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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis


Active member
I just listened to mr soul from brothers grimm lecture on this chemical stressed induced hermie breeding and i am convinced that the intersex trait expressed after spraying silver is an expression of toxicity… >>>>>do not smoke buds with chemical induced hermie pollen<<<<< its toxic

Science will prove that if, progeny from silver toxicity induced hermaphrodite fathers, are introduced to their threshold of toxic metals, they too will hermaphrodite or for hermie sensitive people, they will express intersex male organs also.

I highly suggest not using heavy metal bloom boosters for your silver toxic hermie seeds, they may show epigenetic expression of hermieism due to elemental stress, via metal toxicity….

Thats as sciencey as i can get.


Well-known member
I would like to reverse my current batch of males (18+) after stress testing them, just to see what traits they possess and which females they resemble.

IMO- reversing males can help you determine floral structure and provides the observable "female" phenotype, as would reversing a female, if you have an incredible female phenotype, reverse it, observe the "male" floral structures, then grow hundreds of plants and select the males/females that resemble the selected phenotype.
Reversed plants will provide observable traits, from male stamen structure and appearance, resin production, in short, the value is in one's ability to catalogue traits, - then attempt to produce offspring with those desired traits.

There are plenty of valuable traits you can learn by using STS and creating fems, which traits are passed by the fem as apposed to the male. I believe if you reverse males and make seeds they are often sterile and will not germinate. The few that do I believe are all males, so a "male line" with low germination is possible, but economically maybe a niche market.

A "male only" line is possible to breed if a male is reversed with "Ethepon/ ethylene" but the germination rates are abysmal from what I've read many males wind up being sterile. This kind of an experiment might be worth breeding if it's possible to bottleneck certain drug traits for a male to pass on consistently, I'd buy a male only line if they were able to prove they may provide traits to offspring.
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Well-known member
Its no riddle… i still find nanners in friends chem lines they grow until this very day….its good hermie weed but still schwagg even if said seeds are premature and dehydrated little “nothings” in the calyx… my favorite og had infertile pollen sacks but pollen nonetheless…still hermie. But damn great smoking hermie flower i must admit.

Ok and what exactly does that prove ? anyone who has grown NL1 knows there are also intersex traits there. Particularly males that wanna autoflower.
I’ve yet to experience a NL1 pheno that blows away chemdog in potency so that was my point


Well-known member
Anybody going to comment on the parthenogenic idea? Like seedless watermelon, grapes, etc this is the direction I see the industry going in. I do not welcome it personally. Again, I don't know where this phobia of seeds came from. If 1 plant has 2 seeds on it, how much lower THC% will it have? ??? So stupid. We don't even eat this plant. The seed phobia is purely psychological!!! HAHAHAHAHA
It's just disgusting to smoke seed and it's a pain in the ass to remove seeds from buds, that's the only reason there is sinsemilia it's not a phobia.
Feminized are useful to many growers it allows to reduce the number of plants you have to grow for a big harvest. I live in a prohibitionist country and I had to take big risks when growing outdoor regular seeds, I had to start around 40 plants to harvest 25 of them, the plants had the time to become quite big before showing their pre-flowers and if I had been busted at that time I would have been accused of growing 40 plants not 25 females. It can make a huge difference on the punishment. Reducing the number of plants you grow is very useful to growers in many situations.

Anyway you can complain as much as you want they won't disappear because they are selling much more fem seeds than reg today. There is cannabis all over the world not just in your rich USA so the genetics of cannabis is far from being endangered because of fem seeds. Any outcross to a landrace will give enough new genes to revitalize any cross.
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Active member
I would like to reverse my current batch of males (18+) after stress testing them, just to see what traits they possess and which females they resemble.

IMO- reversing males can help you determine floral structure and provides the observable "female" phenotype, as would reversing a female, if you have an incredible female phenotype, reverse it, observe the "male" floral structures, then grow hundreds of plants and select the males/females that resemble the selected phenotype.
Reversed plants will provide observable traits, from male stamen structure and appearance, resin production, in short, the value is in one's ability to catalogue traits, - then attempt to produce offspring with those desired traits.

There are plenty of valuable traits you can learn by using STS and creating fems, which traits are passed by the fem as apposed to the male. I believe if you reverse males and make seeds they are often sterile and will not germinate. The few that do I believe are all males, so a "male line" with low germination is possible, but economically maybe a niche market.

