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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


In Singapore, I’m getting $15k, blah, blah, blah.... the wholesale prices seem pretty rough though on the farmers... takes time to do all the work, I would think at least 1k per for quality organic sun grown if fair.

especially seeing the utter fucking garbage that the dispensaries are now selling for top dollar.

anything under 1k is fucking insulting.


Active member
This seems a bit ridiculous.

Why does dep that takes less time, effort, & money go for more than than full term that is much harder ( and better quality) to grow?

the gap between the 2 growing styles is nowhere near that far. guess i will start telling everyone i am growing dep lol.

Last time I did dep, some buyers did not believe that it was outdoor, or that I produced it. There is a much greater likelihood to produce indoor level quality with dep than full season in my limited experience.


Well-known member
This seems a bit ridiculous.

Why does dep that takes less time, effort, & money go for more than than full term that is much harder ( and better quality) to grow?

the gap between the 2 growing styles is nowhere near that far. guess i will start telling everyone i am growing dep lol.

Most of that isn't really true.
Depp doesn't really take less time ( labor. Not season length) or money. Its either more time or more infra structure cost then full term. Dep quality is generally better. Not the reverse!

The main reason for pricing difference is the time of year and quality. Depps are fresh and sell in the summer when outdoor is almost a year old. Depp isnt worth 1$ more then outdoor after late October.
You can call outdoor whatever you want. And people do call outdoors depps to out of staters that know nothing about growing. It doesn't really fetch more $ though.

That last round of greenhouse that finishes at the same time as full season, are not even depps. There is no light deprived. Light dep cam only be harvested between may and sept. Doesn't stop uneducated buyers from thinking they are getting such a good deal on light depp for outdoor price.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Bomb Light Deps look like indoors and especially if your moving them out of $tate ... People eat them up....I know alot of indoor growers that cant tell the difference between indoor and light Deps

Light Deps > Outdoors


Active member
I think that plays a role. However, I have done deps all through the year (minus dec-feb) and I suspect it has more to do with the blackout process. Even my fall product was superior to full season in my area, but it is very urban and streetlights shine down on full season yards, so it may be less of a factor for our friends on the hill.


Active member
Just looked at some Sour Tangie going for $300 per, machine trimmed, uncured, not touched up or sorted through. Could have been really nice. Yeilded 21% making rosin. Everything from 8 inch colas to popcorn in there. Dense flowers though, claimed organic.


Active member
That was a very nice score, HHILL.

Decent full season 2017s went for 350.

Rascal OG

550 on the hill

650 in the city

This one is actually well cured. It is a great rarity for me to see things in this bracket that have been so well cured.


I hope some of you fellas will come breathe some life into the thread with pics too.


Just looked at some Sour Tangie going for $300 per, machine trimmed, uncured, not touched up or sorted through. Could have been really nice. Yeilded 21% making rosin. Everything from 8 inch colas to popcorn in there. Dense flowers though, claimed organic.

I'm from Australia, so $300 for what? A pound, an ounce?


Active member
This one is actually well cured. It is a great rarity for me to see things in this bracket that have been so well cured.

'Curing' is BS made up by commercial growers to make you feel good about getting last year's product. That herb is well grown and well dried, 'curing' has nothing to do with it.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Curing was invented by those that wanted there poor quality weed to taste better. They let is site so it wouldn't be so hash. Good weed doesn't need to be cured in any way. The longer you keep weed around the more it degrades. Since when is that ever a good thing.


Well-known member
Curing improves good smoke. Some modern strains lose flavor during cure but that is bad selection based on quick gratification. Before indoor people would cure and by next season start the seeds from the best smoke. They had all winter to cure and decide. Now people have another crop on the way. So choices are made based on what smokes best when the new harvest is chopped.

I have done several side by sides and curing improves good weed. So much thar once I am smoking cured bud I really do not enjoy the same strain if I have both cured and uncured samples.

My favorite personal cross. Chem d bx3 x rpog. I had 2 winning phenos from 60 seeds. It took a few runs and several cured jars. The two near identical plants. One smelled and tasted slightly better until jarred for about a month. And then the other clearly was better in flavor and high.

I do agree. Many current strains do taste good barely dried. But the keepers always improve during a good cure. Taste better after storage should be an important trait for all breeders.


Well-known member
'Curing' is BS made up by commercial growers to make you feel good about getting last year's product. That herb is well grown and well dried, 'curing' has nothing to do with it.

You are confusing curing with storing in a bag for a year. Not the same. Properly cured weed is just as real as old shitty weed. Do not get your info from commercial growers and your smoke will almost certainly improve.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Curing improves good smoke. Some modern strains lose flavor during cure but that is bad selection based on quick gratification. Before indoor people would cure and by next season start the seeds from the best smoke. They had all winter to cure and decide. Now people have another crop on the way. So choices are made based on what smokes best when the new harvest is chopped.

I have done several side by sides and curing improves good weed. So much thar once I am smoking cured bud I really do not enjoy the same strain if I have both cured and uncured samples.

My favorite personal cross. Chem d bx3 x rpog. I had 2 winning phenos from 60 seeds. It took a few runs and several cured jars. The two near identical plants. One smelled and tasted slightly better until jarred for about a month. And then the other clearly was better in flavor and high.

I do agree. Many current strains do taste good barely dried. But the keepers always improve during a good cure. Taste better after storage should be an important trait for all breeders.

Totally disagree, I've def been at it long enough to know aprox 45 years of growing. Done hundreds of side by side tests. I remember when this fad started. It was 100% started because of bad weed or poorly grown. To me anything cured longer than 30 days is a mistake. In no way has a cure ever improved any of my top shelf cuts. Like I said those that are of lessor quality can benefit from a short cure. It only helps in taming those that are harsh. If fact it will decreases potency and terpene profiles the longer you cure.


ICMag Donor
Isn't this really about terminology?

For me, too fresh sucks and it does smooth out. I have stuff vacuum sealed in big ball jars that's well over a year old and it's still great.


Well-known member
True. I consider the curing process everything after the i initial drying. Hang until crisp enough to hold shape in a jar. Trim. Jar. Burp or let set out a time or so. Then seal it up. And I do feel most of the improvement on most strains happens between 3 and 6 weeks. And after that if stored properly keeps improving. But very slowly. And opening to smoke one resets the process. So it just over drys, not cures. I even think some strains go through a period where flavor goes down before returning to be even better.

I rarely keep herb long enough to sell actual cured weed. And the number one compliment I get is how smooth it smokes. I always blame it on organics and I refuse to ever spray anything on a flower.

A while back I grew some bruce banner. Not sure if real cut or not. Nice strawberry smell. Ok flavor. Actually great flavor but not super loud. And a friend ordered some weed from cali. He got a jar of bruce banner that looked identical to my cut but the strawberry smell was more realistic and defined. But the flavor was actually weak. But prettt much the same. I spent a few weeks wondering if my cut was capable of producing that quality of smell. Anyways I found a nug stuck in a jar, at least 4 months old, maybe more. And the strawberry smell became very real and totally transferred to flavor. Not sure when the improvement happened. I would guess more than 5 weeks and less than 16.
Did I wake up in bizzaro world where curing is bad?

This topic should have no difficulty propogating itself while staying on topic.

How come so many posts yet so few share data or pictures that are genuinely relevant to Wholesale Prices in California?

At very best Hammer and Beta you are splitting hairs here. Hammer, you are clearly a good grower. Lets keep this about tree and not English. When the guy ripped you for your command of English in the frostiest bud thread, he was being a jerk with no meaningful contribution to the thread. Kind of ironic, eh?