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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Chemon 91
This thread has a lot of low level people trying to keep unrealistically high prices going(and failing).

You should also look at Oregon and Colorado as a future price gauge they have been legal longer and are ahead of California in the game.

Oregon and Colorado $300-$600 units indoor , Outdoor $0.

walked into a cannabis church in socal...the other day...

20 to 60 an eight.

they had some 8 x 10 laser printed sign that said tested cannabis in huge letters... PASSED

anyway the 20 was nibbles of the bottom and the 60 was good not great indoor og.

i walked out and got nothing.... knowing my indoor was almost as good or better than 60 an 1/8.

no clones no seeds.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
just saw some 2017 vacuum packed Nor Cal light dep that cost the buyer $400 per pound & guess what? it was not too bad for cheap weed & it was totally workable ... weed like this can go for $1500 on the east coast very easily & you all know that already:biggrin:


for $0 per pound i'm sure they would get some takers.

I live in Colorado everyone has jars and bags of outdoor coming out their ears. After some of mine got 1-2 years old I tried to trade it one craigslist for anything skateboard, bicycle, anything... no takers. The only people that would trade are trying to unload grow equipment(which is also worth 0.)

I all my extra outdoor into hash and gave it to homeless people.

This is hilarious, what are you even talking about?? Not even a 1000 light grow can produce indoor at 300/lb, electricity alone is more than that.

Growers in Denver have to produce product for *Less* then $300. or they are not in the game. Many growers are selling for less then the cost to grow just to cash out and move on.

This is what is coming around the corner for California.


Well-known member
I don't know the validity of lbs being 300 in CO. I can see it in the cards for California. The whole thing is starting to collapse. Prices will go back up after the collapse though. I have friends that have lost farms because they didn't make balloon payments. Some people just hung up their spurs and called it quits. Properties are vacant.
I'm sure selling for under cost to cash out is a real thing. But it will bounce back. No one is going to keep doing it at a loss. outdoor cost like 300$ to produce.

I am surprised i have never really heard much talk about nitrogin flushing or oxygen absorbers on here for long term storage. When i say long term i don't mean 2 year's. I mean 1 year perfectly maintained. I found a storage facility near by that stores wine for viniards at 60f year round. This year i plan to trim everything faster then before, pack with oxygen absorbers and get into storage.
I have heard the old norcal wifes tail that nitro packed weed browns within days of being opened, but i think it's just a tail. The only stuff i have seen that browned after opening was packed with too much moisture. But i really haven't seen it done well either.


I don't know the validity of lbs being 300 in CO.

I stated someone has to produce a lb for $300. or less to stay in the game.

If a person goes out and buys a lb in Denver they will pay about $800-$1000 at a dispensary Retail Price. If a retail store can sell a lb for $1000. after pay reg fees, shop overhead, labor, etc. What can they pay and still make a profit ?

It is the same for all agriculture how can someone grow tomatoes for .99lb ? Lavender for $3. a lb ? Mass grows, cheap labor,

Wendull C.

Active member
Last years outs are showin up here and there. Lemon og and others this time at 5 each. Had somewhat of a nose. Old, you can tell.

It is still going. It was decent nug to start with.

Then ypu have your nug that was crap from start to finish and i oxidized badly now. It is getting at least 200 per in packs less than ten. Pure shit weed.

Point is, the good deps are fetching 1000 + _ .... this 0 a pound shit is just that, bullshit. If not I will have it picked up and taken to my place, i mean local dump and get it all gone.

But in all seriousness, even that crap will make money for the hot dog juice cartridge vendors.

Too many people here seem to have a chicken little mentality, or an agenda.

Same as asking me where to hunt in Colorado. Always answer the same. " No bucks left in Colorado, go to Idaho."


Active member
Wholesale indo pricing from legal grow to legal retail is from 525-800 in CO

Guys that can produce it under 300 are dropping prices hoping to put competitors out of business making their store licenses available cheap

Outdoor is impossible to sell in CO


Well-known member
I stated someone has to produce a lb for $300. or less to stay in the game.

