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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis


Well-known member
I am neither a boomer nor a hippy. Just someone with actual perspective. As a young person in today's world, maybe you have not met many people with broad perspective and true objectivity. I'm sorry for that. Ad hominem attacks are the last refuge of a weak mind. Fortify your mind and spirit, if weed does not help you with this, maybe it is not for you. I follow my creed, outlined above. This provides you with benefits, and is not responsible for any of your problems. You would be wise to follow it yourself. I am guessing you grow illegally because you are motivated by money. Money is not a good reason to risk so much, which is why you feel the way you do. I risked my safety because I love and believe in the plant and the culture that USED TO surround it. This also helped me be smart about the risk. If you have no intrinsic motivation, I recommend you quit that pursuit. You will likely not be able to make the right decisions, blinded by money.
You literally used ad hominem attacks, while projecting others are doing it. the lack of actual empathy for your fellow growers plights and the incessant need to "follow your creed".

Seriously you're a chode.


Well-known member
All those words to say fem seeds are dumb, thank god you didn't make a career in novel writing. You didn't state a single scientific fact proving fem seeds are dangerous for cannabis genetics. It is a tool for growers that's all it is, don't use it we don't care but stop pretending they are a danger. The cannabis genetics pool is much larger than the western world.
And the post you quoted was not a response to you, but as you're a boomer you might have feel the guilt for fucking up so much and giving a world in full chaos.
Ignorance and confidence are the two worst traits to have in one person.

Weaponized stupidity is the norm for these boomers.


Well-known member
A Millenial Moron, quote obviously, with poor musical taste as well.

Posting Saggy Pop (who obviously should put a f-cking T-shirt on because of his boobs), in response to Spirit, a seminal band from the '60s, tells me _all_ I need to know about your intellect, not to mention your musical taste.

No doubt your musical taste equals your knowledge of cannabis development.
You've been growing northern lights for 40 years, now lecturing the audience on how your tastes in music aren't crusty and old too?

Ffs your generation is hopeless, have some humility on your way out, it's gonna be the last thing people remember about you dorks.
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Well-known member
Lost a lot of members we're all members. I like reg also I don't think males get skimped. Let's start other topics. Nothing to say? :) God oh I hate you" there just isn't anything to say, it's the oh we've all been the scare crow from tng sort of thing. Even if I didn't understand what was meant.


Well-known member
All those words to say fem seeds are dumb, thank god you didn't make a career in novel writing. You didn't state a single scientific fact proving fem seeds are dangerous for cannabis genetics. It is a tool for growers that's all it is, don't use it we don't care but stop pretending they are a danger. The cannabis genetics pool is much larger than the western world.
And the post you quoted was not a response to you, but as you're a boomer you might have feel the guilt for fucking up so much and giving a world in full chaos.

They all call fems a shortcut. I actually agree. A shortcut to quality lol. A lot of these guys act like fems will ruin the gene pool for the masses and they are the savior of the plant because they grow a few plants in the backyard haha. Meanwhile they haven’t contributed a fucking thing to the masses or to improve the genepool. I like the way you think 🤝


Well-known member
The gene pool is being bottlenecked extremely because of the hype around high THC varieties and fem seeds. Many varieties are being lost or contaminated around the globe. FACT. FOR WHAT? For lazy bs. For money. For ego. None of the reasons are worth it in my opinion

That’s why I asked you what varieties you offer to the public. You guys talk a good one but don’t offer shit to make the “gene pool” better 🤷🏻‍♂️.
I think the mistake you guys make is thinking the general public gives two fucks about preservation or growing plants from regular seeds. These little bit of people on this forum aren’t even 1 percent of people who smoke and grow.


Active member
I hope I can find the right words to put my thoughts into sentences, but I will try with my Kraut-english :)

I consider myself a newcomer so my questions may reflect that :)

No offense, no disbelief, not against this or that, just curiosity.

If I would claim that at some point in history there may have been a hermaphrodite that developed over time to a arbitrary strain of today, would there be evidence to prove otherwise?

Do specific chararcteristics (e. g. hermaphrodism) get "washed out" over time in favor of other expressions?

Is it possible to selectively (and definitely) "stabilize" plants that are based off of a hermaphrodite, that is raising the chance of the offspring not becoming hermaphrodite?

How can you tell if hermaphroditic traits have not been "in the seed" but developed due to whatever stress?

Is it all just chances?


Well-known member
"If I would claim that at some point in history there may have been a hermaphrodite that developed over time to a arbitrary strain of today, "

Most angiosperms have unisexual flowers, with male and female parts on the same flower.

it is thought by some our plant was monecious first and then turned into dioecious...nobody can look back 20M yrs tho