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ICMag Donor
aussie government debating legalization in march

aussie government debating legalization in march

after just signing the e petition re legal status of cannabis in the uk,,, i followed a link that states that the aussie powers intend to debate the legalization of cannabis in march,,sorry cant cut and paste but seems like the debate will go ahead,,,,,s2:tiphat:

Donald Mallard

el duck
Im fairly sure they wont let us grow it doggie ,
they dont let us grow opium , or tobacco , those are both illegal to grow , but available as medicine via prescription , or at the tobacconist , not grown by consumers or users ..

I very much doubt they will allow us to medicate ourselves ,
thats dangerous in their opinions ,
if we want to grow pot , we will have to force the issue ,
aussies are an apathetic bunch , it may not happen ...

Dog Star

Active member
Same here brethren in Croatia,

they will aloud medical but will buy Bedrocan weed and sell to people on price of
35 Euros per gram...

And we have a land where MJ can be grown with ease,lot of sunny hours and
pretty stabile climate,specialy in South... but still they will do that stupid way..

Weird country..weird laws and weird heads that think for us..


Active member
I believe once the FTA with the US is signed it wont be long.
In the fine print there is a lot of standardisation of standards and laws that will affect our every day lives.
Our gov will not be able to resist the forces of globalisation.
Even if we cant grow the product it will be on the shelf with the ciggies and booze.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I believe once the FTA with the US is signed it wont be long.
In the fine print there is a lot of standardisation of standards and laws that will affect our every day lives.
Our gov will not be able to resist the forces of globalisation.
Even if we cant grow the product it will be on the shelf with the ciggies and booze.

ewww i dont want it on the shelf like ciggies and booze really , i dont like supermarkets and their produce either .
i wonder what sort of punishment they are gonna hand down to us that want to grow our own ...
maybe it could get worse than now ,, avoiding federal taxes etc

thats my fear ,, while we are clicking our heels , we are having the rug pulled out from under our feet ...


Active member
ewww i dont want it on the shelf like ciggies and booze really , i dont like supermarkets and their produce either .
i wonder what sort of punishment they are gonna hand down to us that want to grow our own ...
maybe it could get worse than now ,, avoiding federal taxes etc

thats my fear ,, while we are clicking our heels , we are having the rug pulled out from under our feet ...

I am not a big fan of the generics that we are offered but on the whole you just have to cop it.

As a hobbiest I will continue to grow in one form or another for quality and diversity but there wont be any financial incentive as there is now.

Hopefully punishments for personal will disappear on at least a misdemeanour type thing. Having said that our nanny state cant make up laws and fines fast enough.


Nothing will happen while evryone keeps on Bullshitting and sitting on their arse. Me included.


just heard a bit on wireless about a trail is about to start [ I think] on med canna not sure what state it was, nsw?


Active member
Nothing will happen while evryone keeps on Bullshitting and sitting on their arse. Me included.

Bullshitting, talking out my ass or informed discussion make of it what you want. At least we are giving it air time.
In the last 12 months I have had to explain to several health care workers why I use cannabis that doesn't get you stoned.
Without the discussion and knowledge gained here I would not be able to spread the word.


Keep going like that and it will be legal in no time hey. My point was no one is active in any reform at all. It has been discussed enough. The word is spread and still no action. In the last 12 months I've had many more discussions then several, probably into the hundreds. I try to inform a new person everyday. Still aint doing shit to legalise it. It wasn't a personal attack either mate, surely you can see with your own eyes Aussies aren't doing enough.


Active member
Keep going like that and it will be legal in no time hey. My point was no one is active in any reform at all. It has been discussed enough. The word is spread and still no action. In the last 12 months I've had many more discussions then several, probably into the hundreds. I try to inform a new person everyday. Still aint doing shit to legalise it. It wasn't a personal attack either mate, surely you can see with your own eyes Aussies aren't doing enough.

Yeah Aussies are a pretty apathetic bunch.
Change is happening, it should start to gain a bit of momentum in the near future.
I dont go shoving my views down peoples throats or any thing like that. If it comes up for discussion I will chime in and normally leave it at that. It is only the last couple of years that I have been able to openly talk on the issue to non stoners due to family, career and security issues.
The legal status doesn't really bother me as much as some. I will keep on doing what I have done for decades. If things get better its a bonus.
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Yeah well I seen what Amsterdam has to offer in a way of freedom, it bothers me lots. Like a cell got created around me when I got home. I realised for the first time ever, in my home land, I am truly not free.

Walking to shop to get the paper and milk and stopping by the coffeeshop at 9am in the morning to peruse AK 47, White widow, Skunk, G13, Cheese and then deciding on the silver bubble for the brekky ses. Strolling off down the road happy and smelling freedom.