If a person goes out and buys a lb in Denver they will pay about $800-$1000 at a dispensary Retail Price. If a retail store can sell a lb for $1000. after pay reg fees, shop overhead, labor, etc. What can they pay and still make a profit ?

It is the same for all agriculture how can someone grow tomatoes for .99lb ? Lavender for $3. a lb ? Mass grows, cheap labor,

Ooo ok. Produce for 300. Yea, that sounds about right.
Its amazing to me that allot of growers in California are still treating this like they used to and not cutting costs. This is now agriculture. Shopping at hydro stores and paying employees percentages is over. Those guys won't make it to next year. It's all hourly labor and bulk from farm suppyers or u just wont make it.


If outdoor is so impossible to sell in Colorado why do I see guys from there, out here buying up brown cali boof packs to take back there? Why are there dozens of successful greenhouse grows all over south and western colorado? I know for fact a well known producer in pueblo getting 1600 wholesale rec for marlon blando indoors grown with vegbloom salts, good strains but mediocre smoke and it flys off the shelf.

Yes some dispensaries are selling pounds for 1000, thats medical only, and its cali outdoor boof packs they snuck in the backdoor, only to be packed up and shipped east by teenagers trying to make a buck.

You people keep making statements that simply are NOT TRUE in hopes it some how benefits your grow that isn't making money for one reason or another.* What you say on ICMAG is not going to effect the marketplace period.* Indoor grows saying outdoor doesn't sell, wrong, outdoor growers saying they're getting double what they really are trying to bring prices back up....

Fact is there is a wide array of goings on in this mature marketplace, there are units from 500-3800 depending on who you know and what those clients desires are so PLEASE STOP with the shenanigans talking about the sky is falling, it is not, the market is strong, demand is there for all types of cannabis and people are doing just fine.


You people keep making statements that simply are NOT TRUE in hopes it some how benefits your grow that isn't making money for one reason or another.

When you get off a street corner you have real world expenses, Overhead, operating costs, labor, etc. If someone sells units for $1000. they have to buy them for a fraction of that. Retail usually pays(wholesale cost) 1/3-1/2 of what they sell for.

The days of making a living selling bags of weed on a street corner at ending real fast.. Time to get a real job or start selling meth.



Active member
Here, lets have a look at an example for those maybe not as familiar:

The price in the title is $30,000 for a complete 16 ft x 16 ft indoor grow. I can believe what's happening in CO as it has been legal for some time. It is a little strange to look at but I mean it isn't a bad thing, right? As people start to treat it more like an agricultural product (this means "ag people" growing cannabis and "cannabis people" learning ag) then we should see better scale and efficiency meaning lower cost more bulk and specialty etc. However, it is give and take, slightly mixed feelings any way you look at it. If you cherish your prized strain that you devoted much of your life to and sacrificed a lot for, and now some costco or tobacco company or whatever slaps that label on their boxes available at any dispensary nationwide for $29.99 you might be pretty upset especially if you aren't being credited for it somehow. Likewise, I have no doubt that cannabis will (continue to) spur innovation for both economic and quality grows. What I mean is that (in the context of being legal and without any kind of farm subsidy or tax break) the ability of the person to grow the most amount of produce for the least amount of time and money will shine, as will the absolute best produce there is objective/subjective. Just like oranges or peppers, even in an open market I am sure certain regions or states will produce different varieties etc.

