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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Dirt Bag

There are other ways to cure?....

Personally, I like the black 5 gallon buckets with the screw on lid thingy from Home Depot. All said and done they're under $10, air and light tight, stackable, and discreet.
For those with unlimited funds CVaults are simply the best curing vessel made. Highly recommended.

Wendull C.

Active member
Personally, I like the black 5 gallon buckets with the screw on lid thingy from Home Depot. All said and done they're under $10, air and light tight, stackable, and discreet.
For those with unlimited funds CVaults are simply the best curing vessel made. Highly recommended.

I was joking. I like my og best after 21 days , same with my blue moonshine. The blue actually gets better up to two months but the difference is negligible.

If the stems snap, it's gone. They want to sit on it for 3 weeks so be it. It should reek as soon as its dry. Some reek the whole way through. I have never had to cure good weed unless to note subtleties.


Well-known member
Sorry to drag this debate on but the only growers I have met who say curing doesn't do anything are guys too lazy to buy loads of jars and cure their weed properly.
Curing is very important.
I know this is way off topic but i just can't help myself too respond to this.
No one buys loads of jars to cure in. Not one. That's just some silly hobby indoor shit That's way outdated in my opinion. What am i supposed to do? Buy a tractor trailer full of jars and crack 50,000 jars each day? Curing is just slowing down the dry process towards the end. There are a million ways to do that are easier with better results. You can do it right on the dry line by raising humidity at the end and slowing it down.
I personally do my cure in big cardboard moving boxes folded. I put it in a box and dont fuck with it until it's ready to trim.
Curing in a jar has no control. With environment controls in your dry room, you can control exactly how fast you cure with no chance of funk because u put in a jar to soon or forgot to crack.


Active member
Sorry to drag this debate on but the only growers I have met who say curing doesn't do anything are guys too lazy to buy loads of jars and cure their weed properly.

Curing is very important.

I store all of my herb long term in jars. The smell and flavor of cannabis are never improved with age. If it doesn't smell and taste fantastic as soon as it's dry, something is wrong.

There are no plant products that are improved by age unless we're talking about a process like fermentation (ala tobacco), which does not happen with cannabis.

There is nothing special about cannabis that makes it immune to the fact that heat, light, and time all break the product down.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sorry to drag this debate on but the only growers I have met who say curing doesn't do anything are guys too lazy to buy loads of jars and cure their weed properly.

Curing is very important.

Can't let that go now can I. If any are Curing longer than 30 days it will never make good weed better. It might make it a bit less harsh. Well grown quality cannabis will not get better by aging it. This is a personal perception people have. It's common sense to know weed degrades the older it gets. Backed up by hard science. This is a fact that cant be disputed. Has nothing to do with being lazy that's an excuse so you feel better doing it. Curing good weed longer than 30 days is a mistake. I digress and let any believe what they wish.. Since it's been posted multiple times to not discuss this subject here I'll let you guys talk yourself into believing its good :D.


Boreal Curing
I had so much weed happening in so many places this year I forgot about 10 oz. Sitting on my back deck. It got rained on and dried in the sun. I should have tried it. It was as gold 24 carrot nuggets. Pretty as hell but I just put it in the burn pile too busy to be curious.


Well-known member
Can't let that go now can I. If any are Curing longer than 30 days it will never make good weed better. It might make it a bit less harsh. Well grown quality cannabis will not get better by aging it. This is a personal perception people have. It's common sense to know weed degrades the older it gets. Backed up by hard science. This is a fact that cant be disputed. Has nothing to do with being lazy that's an excuse so you feel better doing it. Curing good weed longer than 30 days is a mistake. I digress and let any believe what they wish.. Since it's been posted multiple times to not discuss this subject here I'll let you guys talk yourself into believing its good :D.

Why do so many people who grow NLD varietys say it keeps getting better? Both flavor and high?

Personally. I think most popular modern strains were chosen based on what tasted best soonest. I make all my pheno choice based on what taste the best after it has cured.

Used to be harvest in fall. Plant best seeds in spring. Now its more about instant gratification. Someday I will do enough side by sides to know 100% for sure. Even though I already pretty much completely believe curing improves weed.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You cant fake science lol. I guess you could but it would be easy to find the truth. I would be happy to discuss but this is not the thread for it.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Anybody got any insight on what a lb of dep wedding cake is going for in cali?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All top shelf in 209 area is 2k$ per unit. Goes down from there depending on quality. All my B grade is made into shatter.. It's easier to find buyers for shatter or edibles than B grade flower. Lots of people selling B grade.


