I could argue that. And have before effectively. What's funny is that you all have decided simplicity and laziness lead you to grow organic, when nothing is simpler than mixing a liquid with another liquid in the correct ratio... And this being the reasoning after some of the same people argued in another thread that organics was superior because it was alot harder to get the same results...octodiem said:Outdoor organic is better under almost all circumstances. I don't think anybody could argue about that. If this seems as if I am baiting someone, I am.
When everything a plant uses to grow is available in a purified ionic form, going through the elaborate process to naturally give the plants the exact same elements in the exact same form (plants can ONLY uptake nutrient as ionic elements suspended in solution) is redundant.
Organics is the Rube Goldberg machine of indoor growing.
The end result (available and usable nutrients) is available without requiring the delicate balance and drawn out processes involved in organics...
Hydro is easier... Mix three liquids and water you plants... the last couple of weeks use one liquid...
However... After allowing myself to be baited, I'm going to be done... This thread is not supposed to be another argument thread, and not supposed to be another thread where organic growers brag about their percieved superiority... It's why do you still use organics... Why do I? because I like to outdoors... Why do I not? Indoors there is a better way to achieve the same results.