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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
Green 404- I’d image those $1000 are marginally better that the Shake they are selling at $45 per zip.... look, the zips of flower are $69... in Ca, shake goes for 50 per unit usually or less. The logic is that with those $1000 pounds of bud, you’re getting something just better than shake. No thank you.


Green 404- I’d image those $1000 are marginally better that the Shake they are selling at $45 per zip.... look, the zips of flower are $69... in Ca, shake goes for 50 per unit usually or less. The logic is that with those $1000 pounds of bud, you’re getting something just better than shake. No thank you.

Pretty lofty assumption there. Based on ? Your imagination ?


When you get off a street corner you have real world expenses, Overhead, operating costs, labor, etc. If someone sells units for $1000. they have to buy them for a fraction of that. Retail usually pays(wholesale cost) 1/3-1/2 of what they sell for.

The days of making a living selling bags of weed on a street corner at ending real fast.. Time to get a real job or start selling meth.

Ive never met anyone who's sells weed on a street corner, my friends own multiple properties of 40 acres or more that cost them hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars so overhead expenses are not something I'm unfamiliar with. My electric bill averages 4k a month when in operation, which there isn't much point to grow indoor during the summer here in california when you can get 3 dep harvests in per summer.

But yes I agreed that in CO there are store selling low end pounds for 1000, and also like I mentioned previously its mostly outdoor from california that they backdoored in and didn't grow their self. We've got plenty of 2 year old outs that you colorado folks love to buy and pretend like you grew.

A good friend of mine has a CO med card, he goes and buys midsy trim run extracts for 20 a gram then ships them to texas to sell for 60-80/gram, been on that for at least 3 years now.

Half of the dispensaries in CO are just money laundering operations linked to organized crime anyway, you have no real market, if it weren't for places like Kansas missouri oklahoma new mexico and texas propping your market up 90% of stores would be out of business.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
walked into a cannabis church in socal...the other day...

20 to 60 an eight.

they had some 8 x 10 laser printed sign that said tested cannabis in huge letters... PASSED

anyway the 20 was nibbles of the bottom and the 60 was good not great indoor og.

i walked out and got nothing.... knowing my indoor was almost as good or better than 60 an 1/8.

no clones no seeds.

Thats the weed store business, most normal people aren't interested in buying seeds to grow their own so that they can get high 6 months down the line, they're buying the weed the plan on smoking that day. Its just like beer, everyone drinks the stuff, but homebrewers are few and far between. You and me and the rest of people on this board are abnormally enthusiastic about the stuff.


Active member
I never hear anybody talk about their labor and time as an expense, or the time and labor it takes to offload it. That ends up being the real deal-breaker for me. How much are you paying yourself an hour, guys?

I have done the math for each 1k in my own indoor scene, and the lowest I can really pull off top shelf quality for is about $400/1k. That includes electricity and soil, food and all supps...

But then when I do the math on total labor for that same 1k, I come up with about 40 hours total at the minimum to maintain, train, produce and offload top quality (per cycle). If I 'pay myself' $15 an hour that's $600 to add to my base $400 expenses; so that takes me to $1000 a light. I usually pull 1.5/1k on average, so my per-pound production cost is $750... if I only pay myself a shitty $15 an hour wage. At $20 an hour total production costs are $900. I could probably drop a hundred bucks off that if I went hydro, but that has its own expenses; pumps and whatnot.

And on top of that I even have to trim it all, 'cause who can afford trimmers anymore? Those poor bastards.

All this will eventually result in large-scale warehouse and greenhouse grows totally stealing the scene after the dust settles. They will be the only ones who can make money at this, with cheap labor and mass production.

As a breeder and top shelf specialist I had hoped that more people would support their local craft growers. Ha! Turns out nobody gives a single fuck. Factory weed is their future. Incredible freaky strains and top quality will be mine, as I revert to being a home hobby grower.

TL;DR: Unsustainable.


Active member
What rates are you guys seeing for cartridges? 0.5, 1ml?

C02, distillate, bho? Seems like everyone is using terps? Coming tested? Blister packs, individual cartons, no packaging..?

All feedback is appreciated


My homegirl posted on FB " Colorado weed does not even come close to CA weed" , huge discussion ensues. At one point some dude I know comes in " grade A+++ indoor in CA is going for $400 a pound"

I told him that is complete fucking bullshit.

His retort: " Well I don't actually know, that's the word on the street. I don't fuck with the black market"


Shit is annoying as fuck. People that have zero idea how the market works need to STFU about it.


Active member
Wholesale 10+

Outdoor last years up to 500
Fresh Depp 700-900
Greenhouse Depp 900-1000
Greenhouse with lights 1300

Low Grade indoor 1200
Mid Grade Indoor 1600
High Grade Indoor up to 2400

Gray market prices seem to have stabilized despite the bans and legalization ...

Out of state demand is for low grade ...


Active member
Overall trend is DOWN

Overall trend is DOWN

Got this in an email today.


  • weed price index.png
    weed price index.png
    86.7 KB · Views: 19


If that graph is to include only outdoor prices Id say its somewhat accurate, but if its to include indoor its the most wildly laughably inaccurate thing I've ever seen.

Wendull C.

Active member
Wholesale 10+

Outdoor last years up to 500
Fresh Depp 700-900
Greenhouse Depp 900-1000
Greenhouse with lights 1300

Low Grade indoor 1200
Mid Grade Indoor 1600
High Grade Indoor up to 2400

Gray market prices seem to have stabilized despite the bans and legalization ...

Out of state demand is for low grade ...

Pretty well sums up what im seeing in the ie


Seed Whore
I would like to see the price drop to $50 a pound so all the greedy monopoly assholes lose everything they've invested.
If it weren't for greed. We would all be able to legal grow without bullshit rules. It would be great if everybody didn't buy
any Cannabis coming from anyone who worked for the Government in the past. When I see politicians, lawyers, police,
law makers, etc. get involved in the Cannabis industry I want to shit on them.
I would like to see the price drop to $50 a pound so all the greedy monopoly assholes lose everything they've invested.
If it weren't for greed. We would all be able to legal grow without bullshit rules. It would be great if everybody didn't buy
any Cannabis coming from anyone who worked for the Government in the past. When I see politicians, lawyers, police,
law makers, etc. get involved in the Cannabis industry I want to shit on them.

Just remove the part where you said "get involved in the cannabis industry" and you have it right.


I would like to see the price drop to $50 a pound so all the greedy monopoly assholes lose everything they've invested.

this is so dumb. if the price of weed fell that low then the only farmers who would be able to survive in that market would be the greedy monopoly assholes. normal families with small farms would have to quit.

If you want to fuck up the big-money/big-business , just grow your own or support small local oganic operations. and tell everyone you know to do the the same.

wishing for an entire industry to bottom out might seem malicious to some people. If what you wish for were to happen then I and many others would lose nearly everything we have worked for.


Bubblegum Specialist
In legal states people can grow a few plants legally with no special requirements. Order some seeds and grow your own is my advice. Bog 🖖


The Dude
I would like to see the price drop to $50 a pound so all the greedy monopoly assholes lose everything they've invested.
If it weren't for greed. We would all be able to legal grow without bullshit rules. It would be great if everybody didn't buy
any Cannabis coming from anyone who worked for the Government in the past. When I see politicians, lawyers, police,
law makers, etc. get involved in the Cannabis industry I want to shit on them.
Says the bitter custy :laughing: