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Dog Star

Active member
Maybe you love more older Pink Floyds,their song "You Got To Be Crazy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyjxDp_o-Ys


You gotta be crazy, you gotta be mean
You gotta keep your kids and your car clean
You gotta keep climbing, you gotta keep fit
You gotta keep smiling, you gotta eat shit

You gotta be small to be a big shot
You gotta eat meat to stay at the top
You gotta be trusted, gotta tell lies
You gotta be able to narrow your eyes

You gotta beleive they've gotta beleive you
You gotta appear easy to see through
Gotta be sure you look good on the TV
Gotta resemble a human being

You gotta keep one eye over your shoulder
Gonna get harder as you get older
Gotta fly south and hide in the sand
Gotta forget that you're gonna get cancer

And when you loose control
You'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows
The bad blood slows and turns to stone

And it's too late to loose the weight
You used to need to throw around
So have a good drown
As you go down
Dragged down by the stone

Gotta be sure, you gotta be quick
Gotta divide the tame from the sick
Gotta keep some of us docile and fit
You gotta keep everyone burying this shit

You gotta get you started early
Processed by the time you're thirty
Work like fuck 'till you're sixty five
And then your time's your own until you die

I gotta admit to a lot of confusion
Pain in the head is the child of collusion
Gotta resist the creeping malaise
You gotta beleive in the way you get out of the maze

But you, you just keep on pretending
You can tell a sucker from a friend
But you still raise the knife to
Stranger, lover, friend and foe alike

Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was sent out to play on his own
Who was raised on a diet of shame
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with bridle and bit
Who was given a seat in the stand
Who was forcing his way to the rails
Who was offered a place on the board
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone


Well-known member
How has everyone's day gone? I've been weeding out the males in my masses of seedlings, will post some pictures soon.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day B n B

Pretty steady day .
Trimmed up a cpl of oz . Then smoked some along with the scissor hash . Pretty fckin high right now . You ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
G`day B n B

Pretty steady day .
Trimmed up a cpl of oz . Then smoked some along with the scissor hash . Pretty fckin high right now . You ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Sounds good, just mucking around in the garden. Here a a few photos, nothing pretty and pretty bad camera sorry. first lot are from a week ago or so and the next lot are from a couple of days ago.

Sat X RB

good morning Everyone.

haven't been able to login here since 27 of last month due to crappy satellite internet but you've been doing well without me by the looks. obviously the season is in full swing.

the weather's drying out. storms have held little rain so we have a 'green drought' around here. good for cannabis tho.

how are you settling in bOOM?

Hey Dog Star! you would be an Existentialist would you not? do you like my new Signature?

Cheers All!

Dog Star

Active member
Ye bro,yesterday i reading that people who like signatures
have inner head problems and issues with personal inteligence...

so i thinked to erase mine signature... what you think about this?? :biggrin: LOL

And about existensialism i dont know... to me all people look like
existenialists as they try to survive in this crazy World,

it looks like defoult feature that is implement in every being there...

Wish you best Sat :tiphat:


good morning Everyone.

haven't been able to login here since 27 of last month due to crappy satellite internet but you've been doing well without me by the looks. obviously the season is in full swing.

the weather's drying out. storms have held little rain so we have a 'green drought' around here. good for cannabis tho.

how are you settling in bOOM?

Hey Dog Star! you would be an Existentialist would you not? do you like my new Signature?

Cheers All!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Heya Sat my brother :wave: Great to hear from you mate :good: Me and the pups are doing well bro, it's not the best situation but it's not bad either, I just keep my chin up and keep searching for the silver lining everyday.
Sounds like the weather is sotra of playing nice for you down your way bro, good to hear, makes me jealous I still can't grow at this point in time but I'll just live through you and all the rest of the brothers and sisters on here who crank out the dank :woohoo:
Next time you in the hood this way let me know, Wally has my hookup so don't be a stranger and lets all get stoned together :woohoo:
:smoke out:


Well-known member
Hope everybody's having a good night, I'm off to plant 20 plants a maize field in the next few days. I've got access to about 5 paddocks of decent size to spot my way through. First time doing this, bonus is the farm's also in a no fly zone, no pesticides and cow shit being the only fert used prior to maize going down.
Keep safe.

