive there is no fear to go there...

Haved mostly Moroccan friends and i get they are very good people,they arrange for me few kinds of hashish,

i mostly choosed those gold-yellow polen hash that mine Moroccan friends called "Gold of Morocco" and it was pricey a bit but worthed
every penny...

your eyes go chinese and red after few tokes... mmmmmmm.... really love to remember those time.... good time for sure.

Barca is a place to have complete fun...

G`day Doggie

So what language were you using ?
I found it hard to meet people other than friends of friends . As the tiny bit of Spanish I knew just baffled the locals . 555 .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
G`day Doggie

So what language were you using ?
I found it hard to meet people other than friends of friends . As the tiny bit of Spanish I knew just baffled the locals . 555 .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

English my dear friend,

need to add that Barcelona is really multicultural,i met there
all Europe nations and few from other parts of World,

i understand that some Spaniard people dont like that you talk
English cause first you are in Spain,and second they really
like if they see you put efforts in learning few Spanish words...

Offcourse i learned some Spanish with this way... and i dont feel
i am poorer cause of this,as they say in Croatia "You worth much more as a person if you speak more languages..." and that rule
stands in life for sure.

You can get more easy some good job with this kind of skills,so if you need to survive in foreign country language is main thing
to made stuff properly.

Must addmit that most of Spaniards understand English very good,much more younger people but older is also good in English,

nothing weird since they are tourist-land.

I will like Elmer you spend some time in France cause they are the
ones that hate to talk English and are pretty cocky if you tryed
to speak in this way with them...

it was not one time we haved problems with French tourists inside
disco i worked... so there i see a true haters of English speaking.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Doggie

Nah the Frenchies were good to me .
Took me in ,fed me and gave me a bed for the night . 1st time in Calais in Nth/ W France then in Pau in the Pyrenees . Good peoples .

I was only in Barca for a cpl of weeks , but I did find it hard to find people who understood my Australian accent .

There are arse holes in every country bro .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Donald Mallard

el duck
Its the accent eb and you talk pretty fast , hehehe ..

gotta relax up here for a few stints and get that slower country talk going , hahaha ..

I recall prof saying they had trouble understanding you at first too ...

i remember the first time i actually heard what my accent sounded like out of oz,
shocked me , i tried to tone it right down ,, im sure it was still plainly obvious,
though i did manage to fool a Canadian guy in Chang Mai once ,

"an ozzie?" he said "sorry i couldnt see the red neck" ,, hahahaha
fun fella , he had to shout me a beer after that though ,, lol ...

Sat X RB

hehehe yes you dont have to worry about social standing at all, imho you and misses sat set a pretty good standard ,
if we can all be so happy , free , and caring as you folks ,
the world would be so much a better place..

im glad i took that extra trip to town that day , would have been disappointed not to have met you guys ...

Aw, Wal ... that's SO NICE of you to say so. Happy, free, and caring. We try real hard to be all the time. it's all to do with the Buddha. all the same Man, has you bin drinkin'?

Sat X RB

Dang it. Was it good as I was nearly going to say yes one night while un sober.

Yes, it is good. don't smoke or vape. made 15 grammes into biscuits. smooth indica stone, without couch lock, cruisy feeling ... just right for driving down the highway. am thinking this might be good medicinal for anxiety reduction.

Sat X RB

hello All ... there seems to be lots of good vibes around the Lounge at present. nice to see there's a fair few of us contributing ...

I 've been around and about. wishing I could get to be in NQ and in SEQ at the same time. silly old bastard ... too much going on!

don't let anyone tell you blokes that retirement is the end of life. it's fuckin not, eh, Noydie?

but my main bitch is the speed of my satellite connection. it's so slow microshit can't update my computer! these msges appear telling me so. as if I could care. (oh, ok, so security might be compromised if I don't update.) fuck you anyway sez I and loaded Linux.

so how's the current interweb situation? the moguls are presently saying Oh sorry for the slow service but we had'nt projected such demand. WHY THE FUCK NOT? too busy spending money on champagne and sheilas to care about the future I 'd guess.

seriously thinking of closing my account and going to town twice a week to use the shire council's free computers ...

the fucking price of freedom!

Dog Star

Active member
G`day Doggie

Nah the Frenchies were good to me .
Took me in ,fed me and gave me a bed for the night . 1st time in Calais in Nth/ W France then in Pau in the Pyrenees . Good peoples .

I was only in Barca for a cpl of weeks , but I did find it hard to find people who understood my Australian accent .

There are arse holes in every country bro .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I am in peace with everybody,only encountered that French dont love to talk English,

to me its totaly understandable this issue as French before was diplomatic language no1,

today is not so there you have sometimes bursts of French EGO if you approach with English language,

i know that every nation and every person haves EGO,same as me,

so how i can hate anybody.

I simply understand... as i know history and geopolitics very well...
and i understand myself.. that is qey to understand them better,
there is no any judging... just encountering facts.

Drinking Paulaner after Guiness Extra Stout is not bad thing...

served at -2C.... pure bliss...:dance013:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Folks

A tip if your travelling in the EU and can`t speak the local lingo .
Look for Phone Shops . Usually run by Sikhs . They speak the local language , but also speak english . Can save some shoe leather ...

I went into a grow shop in Barca . Very friendly but couldn`t understand each other .

20 + C here today Sat RB .
Plants vegging on the NE side of the yard . I will transport to their new homes on the wk end .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Sat X RB

20 + C here today Sat RB .
Plants vegging on the NE side of the yard . I will transport to their new homes on the wk end .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

yes, there was a day last week it got to 31 on our verandah. record temp for July. we might as well enjoy the warmth because later this spring the forecast for is for dry howling gales!

so outdoors people ... don't plant too early!


Well-known member
Heads Up - I got a PM from an apparent Aussie member pittymick asking to do a trade of sorts. No pics posted from that account and reasonably new member. Seems a bit off and wanted to mention it in case anyone else was approached. Cheers Kit

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Kitcha

Langdon will be happy to take his money. 555 .
Refer him to teh Don .

Asking me to send seeds is one thing . Wanting to send me gifts is another story . 1 involves the other party supplying an address to post to. The 2nd involves me giving out an address to a stranger .
Like I said the other week . Unless I know your mum that aint happening .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


lol, just watched Robbie madison riding his m/bike on skies through surf, one hellava ride.
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