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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
So in spite of CO law the wholesale price licensed places pay always falls to a low in Nov...who knew right. It hit 500 last yr. we will see this yr. my guess is that it doesn’t fall that low but that may be wishful thinking


Well-known member
I've been hearing the rec market, although demand is high, the prices are dropping. I know of more than one 400 acre op going up as we speak, that's just the new norm. Cannacraft and cookies and a few others have joined together, it's really just a money grab. A green rush 2.0

Black market holding strong.


New member
I was born and raised in Garberville, the prices of weed have dropped to $400. a unit. It was the economy of the town which is gone.. People are bust selling everything they own and pawning the rest.

The price of weed is so low that people are getting kidnapped and forced to trim. People are desperate and setting up deals and stealing the money by gun point before they leave dodge. Bad times are here.

People that had nice farms and land are now poor and homeless. Sad to see and absolutely no end in sight. Cannabis is turning into agriculture the days or growing 100 plants and making a living is gone..

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I was born and raised in Garberville, the prices of weed have dropped to $400. a unit. It was the economy of the town which is gone.. People are bust selling everything they own and pawning the rest.

The price of weed is so low that people are getting kidnapped and forced to trim. People are desperate and setting up deals and stealing the money by gun point before they leave dodge. Bad times are here.

People that had nice farms and land are now poor and homeless. Sad to see and absolutely no end in sight. Cannabis is turning into agriculture the days or growing 100 plants and making a living is gone..

Lol @ people are getting kidnapped and forced to trim:laughing:...Foh



New member
Lol @ people are getting kidnapped and forced to trim:laughing:...Foh

I guess you never knew the Mexican Cartels had large grows in Northern Cal ? Do you know where they get workers when they are short on overhead and volunteers ?

There is a "thing" here in Garberville called "Mexican Payday". It is getting very bad this year.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I guess you never knew the Mexican Cartels had large grows in Northern Cal ? Do you know where they get workers when they are short on overhead and volunteers ?

There is a "thing" here in Garberville called "Mexican Payday". It is getting very bad this year.

I mean of course I'm sure there's incidents within the Mexican cartel community of people getting kidnapped to trim, but I dont think its happening on the regular with the normal long time farmers that are there.



Well-known member
This is just ridiculous. Lbs of nice weed are not 400 in garberville. Lbs of fresh nice weed START at 6 right now.
And people dont need to kidnap to trim. That's just insane. I mean I'm sure it has happened once but acting like it happens on the regular it's just silly.
There are so many trimmers looking for work. It cost me about 60$ a lb to trim with the help of a machine. And i got people lining up to work for me.
I know guys with "cartel" grows in the area. They get "piscas" to trim for next to nothing. They can always find migrant workers to work for pennies. Worst comes to worst they make a couple calls and guys come up from Mexico.


Boreal Curing
A market can only be "perfectly competitive" if there is zero regulation, and cannabis will always be regulated in some way.

That's why governments regulate farming so heavily. If you can't feed your people, you're fucked. We need farmers, so...

Now it's a global thing. US Corn is so heavily subsidized, a Mexican farmer can't grow it. Mexico uses US corn for their tortillas. lol

In Canada, our dairy is regulated (quotas) so our farmers can make a living, and the US wants us to drop it.

Everyone want a piece of a very small pie.


Boreal Curing
It's an economic term. If you have a bumper crop, so will your neighbors, and there's that much more corn in the market. The price will always drop with a bumper crop.

Without government intervention, the richest farmers can outlast poorer farmers until there's only one left. Actors enter and exit as the barriers to entry rise and fall. The barriers in this case is regulatory.

I don't see much about successful small US farmers. Lots in Canada though.


Active member
It's an economic term. If you have a bumper crop, so will your neighbors, and there's that much more corn in the market. The price will always drop with a bumper crop.

It is an economic term, but it by definition means a market absent government regulation. If the government regulates a market in any way, it is not 'perfect' (in economic terms).


Active member
Sorry to drag this debate on but the only growers I have met who say curing doesn't do anything are guys too lazy to buy loads of jars and cure their weed properly.

Curing is very important.