I think it is valuable in the sense that demand still outweighs supply. As more people take notice and I guess the kid gloves start to come off with the medical or preparing for rec grey area (now recreational, so it almost feels too late in a sense) it's easy to see how some of the growers might have difficulty staying in business with the current practices. I won't pick on individuals for many important reasons but let's imagine a "state of the art" indoor facility running lights that are way too far from the plants and air conditioners and de/humidifiers and water chillers and automatic climate controllers, all purchased brand new and installed professionally. Next up is a huge batch of cuts from a premiere nursery, all store bought hydro cubes or fabric pots with premium bagged mix, or even better about 2-3 gallon plastic pots that you plan on finishing your flowering indoor/greenhouse cannabis plants in. Well let's have a look at that. Will it produce, "fire" sellable flowers every 2-3 months? Yes, but what is the light bill? I repeat, what is the light bill, and how much exactly was your yield? Unfortunately for some and I guess fortunately for others, I can see at a glance how places might have been missing out on something like 50-80% of their cost, or profit, from either hasty/poor decisions or novice/intermediate growers. If they are still turning a profit then I suppose they're happy. But if the next grower can do it for 1/2 the cost even as competition is there really a loser? A grow light uses about as much power as a microwave (read not very expensive) and while most users don't care to grow for those who do 1-2 lbs per cycle is plenty.
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Can't compare Colorado to California. So many differences.

California has more micro climates, and better all around climates to produce outdoor. Sure this can be argued, but there is a reason that a huge % of the US's agriculture is produced in California.

Domestically, we are huge. Many of our main cities are comparable to entire states. If we were on the east coast, we California would be like 10 different states. We have so many huge and diverse markets within our state. Los Angeles alone, is the size of 15 Denvers. Then we have OC, SD, Sac, San Jose, Oakland, SF, Fresno, etc.. etc.. etc.. etc.. on and on. Way bigger market, then add in tourism. We have so many different tourist industries. Sure people flew into Denver to buy canna from a store... now they will fly into California, go to the beach and buy some canna from a store.

Many areas, our smokers are snobby. They will pay more for quality. LA/OC/S.D./Silicon Valley, all chalked full of people who can afford good smoke. They would rather pay more, to ensure they have the best. They compete within their circles who has the newest, best, most popular flavor. People often criticize each other.. "oh lets not smoke that, I have better to smoke." People pay to have the best. Just like the house market, ridiculously over priced.

Then you have a very long history of out of state buyers coming to load up. Some places might be tired of Cali weed, but many more are dying to get a connection.

Lastly, hate to say it... but I have a friend, Cali native organic/genetic snob, he just got back from Denver... told me everything he saw was garbage/not great. Said he didn't smoke one thing that was impressive. I think there is plenty of great smoke in Colorado, it just isn't at the rec stores. Its sold in circles, black market.

California Governor just appointed some 14 or 15mil, to help combat the black market. If the black market was dead, why spend money?

Oregon and Colorado, both exceeded tax revenue projections. California was the opposite. From what I read, the first quarter revenue was like 25% of projections. Reason for this, to California this is not a new industry, everyone could already get good canna without the stores, personally I don't know anyone that buys from a store front.

Last years full term, well grown, well cured, still moving at 7. Same buyer saw some for 6, which he turned down and took the better stuff.



Active member
Just throwing this out there, commercial electric rates are about half of residential. That alone gives the big guys a leg up. On the other hand, our laws don't pay insurance, taxes and regulatory costs.


Well-known member
It's all true. There it's allot off wack weed in co and ca. Bottom line. Well grown outdoor here is still going for 7. Allot of these price quotes at 300-500 is for straight defective product. It's 2 years old or poorly stored, or just garbage to begin with. You can't include brown blue dream with no nose that was stored in some hot garage at 95f to well stored, well grown product.

I see big shoppers all the time that also shop in CO. They keep coming back here for a reason. It's because allot of stuff in both ca and co is garbage. Yea CO has 1000lbs. What do they look like? And i do know for a fact that ca outdoor is still being snuck into the CO market. I have seen hella indoor that is straight larf with no nose and machine trimmed with no touch up.

In my opinion something that is brown is defective. No one wants to smoke it. Getting people to take it at any price is tough so its really tough to put a market value on it.
We need to only be quoting prices for decent smokable stuff.