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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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This offer worth also for kiwi fruits,

first 10 PMs will get seeds... have prepared 10 envelopes just now
i need some safe addresses to send them there...

Its a Christmass time in the end... :santa1:

Hi Dog Star tried to PM you, maybe not a member long enough to know how. Could really do with some beans, my email is [email protected].

Good health to you, your family and friends over the silly season.


Bug Scissor Hand
Can be done bugman, anything from Amsterdam is the flag I hear.

Can be done bug, like anything coming into OZ it's a numbers game bro, most get through some don't :chin: though bulky packages will get opened when normal style letters due to the abundance of them coming through the OZ mail system seem to find their destination without too much drama, it is hit and miss though brother as I for one have actually lost over $1000aud worth of genetics back in the day when I was a seed junky that couldn't get enough :biglaugh: Oh well shit happens and I still have my freedom :woohoo:


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day BM , Doggie

Seeds from Holland don`t make it .
From Belgium , Germany, Spain , Portugal and France no probs . USA no probs either . I wouldn`t be confident about SE asian countries though ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Shit guys I didn't mean by saying that seeds can get through to open up a free for all swap seed meet here in the OZ Lounge :yoinks:
There is a Terms Of Use for this website and we must adhere to the rules if we want to stay members, if the offending posts are not fixed by the end of today then I will have no choice but to get posts deleted, Thank You All.


Bug Scissor Hand

Gorilla Bubble #1 its a male,my last seed,i thought about berading it,but this is the slowest growing one ive ever had about 6month only 37 "in tall + has verry little aroma,not real sticky just not what im looking for in this male.

Dog Star

Active member
Offerings edited... sorry folks and Boom,

those altruism only made me anxious,i forget on TOU and for a moment i was in some
"personal" utophia World where sharing is alouded...

Sad Santa it will be this year...

Donald Mallard

el duck
hehehhee ,
good on you dog star,
im sure it was all taken in the fashion you delivered ,
no problems , no foul , just a kind soul that likes to share ,
nothing wrong with that at all imho ...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yes I'm not trying to be a DICK about the seed offerings at all, it is JUST NOT ALLOWED here @ ICMag, and I understand that English may not be someone's first language either and that is taken into account.
Just trying to look out for my fellow stoners/members that's all :tiphat:
Kind Regards



Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Boom

I saw what was up .
But put my foot in my mouth as well . All`s well that ends well but .

@ Doggie
You thought you were up the street at another place eh ?
One of these days Doggie , one of these days bro ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
Atleast somewanne understand me properly here...

Thank you Wally,you are a real friend.

hehehhee ,
good on you dog star,
im sure it was all taken in the fashion you delivered ,
no problems , no foul , just a kind soul that likes to share ,
nothing wrong with that at all imho ...

Dog Star

Active member
Was wrong and sayed sorry... was edited posts and change things... was give offer cause Boom told in post before that you get hard seeds there..

Some of your last words sound like threat Elmer,now i dont ask that you need to be mine friend but there is also no need to be

Wish you best


G`day Boom

I saw what was up .
But put my foot in my mouth as well . All`s well that ends well but .

@ Doggie
You thought you were up the street at another place eh ?
One of these days Doggie , one of these days bro ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Doggie

If I wanted to be rude or nasty I wouldn`t hide it bro .
I would tell you straight .

The offer you made is ok elsewhere ,maybe you forgot the TOU here ? Is part of my post .

What I meant by one day Doggie. I meant ; was one day I will get around to growing your seeds bro .Been putting it off too many times .

I have praised your work to my friends .

So lets not get our communication confused here .
Nothin but love .

I also edited my earlier post so the conversation is not as it happened .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Offerings edited... sorry folks and Boom,

those altruism only made me anxious,i forget on TOU and for a moment i was in some
"personal" utophia World where sharing is alouded...

Sad Santa it will be this year...

:laughing::biggrin: I'm pretty sure only TOU cares.

Dog Star

Active member
Excuse me Elmer,

now i sees i go totaly off road....

Sorry,was send PM your way..

G`day Doggie

If I wanted to be rude or nasty I wouldn`t hide it bro .
I would tell you straight .

The offer you made is ok elsewhere ,maybe you forgot the TOU here ? Is part of my post .

What I meant by one day Doggie. I meant ; was one day I will get around to growing your seeds bro .Been putting it off too many times .

I have praised your work to my friends .

So lets not get our communication confused here .
Nothin but love .

I also edited my earlier post so the conversation is not as it happened .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
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