That's what I want.

Donald Mallard

el duck
i noticed a while back too that our freedoms here compared to other places have either been slowly eroded , or simply just dont exist ..
aussies do a pretty good job of conning themselves that nothing much has changed and we all live in such a free society ,
they need to leave australia an take a look back like you did ozza,
she looks a whole lot different from a distance ...

most regulated country in the world ,
try doing much without having to get a licence , pay someone a fee , pay tax , insurance , etc etc etc
thats why i have little faith with their future cannabis models ,,
the government here is not about freedom ,
its about taking freedoms away and punishing people ...


Active member
This is fucked and makes me paranoid and wonder if I should stop doing what I do ?
Then again I guess everyone is taking a risk

it certainly is fucked goldust ..so they have now lost their house to the crown under the proceeds of crime act ...more and more i'm also becoming paranoid , concerned , call it what you want but this has become more than just a seizure under the proceeds of crime act ..the police minister condones this by saying that these tough new laws are a response to the growing epidemic of ice !! wtf has this got to do with that ...i certainly think that the lack of weed contributes to the uptake of ice ...i resided in nsw back in the eighties and some of you would remember operation "banana" , where the police conducted a cannabis eradication program , if i remember correctly they removed 66,000 plants from the northern coastal region and overnight , because of the shortage of weed , speed became the norm ..and that is still happening , though now we have meth ..we will always have drugs in our communities so wouldn't it be better to have the softer option ...a mate was raided last year , for a few plants , and his assets were seized and he had quite a discussion with the detective in charge about this at the time ,about the growing use of ice versus weed , and he agreed with him ,also saying that the lack of pot created more problems , eg ..ice ..but what to do ? has this draconian law been tested in the high court ? surely if receipts can be produced showing that the house etc was obtained legally then that would be enough , i mean how can this thievery still happen ..i'm fucking angry about this , what can we do ..ok , i might be a bit naive here but like someone said a while ago , we are a apathetic bunch ..i've just rang the abc , discreetly , and had a chat with a reporter about running an article from a grower about all of this ..its something ...the person was very interested about this ..do we all sit on our arses and just take this or do we all unite , somehow ! fucked if i know , did i say i was angry ! i would like to think that if it happened to me that someone would go into bat for me ..sorry i'm not that articulate , but you get the drift ....

Dog Star

Active member
it certainly is fucked goldust ..so they have now lost their house to the crown under the proceeds of crime act ...more and more i'm also becoming paranoid , concerned , call it what you want but this has become more than just a seizure under the proceeds of crime act ..the police minister condones this by saying that these tough new laws are a response to the growing epidemic of ice !! wtf has this got to do with that ...i certainly think that the lack of weed contributes to the uptake of ice ...i resided in nsw back in the eighties and some of you would remember operation "banana" , where the police conducted a cannabis eradication program , if i remember correctly they removed 66,000 plants from the northern coastal region and overnight , because of the shortage of weed , speed became the norm ..and that is still happening , though now we have meth ..we will always have drugs in our communities so wouldn't it be better to have the softer option ...a mate was raided last year , for a few plants , and his assets were seized and he had quite a discussion with the detective in charge about this at the time ,about the growing use of ice versus weed , and he agreed with him ,also saying that the lack of pot created more problems , eg ..ice ..but what to do ? has this draconian law been tested in the high court ? surely if receipts can be produced showing that the house etc was obtained legally then that would be enough , i mean how can this thievery still happen ..i'm fucking angry about this , what can we do ..ok , i might be a bit naive here but like someone said a while ago , we are a apathetic bunch ..i've just rang the abc , discreetly , and had a chat with a reporter about running an article from a grower about all of this ..its something ...the person was very interested about this ..do we all sit on our arses and just take this or do we all unite , somehow ! fucked if i know , did i say i was angry ! i would like to think that if it happened to me that someone would go into bat for me ..sorry i'm not that articulate , but you get the drift ....

Thats a proof that goverment push hard drogs on a street...

i am glad you talk this story as something simmilar we haved here
in a time when War starts in Croatia...

then some goverment structures and intelligence together with high ranked politicians and Albanian mafia bringed lot of heroine here,
in same time police was supress cannabis much harder than those heroine on a street,there was even public opinnion that they save heroine dillers and supress canna-sellers,

and a lot of young people died and their famillies was suffer cause of that,

there was even examples when police dog founded 500 kg of cocaine on ship terminal and they get later that high ranked general
in Croatian army is interconnected with this,

anyway he wasnt long in prison...

So this your story about operation "Banana" have so much simmilarity to stuff i was see around self in 90ies...

think we get all kind of bananas from ours goverments...

hope in future human specie will overcome politics and democracy... and maybe build better society.
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