Sat X RB

Saved by the Missus!

Saved by the Missus!

The Missus and I had been grumbling. The dope we were eating had nasty body effects … nausea, weakness, moments of blurred fucking vision … so the lid hadn't been off the biscuit tin for a few days and She and I were starting to get snappy with each other. Well actually I was the one getting snappy. Dope or no dope the Missus smiles almost all the time. The sex goes downhill though.

See, over the months the Missus and I had eaten our way through last season's stash and we were down to the Kush/Malawi cross pictured in one of my Albums here. The effects were so bad that we'd come to thinking the nasty body effects probably stemmed from the generations of fear and blood spilled in African fields. We didn't know really. It just felt like that.

Now, my Missus is the strong one of Us. She can go longer without dope than I can. So I have to wait a while before She realises She's hanging out too and gets to seeing the problem like I do. I don't mind the wait too much because the thing is … that the Missus is what they call Intuitive. Solutions and ideas come before She even realises they're needed. It's like part of Her exists in a parallel universe … and that part of Her is very clever indeed!

Anyway … just to show today was going to be different, the Post Office lady rings up first thing in the morning saying there are two parcels for us and one of them needs signing. Ever hopeful I think: Yippee! Someone has mailed us a dope parcel! So I goes in the ute to fetch them, brings them home … and the parcels turn out to contain two frail china mugs you could crush with your lips and some things called Coasters which I always thought was the name of a type of boat anyway … with Pansies on them in a putrid purple colour called 'Plum'.

Pansies? Plum? FUCK OFF!! (This is TRUE! I intend no homophobia.)

You will understand that my Distress became visible then. No tears. But a definite downturn to the smiley parts. In fact my beard had begun to wilt when the Missus looks at me and says in her jolly-Hubby-along-voice: Let's go and see if any volunteers have come up in Peter's old garden, shall we … ?

So She took my hand and led me through the forest. Together we went uphill and down again a couple of times, and then through the box trees … and past the turkeys nest that never got finished probably because a fox got the turkeys… and there among the weeds in the garden was an f2 California Kush X, a meter high, crystally and perfectly dried! The sight rang my bell, I tell ya!! And I reached over the wire, tugged the plant free and shook the dirt off the roots. Then we walked home again feeling smug … and believing there must be a Cannabis god ...

then back on our verandah some time later, plant stripped and sieved into the powder we prefer for our recipes, I cleaned my fingers of trim hash ... used a lighter to heat up the little black ball … and spread the sooty stuff evenly as I could on an Arnotts Wheatmeal biscuit … broke the biscuit in two and gave half to the Missus who had just come out with a cup of tea …

And since then our day has been pretty near perfect.

Cheers All ...

Sat X RB

Still stoned from Last Nite ... forgot to include the photo ... !

Still stoned from Last Nite ... forgot to include the photo ... !


Donald Mallard

el duck
Thank goodness u didnt have to stay straight too long satty,
i feel for those that dont imbibe , what a sharp and pointy world they must live in ...




~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yep I think Australia is just going to sit around with our thumb up our arse humming and ahhing about who does what trial and when :nono:
God forbid they open their eyes and take notice of all the trials and results and scientific papers from around the world that's all ready been done :chin:
Shits me to tears I tell ya :cry:
Sorry guys I haven't had a smoke in weeks and been stuck taking bloody oxys for back and neck pain and it's all bringing me down :faint: with trials this and trials that.
Anyways chin up and move forward :gday:


Sat you made me hungry.

Boom I feel for ya, I'm allergic to that shit so I only have one remedy which is illegal and I just can't have at the moment. Safe to say the back is feeling it.
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