A "male only" line is possible to breed if a male is reversed with "Ethepon/ ethylene" but the germination rates are abysmal from what I've read many males wind up being sterile. This kind of an experiment might be worth breeding if it's possible to bottleneck certain drug traits for a male to pass on consistently, I'd buy a male only line if they were able to prove they may provide traits to offspring.
How can we guarantee that traits we see in said reversed males are or arent due to the metal toxicity? The male line im talking about is a hermaphrodite line that shows male organs first then calyx…. I found it useless other then a tool of sabotage…which is useless to me because i have no desire to sabotage anyone or anyones work.


Active member
It depends on the end goal. Both ways have their place. I just think it’s foolish to see people say that male to female breeding is the only way.
I agree about the foolishness and i agree that rarely is anything concrete with cannabis…. Do you have an ultimate end goal for any of the work you do with lines?


Active member
Ok and what exactly does that prove ? anyone who has grown NL1 knows there are also intersex traits there. Particularly males that wanna autoflower.
I’ve yet to experience a NL1 pheno that blows away chemdog in potency so that was my point
I dig it and to that i say chemdawg does not hold a candle to dog bud and chemdog91 smashes any of the chemdawg crosses…


Well-known member
How can we guarantee that traits we see in said reversed males are or arent due to the metal toxicity? The male line im talking about is a hermaphrodite line that shows male organs first then calyx…. I found it useless other then a tool of sabotage…which is useless to me because i have no desire to sabotage anyone or anyones work.
Reversing males doesn't require STS, reversing females does.

Reversed males can reproduce an entire line, keeping the Y chromosome in mix, and it makes the entire "messing with sex" argument less valid, as if ignorance were bliss.


Active member
Reversing males doesn't require STS, reversing females does.

Reversed males can reproduce an entire line, keeping the Y chromosome in mix, and it makes the entire "messing with sex" argument less valid, as if ignorance were bliss.
My head is spinning… bliss isnt always pleasant.


Active member
It's just disgusting to smoke seed and it's a pain in the ass to remove seeds from buds, that's the only reason there is sinsemilia it's not a phobia.
Feminized are useful to many growers it allows to reduce the number of plants you have to grow for a big harvest. I live in a prohibitionist country and I had to take big risks when growing outdoor regular seeds, I had to start around 40 plants to harvest 25 of them, the plants had the time to become quite big before showing their pre-flowers and if I had been busted at that time I would have been accused of growing 40 plants not 25 females. It can make a huge difference on the punishment. Reducing the number of plants you grow is very useful to growers in many situations.

Anyway you can complain as much as you want they won't disappear because they are selling much more fem seeds than reg today. There is cannabis all over the world not just in your rich USA so the genetics of cannabis is far from being endangered because of fem seeds. Any outcross to a landrace will give enough new genes to revitalize any cross.
Shortsighted. Changing thousands of years of natural selection for what? You can still cull males. And light pollination does not create much of an annoyance. But yea, let's go ahead and insanely mess with the genetics. Geez this is my point exactly. NOT WORTH THE COST


Well-known member
Shortsighted. Changing thousands of years of natural selection for what? You can still cull males. And light pollination does not create much of an annoyance. But yea, let's go ahead and insanely mess with the genetics. Geez this is my point exactly. NOT WORTH THE COST
The feminized seeds are almost exclusively grown in western countries, all over the world there is still many growers using reg seeds, the cannabis genetic is not at risk at all stop being over dramatic.
And you missed the point about taking more risks because of more plants, we don't all live in country where it's legal to grow and when cops get you the plants numbers is a big factor in the sentencing so more plants like males are a useless risk for a lot of growers.
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Well-known member


Active member
When I say Chemdog I’m speaking of the 91. not a seedline
91 is the only one that tickles my fancy and that sour chem from like maybe 05’ ish but im a fan of sour d… i love diesel but sour diesel takes the cake for me… there was this lime green tumbleweed pheno of sour d that was a nightmare to trim but a smokers dream come true….


Active member
Should be some on page 3-5
How would this compare too judging males by the performance of their sisters? If i get 3-5 sisters to show desired traits, my confidence increases but i still test progeny…vigorously