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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Boom

They are waiting for the bugs to be ironed out in the regulation in the states .
Then big dollars will lobby and it will happen very quickly . Once the US fed Gov changes its laws the flood gates will open . ATM The DEA and IRS loom over any international trade .
Canukistan Prez wants legalisation . Oz likes to follow Canadian and Dutch models .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


The NSW gumbyment has already sold some medicinal THC testing rights to a German pharm company, it has some underhanded clause that if THC is legal there the Germans have first option to offer it for sale. Have not seen the paperwork myself but this is what I am told.

Arranged a meeting with my local mp to chat about legalising cannabis, they were very interested to start off with and exchanged emails. Then they said their boss has put out a gag order from talking to those self medicating, growing your own medication, or anything involving THC, only allowed to talk about CBD, and refined forms of cannabis like a pharmaceutical company would supply.

In SA I feel things are going backwards not forward. They have weed in with the war against outlaw gangs, as the SA gangs got so powerful from weed when it was an on the spot fine for commercial grow.

This looks interesting


Merry did we meet.
Merry shall we part.
Merry shall we meet again.

Dog Star

Active member
Croatia doctors claim Cannabis is not good for PTSD... they become best knowledgble
overnight about Cannabis and strong lead in knowledge about Cannabis in a hole Universe now...

Still they claim that all those pharma garbage is great for your body what they prescribe
for PTSD will made you miracles,you need just to belive them and you will be very nice...

Will love that asteroid falls on them for their humanitarian issues..


Cannabis is the only thing that helps my PTSD, when I told my shrink would not take their medication anymore, he took it personaly, even had my welfare payments stopped.

My Missus does something called Theta healing, this and cannabis has made a big difference in 2 friends quality of life.

Be nice if the asteroid open their minds, would make to much of a mess if it fell on them, shit splatters.


"Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open"
Frank Zappa

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore

G`day Sat

Its about doing stuff locally to help the community .
That script at the top is a link to a you tube infomercial .

The sovereign citizens thing is a joke usually perpetuated by mentally ill folks it seems .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Sat

No Face Book for me bro .
Waste of time and energy as far as I`m concerned .

Thanks for sharin

EB .




~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I would like to say a BIG Thank You :thank you: to my mates on here who have reached out to me lately with support and Good Vibes :thank you:
It warms the heart to have people you haven't even met in person, take time out of their day to even just ask, How ya doing mate?? Anything I can do for you just ask, stuff like that makes me feel good and very appreciative of my many friends on here @ ICMag :gday:
True Blue Aussies with good bloody hearts and down to earth spirits, Fucking Awesome :gday:


Active member
so the last few nights we have had a couple of news stories that christmas island will have WAs's first medical marijuana grow ..just caught the very end of both `stories so really don't know whats happening ...anyone know ?

Sat X RB

G`day Sat

No Face Book for me bro .
Waste of time and energy as far as I`m concerned .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

yeah. yeah. well I think it's like waveguide's signature above:

"where there is Certainty, consideration is absent ..."

and probly 'pride cometh before a fall' and other stuff like that about egotism and only seeing what yer wanna see ...

imagine! some members here say they are communication snobs ... so much for the mind-expanding effects of Cannabis.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey Sat....Howdy doody. I don't consider myself to be a communication snob.....Admittedly, I'm just out right anti social.
I don't talk to many people and really don't feel the need to.

In this small town that I live, rumours and bullshit seem to be constant..... Some people seem to live for it...There life seems to be a never ending drama....

Personally, I want nothing to do with any of that, I prefer to keep to
myself and mind my own business... Each to there own I suppose.

Merry Christmas to you and the wife, along with with every one else.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
yeah. yeah. well I think it's like waveguide's signature above:

"where there is Certainty, consideration is absent ..."

and probly 'pride cometh before a fall' and other stuff like that about egotism and only seeing what yer wanna see ...

imagine! some members here say they are communication snobs ... so much for the mind-expanding effects of Cannabis.

G`day Sat

Sorry bro your getting too cryptic for me to be able to understand your message .

The mind expanding effects of cannabis tell me Face Book is trouble .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
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