Active member
If you tried to sell deps over here for 2000 you would have to smoke it yourself

Indoor is 14-16 here and commercial indoor 1000-1200 sometimes less

Seeing deps go for 7-900 but others may be doing better


There are no plant products that are improved by age unless we're talking about a process like fermentation (ala tobacco), which does not happen with cannabis.

Actually, fermentation can occur with cannabis and I get great results from doing it. Check out Tangwena's thread about fermenting cannabis. "Malawi style cob curing".


It's a hundreds of pages long now, so maybe it's best to read the last twenty pages to get up to date points on the method. Basically, seal half dried bud in a bag at 40C for 24 hours, partially dry the cob, vacuum seal for 30 days, air dry for a few hours, It can be smoked now or it's better with time so reseal for another 30 ~ 60 days.

The difference in the quality of the high between the cob cured and the standard air dry/container cured bud is noticeably better, especially with narrow leafed tropical varieties. I also find that the highs from most modern hybrids doesn't improve that much with curing, but narrow leafed varieties definitely do improve. The high from fermented bud (cobs) seems to be a more "complete" and more complex high with a longer duration, very positive and smarter. I like the process of making cobs too.

I bet there's a market for 3 month old cobs. This could be a niche that a small farmer right now could get into. Another which has probably been suggested is to grow long flowering tropical varieties and hazes. Everyone is offering the same old 3 strains and getting less each crop and it's harder to sell, but the buyers would be lining up to grab an ounce or pound of a 25 week flowering brain zinging sativa bud and your per year profits would be higher too as this "unicorn bud" would be able to get 4 or 5 (?) times what the 8 week bud will sell for .


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Is that a commercially viable option?. I will take a look at the thread

If you tried to sell deps over here for 2000 you would have to smoke it yourself

Indoor is 14-16 here and commercial indoor 1000-1200 sometimes less

Seeing deps go for 7-900 but others may be doing better

I don't grow outdoor. Indoor is 2 all day every day. If your dep is as good as indoor don't see why it wouldn't fetch the same. Here quality drives price. Ive had killer outdoor many times. If I had to guess your quality must suck. If I can get 2 every harvest others can as well. If you aren't growing quality cannabis that's why.


Active member
So hammerhead are we debating whether it's commercially viable or better for long term storage of buds make your mind up. Reading between the lines it seems you're too lazy to cure properly because it isn't commercially viable for you lol

Curing obviously is not commercialy viable it but definitely helps retain quality though. I imagine there are a lot of growers out there that store flowers for months.

I am surprised you have been at it for years and haven't picked up on this. Reminds me of a buddy of mine


Active member
Is that a commercially viable option?. I will take a look at the thread

I don't grow outdoor. Indoor is 2 all day every day. If your dep is as good as indoor don't see why it wouldn't fetch the same. Here quality drives price. Ive had killer outdoor many times. If I had to guess your quality must suck. If I can get 2 every harvest others can as well. If you aren't growing quality cannabis that's why.

Hammerhead, this is a thread about wholesale market prices, and is not exclusively limited to the prices that we receive for our own product. None of the numbers I have quoted are for product that I personally grew, I share this feedback to participate in the community in what I hope is a helpful constructive manner.

Your mention of number seemed in response to critter's question about in state wedding cake light dep prices which is why I responded in the manner that I did.

You "dont see why" dep doesnt get indoor prices, but this exposes your lack of familiarity with the local marketplace. Your personal opinion, just like mine, is 100% useless for the purposes of sharing with others actual facts and experiences. Speculation is not helpful on this case.

Leave your ego at the door. This is not the first time I received an unwarranted attitude from you.
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Well-known member
Curing is comercially viable. I cure 500 lbs at a clip regularly. Just because i can. I just don't notice any difference in something that took 10 days to fully dry or something that had a long "cure" and took 30 days to be fully dry. That's the last i will say because it's off topic.

I am somewhat in disbelief about the numbers hamerhead quoted. The 209 is stockton area. Not that i don't believe someone got 2 for a lb of depp one time. Its just not the wholesale market value in that area. A broker buying up packs there would not pay 2k.
Yes, depps CAN be the same quality as indoor. And they can share a market segment. They can be priced similarly. But 2k for either isn't happening. People in New York were paying under 2 this summer. And now it's thanksgiving. No one really has depps anymore. It's all outdoor. Even if they had depps it would be outdoor priced.

So the guy asking how much a lb of "depp" wedding cake is. About 800ish.