Yes but it also could be used as a White House-esque way of discounting organic growing methods by making people paranoid and fearful that manufacturers of organic products everywhere are secretly slipping in synthetic substances and/or toxins, which is an alarmist notion.Grat3fulh3ad said:I also agree with wally, unless it's yours produced by you, then you don't know exactly how organic it is... That's taking your organics seriously, eh...
Grat3fulh3ad said:On a side note... It sure would be fun if everyone would participate in the growers cup this april... Then we could compare the score sheets with the methods used......
Well, since the biggest variable is the access to primo genetics and you as a breeder have an advantage, we'd have to level the playing field by all growing the same cuts handed out by you, H3ad brotherman!
Another thing I agree with you on, H3ad, is that experience trumps scientific theory and conjecture. Another example is flushing in organics. Doesn't need to be done and I don't care what anyone says to the contrary... my experience shows otherwise. [where's the close-minded smiley??? LOL]
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