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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Everywhich way also not just light leaks dry outs or soggy bottoms but also container size light distance, rotation and heavy metal feeds…for starters…

And very important, each should withstand the stress of a spring flower/summer solstice reveg…
My contention is that stress and chemical manipulation of sexuality alters the genetic _potential_ of a normally produced cannabis plant and will ultimately adversely affect its stability / homogeneity.

I know I'm old school / Dinosaur, and since I'm so isolated here on a mountain top, just like with the hop latent virus, I'm not really worried about my situation with the degradation due to feminization. 😯


Well-known member
Got me thinking when is sex determined, how do pollen and pistils work, mostly multi pollen fertilization? Maybe soil compound theory isn't the subject of this thread.
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Well-known member
I saw a splash about one breeder being all hyped about it. Forget who it was...what's your concern precisely?


Active member
My contention is that stress and chemical manipulation of sexuality alters the genetic _potential_ of a normally produced cannabis plant and will ultimately adversely affect its stability / homogeneity.

I know I'm old school / Dinosaur, and since I'm so isolated here on a mountain top, just like with the hop latent virus, I'm not really worried about my situation with the degradation due to feminization. 😯
Especially with all this new wave of epigenetics… why are we so egotistical to think that the only switches manipulated are the gender hormones? And they say those epigenetic influences last atleast four generations like what if sts cause a metal allergy or sensitivity leading to make intersex sensitivity? And with all these heavy metal bloom boosters idk… i just dont bite so easily…
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Active member
Got me thinking when is sex determined, how do pollen and pistils work, mostly multi pollen fertilization? Maybe soil compound theory isn't the subject of this thread.
Some people claim its while in the ground in the host plant but then others say the first months of life… i sex my plants in the southern window late winter/early spring and that has taught me volumes about stress induced intersex because i reveg said sexed plants by late spring before summer solstice…sexed and knee high by july…
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Well-known member
I’ve seen this topic talked about for many years. Yet the sky hasn’t fell yet lol. A question to all the nay sayers who act like reversals will “destroy the gene pool”….. Where are your contributions?
All I ever see is people cry on the internet but yet, none of them are doing any work for the masses to “fix” the problem.


Active member
I know of breeders who have found parthenogenic phenos and are working to bring them to market. They are sterilized/infertile females. Soon these will replace 'fems'.
Thats what we thought true sensimilla was because we had seedless growing next to hermies…who would of thought aaaaaaand all that brick weed made a shit ton of rosin hmmmm i wonder how the seed oil mixed in the rosin effected the smoke….


Active member
I’ve seen this topic talked about for many years. Yet the sky hasn’t fell yet lol. A question to all the nay sayers who act like reversals will “destroy the gene pool”….. Where are your contributions?
All I ever see is people cry on the internet but yet, none of them are doing any work for the masses to “fix” the problem.
Its taken me almost 15 yrs to remove most intersex from hermies i could not get rid of…worse then hepries


Active member
People complain about new seed companies popping up like popcorn yet wonder why so many seed companies began…

Unsatisfied customers. Everyone has there own vision of what the holy grail is and the closer their plants are to their “holy grail” the vail impairs their vision and they begin to overlook a nanner or two in week 7+….

Piece and Og grease!


Active member
So herms started with a male turned female. Where can we find true female seeds? Is there such a thing. For readers who have not fully read the first page of the thread, it was posted a clone would not produce male flowers traditional methods Of its time.
I used to hold on to male hermie seeds… every single plant started male then started growing hairs…. A very odd story, someone specifically asked for them from me to give to jj of topdawg. Could be full of shit, this is the internet… it did happen though. I always wondered what someone could possibly want or do with a male hermie line….


Active member
My Blueberry S1 run all had SH volatiles, like the bud I got it from.
None of the Blueberry S2 do. I've been trying to recreate the sour skunky Blueberry. Lesbian inbreeding does not seem the way.

S2 is blueberry muffin, blueberry waffle, blueberry poptart, blueberry sour straws, blueberry pie. All so similar, no skunk in any of them.

Males and females have different reproductive defenses. I'd assume the male wants to attracts bugs that will spread pollen while females aren't trying to attract flies that like thiols. Who knows what inbred lesbians are trying to attract.
Very thought provoking post!


Active member
Some of the best weed on the planet came from herm accidents and bagseed. Just something to consider
Whats your take on hermie flowers being more potent then non hermie? My opinion is that hermie flowers are usually more terpy and heady! Most my favorites were hermies which were excruciating to delete from the genepool…


Well-known member
We can sex plants as juvenilles..i lean towards sex is determined at seed formation, haploid gamete,..that's where the diploid is made.


Active member
Right, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Many different ways to get there. I just don’t agree that line breeding or filial breeding is the correct way or right way to get there.
Im still rereading the thread but what is the right way for your yard and why?


Active member
I still just don’t see any basis for the argument that the author of this thread is trying to make. If we are not talking about preserving, or locking traits into a line, the rest is just hogwash really.
Some of the best cultivars that have stood the test of time all seem to have come from reversals/hermie accidents/accidental pollinations. If what was being said about feminized breeding is true, how come in the last 30 years we haven’t had things come out of line breeding that has just blown chemdawg, sour diesel,OG Kush out of the water?
I still breed with all those hermies and i must admit that the further away i get from intersex traits the chemotype changes into and fx change into something less desirable…
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Active member
I think it already has. 30 years is surely long enough to make a comparison. Over 30 years later chemdog is still considered very potent, and an excellent cultivar, which many other great things were made from. How come in 2024 we are still talking about that but there doesn’t seem to be a single northern lights number one clone still in existence that rivals some of these things in quality? Riddle me that
Its no riddle… i still find nanners in friends chem lines they grow until this very day….its good hermie weed but still schwagg even if said seeds are premature and dehydrated little “nothings” in the calyx… my favorite og had infertile pollen sacks but pollen nonetheless…still hermie. But damn great smoking hermie flower i must admit.

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