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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis


no, fudge you.

not all of us are selfish enough to put our family at risk. (*edit* no shade to those that do it... some of my heroes fit this category... i was using hyperbole cause i'm me lol... i dunno what anyone else's situation is)

also, double fudge you for victim shaming/ blaming :p

(edited cause f-ck being negative)
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Well-known member
(Cough) so yeah...if mithri had said no we cant get transgressive segregated phenos from selfed females i would've gone on blast..
But we're good to go...dont line lock bad traits newbs


Active member
Weed smokers used to not give a fuck, now bitches are too pussy to grow more than their legal allowance so turn to FEM seeds. FUCK YOU. Get your balls back somehow and grow more plants. Again, FUCK YOU.
Some people have more to lose in the real world, because their lives no longer revolve around a plant. My family is not going to be punished for my decisions anymore. To me, my personal growth became more important than being high all the time.

It has nothing to do with being a pussy. Grow the fuck up!


Active member
I used to grow weed when it was totally illegal. Because the laws were wrong and weed should be 100% legal and free like tomatoes and I didn't give a fuck. The laws are still wrong and people should be able to grow as many weed plants as they want, just like I could with poppies if I fkin wanted to. People who don't stand up for that, first and foremost, you kind of suck.
2nd people who want to grow the legal amount, fine I have no problem with that. But when the gene pool of cannabis is being hyperinbred so that people who SHOULD be flaunting these little quotas are potentially damaging the genepool so that they don't have to deal with MALES it does not seem to be worth the tradeoff to me at least. I fear soon regular seeds will be completely unavailable. Some breeders are also working on a parthenogenic variety that can't even be pollinated if tried, whether with reversed females or males. AKA Terminator seeds, and most people already with fem seeds are halfway there.


Well-known member
all I was saying the flowers I've been smoking I got from somebody seems selfed a lot and is like smoking a weed and doubt any canna might be like a strawberry fruit by taste. The wild kind. I'm next to a huge fields of Hemp hehe. I started growing outside when it wasn't legal also but canna always effed me up when i smoked mid teens. but at one point it was enjoyable to trip but sometimes we get effed. I've read it breaks down to quinoloin or something and fluroquinolone is an antibiotic
So I thought what about compounds produced what we could cure and ferment. Yeah I smoke though. The canna and tobacco makes me feel deep sadness of some sort sometimes. But I'm not turning my back. Ruining family moments so I could smoke a j and get effed up inside.

I'm trying to contribute to the thread and pull my own weight but can't. I edited the post.
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
A lot of sh1t gets talked about this subject and always has been.... all the breeding methods fem or reg are perfectly valid and can produce great results or bad results..

one thing that seldom gets mentioned about males is their potential to ruin a crop. If your neighbour is lazy or short sighted and leaves a male to flower... your whole sensi crop can get seeded. (or your seed crop polluted)
in that situation you would wish that your lazy neighbour was growing stable fems !


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
one thing that seldom gets mentioned about males is their potential to ruin a crop. If your neighbour is lazy or short sighted and leaves a male to flower... your whole sensi crop can get seeded. (or your seed crop polluted)
in that situation you would wish that your lazy neighbour was growing stable fems !

I'm lucky in that I live in a very isolated, rural community in a Prohibition State so cross pollination isn't an issue. :)

But I would think more sinsemilla has been ruined by hermaphrodidic plants that by the stray staminate plant.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I've been exceedingly lucky in my years of developing cannabis in that I've never had any problems with hermaphroditic plants. That is no doubt the result of the sexual stability of Sensi's 90's Northern Lights that was inherent in NL#5. As Lester Beans previously posted, there are known varietals of cannabis that are _much_ more prone to sexual deviation and some that are not.

Now I don't think that chemical manipulation of sexuality is the major cause of the recent proliferation of hermaphroditic plants but it's hard for me to imagine that it doesn't have _any_ effect at all. I'm pretty sure Durban Poison was throwing ball sacs long before people started fucking with it with GA. ;) The most comprehensive study that I'm aware of regarding hemaphroditic cannabis plants didn't show any coorelation that I can determine:

But I don't think anybody who's been around the cannabis development scene for more than 20-30 years would disagree that there are much more hermaphroditic varietals now than there were back in the 80's-2000's. Is it just a coincidence that is when chemical manipulation to produce pistillate plants really started to take off?

The problem with femininization, for me, is that ill-educated "breeders" are douching their plants with chemicals that are eventually going to cause a profound weakness in the overall vitality of the cannabis plant. Everybody is selling feminized seeds, even Shantibaba!!!

Eventually, this will cause a degradation in the stability, longevity and proliferation of the plant.

Staminate plants bring a hardiness, vitality and perseverance to the union with the pistillate plants that you just _cannot_ obtain by fucking with their sexuality by having the plant fuck it self.

I have to wonder how a sexuality manipulated GG4 seed that was in this environment:


would have fared under the environmental conditions this SouthEast Lights seed dealt with. To give ya an idea, I found this seedling on the north side of the house, where I keep my recycled dirt pile, where it gets 3-4 hours on sunlight, in April, with temps in the 40's.:eek:


Active member
Anybody going to comment on the parthenogenic idea? Like seedless watermelon, grapes, etc this is the direction I see the industry going in. I do not welcome it personally. Again, I don't know where this phobia of seeds came from. If 1 plant has 2 seeds on it, how much lower THC% will it have? ??? So stupid. We don't even eat this plant. The seed phobia is purely psychological!!! HAHAHAHAHA


Well-known member
A seed bearing plant transfers energies from sweat smoke to mommy stuff...a few seeds just bust that cluster...whole plant tho isnt same smoke as same plant unfertlized. He was saying a few seeds dont do that


Well-known member
Anybody going to comment on the parthenogenic idea? Like seedless watermelon, grapes, etc this is the direction I see the industry going in. I do not welcome it personally. Again, I don't know where this phobia of seeds came from. If 1 plant has 2 seeds on it, how much lower THC% will it have? ??? So stupid. We don't even eat this plant. The seed phobia is purely psychological!!! HAHAHAHAHA

What varieties do you currently offer to the public ?


Active member
The reward from fem seeds takes just as long to get as as from regs, I don't think it's fair to say they are for the immediate gratification crowd. It's just a case of making the odds more in your favor, whether you are a grower for flower, or a breeder looking for certain phenos of females. No need to use electricity, fertilizer, anything, on the males.. That said, when I've made seeds I've always used real males, not because I believe they will produce better/healthier offspring, but because it's easier. No need to spray and pray that it reverses and at the right time and so on. If anything, the real males are more suited for my modern man demand for convenience.
I like to smoke my selected nuggs that i chose to keep the seed from aswell and ill roll a joint and put it in the ziplock with said seeds…


Active member
but first better to stress test and see how easy or hard to make herm the canditate, and use the silver on the most stable ones
Everywhich way also not just light leaks dry outs or soggy bottoms but also container size light distance, rotation and heavy metal feeds…for starters…

And very important, each should withstand the stress of a spring flower/summer solstice reveg…