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Donald Mallard

el duck
Hey rod,
those guys must have a bad solicitor or something,
that really shouldnt happen ,
the police need proof ,
assumptions are not enough ...

I have been through this a few times ,
they need proof of sales , they need evidence to support it ,
some folks are being screwed over by the system just cause they arent playing the game right or something ,
legal aid solicitor isnt much chop , get a good one guys if u ever have a problem ,
put some coin away for that rainy day ,
and be bloody careful , play a smart game ,
dont leave your pants down for them , stay clean ,
make it as hard as u can for them ..

dont say a word to them ever , they are not your friends ,
call your solicitor immediately , insist on that right ,
and do not talk to them or answer any questions other than your name and address ,
no comment , no comment , no comment ,
i do not wish to make a statement ,
i wish to contact my lawyer ...

dont make it easy for them to screw you any more than they are doing already .
stay safe ...


Active member
i think your right donald , they'll trample all over those they see as an easy target on there way to fill the coffers ...i believe in the states that this has become a huge part of the police budget ..and i do believe the person has people still working on the matter so its not finalised as yet but for it to even get to this stage is deplorable ..and fuck em ..after all it's still only a herb , not a manufactured drug ..i've always enjoyed doing what i do and doing it without stepping on other peoples toes , being honorable , but this is leaving a real sour taste in my mouth , what they're doing is dishonorable ..excuse the rant ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
stoners are often an easy target , they are peaceful,
not much chance of agression , easy to bust , they feel like they need to explain themselves , they are such an easy target ,, tis no wonder they are busted so often vs the harder to deal with guys ... still gets the number up .. be nice if they really cared about our society , but its plain they dont ..
couldnt agree more there kitcha , seems to be exactly how it is ,,

england were guilty of the same , opium wars ,, made them the biggest drug dealers around , and it hasnt stopped , but dont you try to sell your medicine ..


i noticed a while back too that our freedoms here compared to other places have either been slowly eroded , or simply just dont exist ..
aussies do a pretty good job of conning themselves that nothing much has changed and we all live in such a free society ,
they need to leave australia an take a look back like you did ozza,
she looks a whole lot different from a distance ...

most regulated country in the world ,
try doing much without having to get a licence , pay someone a fee , pay tax , insurance , etc etc etc
thats why i have little faith with their future cannabis models ,,
the government here is not about freedom ,
its about taking freedoms away and punishing people ...

I honestly did think I was in the land of the till I smoked some store bought bud and look at the hookers in the window :biggrin:

Wally you hit the nail on the head mate.

Amsterdam had like stairs leading down to floors below ground on the sidewalks, like giant people catching holes. :)
I said to the missus and she agreed that to have one of those in Australia you'd have a safety fence a flashing light and a stop sign operator just to stop drunks falling in. Over there you fall in, your own fault.

I have a plan, work on the fact that they like to regulate shit. Tease that we run a great unregulated market, that they can't get int. Tell them how we don't have licences and we don't pay tax and we don't have to listen to them about doing shit and tell we love it that way. I figure a bit of reverse psychology might get to them and the will start to think of how to get their grubby little hands in on some of the action like growers licences, shopfront they can charge tax Gst and bullshit. Then like magic we trick 'em.:muahaha::wahey::jerkit:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm not to sure about the lack of weed contributing to the uptake of ice. That could be the case with some people, but ultimately it comes down to your drug of choice.....

Something I have noticed over the years is not alot of women smoke herb on a regular basis.....but alot of women like crystal meth...
Meth amphetamine is so addictive that some young women will suck cock or drop there panties just for a taste....This is usually chicks that have no money. This was going on years ago with speed and now ice seems to be all the rage... I do feel sorry for some of these people.

Now....what gets me, is the amount of people that either drink alcohol or take illicit drugs, well and truly out number the amount of completely sober individuals in society.....And yet these conservative people think that there opinion is more important than everyone else, that everyone should live like they do.....They don't seem to understand the concept of Live and let Live...It's more like...You live , the way we tell you to live....Life is to short for that. As an adult, I think we can make our own informed decisions. But there are plenty of ultra conservative individuals and politicians that wont agree. Fascist Bastards.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Ozza

I went to A dam 2 years ago .
Tourist trap ! Expensive accommodation , expensive food , kinda reasonable herb .

Yes you can go to a coffee shop . But you can`t bring your own herb or herb from another coffee shop . You can`t take away more than 5 grams .
And its still illegal to grow in Holland .

Adam is to boost the revenue of Holland not to take care of the locals .
A dam or Rotterdam foreigners allowed to buy herb . Outside those cities no Dutch pass port no herb .
So Holland a less than perfect model .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
looks like England don't like dodgy money no more, is there any other kind?

they don't like organised crime forcing there house prices up:biggrin:,,,
£30 million for a semi in knightsbridge and then leave it empty whilst it rockets in value!!,,,,
they don't like organised crime forcing there house prices up:biggrin:,,,
£30 million for a semi in knightsbridge and then leave it empty whilst it rockets in value!!,,,,

dude ill take 30 bucks to get a semi for someone if needed... but 30 mil just for getting half a bar... now im dreaimng...
ill call him knightbridge if i must..

