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Well-known member
Got some type of jaw problem where all my teeth on the right side of my mouth are really sore like I've jammed my teeth deep into my gums, fuck knows. Tired of having paracetomols and ibuprofen so I made some cookies,
They do the trick awesomely to. Seeing I have only really had a body stone a couple times in my life, unsure of the strength, thinking they could be stronger. The g13 x diesel cut I was given is coming along nice as well.
Couple if the females I been putting aside too.

My apologies for the lack of quality in the photos.
See ya's :wave:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Starting up very nicely there bnb :good:
G13 X Diesel is an interesting blend of genetics, I'll be watching with a close eye on how that one performs for you outdoors mate :chin:
:plant grow:


Got some type of jaw problem where all my teeth on the right side of my mouth are really sore like I've jammed my teeth deep into my gums, fuck knows. Tired of having paracetomols and ibuprofen so I made some cookies, [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64761&pictureid=1535796&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
They do the trick awesomely to. Seeing I have only really had a body stone a couple times in my life, unsure of the strength, thinking they could be stronger. The g13 x diesel cut I was given is coming along nice as well. [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1535789&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Couple if the females I been putting aside too.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1535791&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1535790&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
My apologies for the lack of quality in the photos.
See ya's :wave:

Clove oil and Coltsfoot(toothache plant) are good for sore teeth and gums.


Well-known member
Starting up very nicely there bnb :good:
G13 X Diesel is an interesting blend of genetics, I'll be watching with a close eye on how that one performs for you outdoors mate :chin:
:plant grow:

I had this exact cut three years ago, but then the pigs come a knocking and took it away from me before I ever had a chance to finish her. I'm really happy I have another chance.

Clove oil and Coltsfoot(toothache plant) are good for sore teeth and gums.

Hey Ozza thanks a lot for that!, I've known about cloves, but coltsfoot is new. Much appreciated! :wave:



Dog Star

Active member
Its a migrant crysis propaganda but painted in positive manner like there are some good from Arabic migrant people... Banksy also can paint some of this French terrorists that blow their self in Paris recently...

but i guess that will be a negative propaganda impact.. and is not so cool to see..

this blade have for sure two edges..,

its just depend what wolf they feeding... ;)

There was only one Steve Jobs and there are thousends terrorists
that have plan to come to West... and somehow i realise i can easily live whithouth iphone or anything that Steve Jobs created
or made this Earth own him...

Banksy is too political whithouth looking in real state of things,he sounds like Angela and Claude-Juncker... and this kind of politics
and false altruistics already give lot of negativity as people have already huge issues with migrant crysis in lot of European countries.

Banksy sucks and works for NWO.. pushing their agenda..

View Image


Active member
it's more the simple, obvious fact of false advocacy

ideologically, socially, eliminate the competition, or misrepresent them

exactly like "good cop bad cop" - both lead you to the same destination, but "one's on your side"

who is more attractive to the public? some grim, traumatised truther, or some hip entertainer who gives them the slick processed image they're accustomed to, and makes them feel comfortable that they're getting the "inside line".

plus false advocactes know how to keep people entertained and "feeling human" instead of all the uncomfortable confrontation that comes with the real fucking war of cultural subversion and fucking the world over so you can drill it's ass.

it's no fucking question, power struggles have used false advocacy since prehistoric times. unfortunately, it's the modern dinosaur brain that is prepared to absolutely trust the medium they feel comfortable with and swallows all the bullshit it can about "people who out the freemasons are crazy, laugh at them, you know how"

if you can't tell you're being fucked, you have no self respect or respect for other people, and that pretty much covers the lot.

when you find out that "anonymous has declared war on donand trump" you better fucken figure it might as well be donald fucken duck. anonymous are not real freedom fighters, they are there to keep you distracted and dumb or whatever else is going. fucken obvious. it's just more comfortable to keep your head in the sand and die comfortable.


Active member
you know how to spot a false advocate in the world today?

1) you can see them

2) they have got their mouth open

and they probably seem as normal as dirt, huh. but maybe slightly satanic or negative when they can rub, to keep you all paranoid and fearful consuming and doing the herd normal shit.


Active member
you especially want to look out for people that make you feel comfortable or act friendly and cool, to contrast the people who are all fucked and screaming about shit and make them look like dickheads.

"ain't no troubles here"

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
it's more the simple, obvious fact of false advocacy

ideologically, socially, eliminate the competition, or misrepresent them

exactly like "good cop bad cop" - both lead you to the same destination, but "one's on your side"

who is more attractive to the public? some grim, traumatised truther, or some hip entertainer who gives them the slick processed image they're accustomed to, and makes them feel comfortable that they're getting the "inside line".

plus false advocactes know how to keep people entertained and "feeling human" instead of all the uncomfortable confrontation that comes with the real fucking war of cultural subversion and fucking the world over so you can drill it's ass.

it's no fucking question, power struggles have used false advocacy since prehistoric times. unfortunately, it's the modern dinosaur brain that is prepared to absolutely trust the medium they feel comfortable with and swallows all the bullshit it can about "people who out the freemasons are crazy, laugh at them, you know how"

if you can't tell you're being fucked, you have no self respect or respect for other people, and that pretty much covers the lot.

when you find out that "anonymous has declared war on donand trump" you better fucken figure it might as well be donald fucken duck. anonymous are not real freedom fighters, they are there to keep you distracted and dumb or whatever else is going. fucken obvious. it's just more comfortable to keep your head in the sand and die comfortable.

G`day Wave Guide

What the fck has that spiel got to do with the price of eggs in China ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
a few thousand plants ripped by fed rippers in NSW last week?View Image

G`day Noyd

3000 plants = $6 million dollar crop .
That`s average of $2000 a plant . They are getting more realistic in their valuations .
Though I doubt those Indicas would have yielded a half pound each .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
Can you all guess fom a leaf shape what genetics are included...!? ;) hehehehehehe

Still it looks very good maintained,i am sorry cause of guys no matter that i dont grow big...
lot of working hours are there..


Well-known member
Hey all!, hope everyone's been having a good last few days. I've been busy scoping spots in the bush. Found some awesome ones that get light from 9-10 am up until 4-5pm. I think more light gets in there, but those hours are the only ones I've observed. I'm just gonna plant maybe 4 plants each spot, I've got three spots. Just trying to keep my eggs out of the same basket with that maize plan I have going to. I'll post some pics soon. I've got a really weird plant, it has two Apical meristems, kind of like a dog with two heads. I havn't topped this seedling and it's lateral spacing is inanely dense, to the point where it has actually has shoots growing on top of one another, when I get a decent camera I shall take pictures as I'm very curious.
Keep safe
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