sorry i had nothing good to add... :tiphat:

stupid goverment laws... making the little man sketchy about medicating.. were not hurting anyone except the goverments not cashing out on us self medicating.. i mean yeah if there growing bulk and supplying the town yeah fair call kick there door in and make an example... (not the dear old couple who got fucked over in seaford) but im saying leave the little perso growers alone..

i want to point out something related to a earlier comment.. its something i dont reallly like to admit..
australias meth problem is horrible.. and i had my bad stage with it.. (years off it now and no regrets) and i was my love for the hobby of canna and me putting all my time effort and energy into my growing and general care for them that helped me stop swinging of a crack pipe as to say.. i hate that i was ever that shit person and hate admiting it but i have to be honest.... judge me if you will ... you can go and eat a fat dick... (best thing is after being at such a low point some of the smallest things can make me genuienely happy)
and i tell you if i was to get locked up for a few plants i grow for personal use and had to hang out with those shitful people 24/7 i could come out and turn towards "ice" again.. (i wouldnt ever go near it again but im sure you's understand the point im making)

well thats my 2 bob on the matter..
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Donald Mallard

el duck
I like this for a quote for your situation mr sista ,

Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

good on you for picking yourself back up and staying on your feet ...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I know the feeling of being down an out all too well, but when you hit absolute rock bottom the only way to go is upwards :good:


thanks for the words of support donald and boom..

i do agree that the only way is up..

i ranted a little before but my main point was if it wasnt for my love of my canna hobby theres chances i would still be living that bad lifestyle.. so the goverment needs to lighten up on the little man growing a bit of smoke..

lovely pic as always noyd.... so green and healthy.. she's a beauty mate..


G`day Ozza

I went to A dam 2 years ago .
Tourist trap ! Expensive accommodation , expensive food , kinda reasonable herb .

Yes you can go to a coffee shop . But you can`t bring your own herb or herb from another coffee shop . You can`t take away more than 5 grams .
And its still illegal to grow in Holland .

Adam is to boost the revenue of Holland not to take care of the locals .
A dam or Rotterdam foreigners allowed to buy herb . Outside those cities no Dutch pass port no herb .
So Holland a less than perfect model .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
I went in 2011 it has been downhill ever since for poor Mokum (Amsterdam). I was there the year the cup got raided. For some reason I didn't want to go to the cup that day, my spider sense was tingling.

They have stopped the weed pass in most places as all it did was lead to too many street dealers. There is very few that are continuing with it. You can grow up to 5 plants, just no lights. They say you can't buy more then 5 grams but if they like you. :) % grams really did last me the day. I can just buy more tomorrow. :) Seen a few nice Q's from Grey Area.
And I smoked and herb from everywhere in any shop. No one stopped me. I did buy in most shops and have a coffee. They also have a law that they can't make you buy weed and if you know it they leave you be as one other rule is that they(the coffeeshop) can't cause trouble? I used Airbnb and got an awesome flat for 5 weeks for pretty cheap and I found heaps of good priced food, but I used a website full of stoners from another site too help me with that. Ribs for 10 bucks was frigging awesome.
If you didn't find good herb they didn't like you, I seen the dealers do it to heaps of dude. Especially in the last week when all the poor Americans rocked up. Lucky I was local by then.

I made them like me though. Shook every bud tenders hand, talked to heaps of Cannabis legends by mistake, like Mila from the pollinator, I thought I was having a smoke and drink in the bar of the Hemp hotel with just some old bird until I said something stupid about Hash making. She quickly notified me I knew didley squat, being Aussie and a smart ass I said" How do you know?" One of her joints later and after she told me who she was, I felt like I knew didley squat.:)

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Ozza

Barcelona .
30 % Cheaper ,better weather , better buds and Canna clubs much more classy than the worn out old coffee shops .
Only draw back not many Spaniards speak english .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
G`day Ozza

Barcelona .
30 % Cheaper ,better weather , better buds and Canna clubs much more classy than the worn out old coffee shops .
Only draw back not many Spaniards speak english .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Agree that Barca is more interesting city... atleast is on Meditteranian Sea and not on cold and windy Atlantic shore...

I was in 2000 nine months working and enjoying life in Barca,
love to remember those time with smile as i met some interesting ladies there...,

and i met my present
wife there...even we lived in same city in Croatia we never know
for each other so we needed those Barcelona to unite us... LOL :biggrin:

We married in 2006...

Hmmmm....:chin: now when i think a bit i can give you advice to not to go to Barcelona cause you can get married and maybe
you dont wish this stuff that happends to you...

Anyway... i have only good experiences... same in Barcelona as city or with mine marriage so i belive there is no fear to go there...

Haved mostly Moroccan friends and i get they are very good people,they arrange for me few kinds of hashish,

i mostly choosed those gold-yellow polen hash that mine Moroccan friends called "Gold of Morocco" and it was pricey a bit but worthed
every penny...

your eyes go chinese and red after few tokes... mmmmmmm.... really love to remember those time.... good time for sure.

Barca is a place to have complete fun...


G`day Ozza

Barcelona .
30 % Cheaper ,better weather , better buds and Canna clubs much more classy than the worn out old coffee shops .
Only draw back not many Spaniards speak english .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

soy simon el hermano Elmer bud

Next stop mate. Good a friend I have to thank for a M8 (Clue to spelling think strain)
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