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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
This calgrow guy has everyone going back n forth trying to prove there point. There's no winning or even agreeing with the guy...Let's just list current prices and he'll go away. Stop feeding the troll!!!

I'll admit, he has a few valid points, but he needs to start his own thread for his POV's.



Well-known member
I just got 7 for a 10 piece of almost year old og that still smelled good but was oxidized, in one of the most completive markets in the state. They were trying to hold out for fresh ones but there isn't a lot coming down the pipe line and the ones that are people are wanting 1k for. Ins at 13-15.

See. That's what I'm saying. Prices have gone up. If that stuff wasn't oxidized it would be closer to 1000 and being sold to depp buyers.

Don't forget this is a market ran buy buyers that haven't a clue about cannabis production. This past winter i would constantly hear all these out of town buyers say " I have been getting outs for blabla and depps for blablabla".

Id say " its February, you are not getting depps at all. Depps are older then the outdoor".
calgrow's definition of quality is skewed because he associates with desperate tweakers. Sorry you stayed on the coast doing indoor. Life changing money has been made in the hills by out of towners, permits awarded, and they aren't leaving anytime soon. Old bd slightly brown 350, decent outs 5-550, freshies 8-12.


I can tell by your tune you most likely moved here from the east.

Born and raised in California. Never been further east than Reno. Five generations of California farmers/ranchers. Three generations of ganja farmers. Diversification is always a good strategy, but that is no reason to stop growing. Can always donate to the needy.

Sorry you are so upset about something, hopefully something changes for you.



Active member
You seem happy to step on smaller growers where you can?
What do you get by stepin' on people, just money?
Do you take pleasure doing this?
Why is this sort of mentality accepted.


Active member
Is accepting reality for what it truly is wrong? If it is I am wrong. But if it helps someone prepare for what is inevitable while they might can still take action is it still wrong.

Take a look at what is going on in the Canadian stock market regarding weed.

I am personally aware of 1,000,000 sq ft indo ready to come online there. Would you rather not know it?

But yea my true attitude is get me some while I can

Noonin NorCal

Active member
some consumers want a low price, others want top shelf product. Seen it all, from $3 grams to $100grams, and it's all moving.. It's just about who you know.

The most troubling trend in my opinion is the increasing popularity of vape cartridges which are almost always shitty. I got one last week that tastes like toothpaste. Unfortunately the new "legal" consumer has no idea what to look for in terms of quality, so they buy shit like that. Education is key here, for you see most people have become accustomed to buying alcohol.... no matter how much you spend the effects will be the same, i.e. a $4 bottle of wine gets you just as drunk as a $100 bottle.

We need to educate consumers on the difference between weed and alcohol. It's not like Budweiser vs. Russian River Brewery.... Shitty weed just wont get you as high as good weed, no matter how much you smoke. If a consumer wants a great experience they need to buy great weed. The effects of smoking a vape cartridge pale in comparison to a nice big dab of live resin, or a bonghit of well-grown , well-cured clean ganja.

Im near Russian River Brewery, Its all about Hen House Brewery nowadays for awesome beer that is canned/bottled with dates on each can. Check em out budz!


Is accepting reality for what it truly is wrong? If it is I am wrong. But if it helps someone prepare for what is inevitable while they might can still take action is it still wrong.

Take a look at what is going on in the Canadian stock market regarding weed.

I am personally aware of 1,000,000 sq ft indo ready to come online there. Would you rather not know it?

But yea my true attitude is get me some while I can

My pinky tells me that this large of a monocrop can not be supported without pesticides, they will be using fungicides as well and have to hire a hell of a lot of useless employees, my pinky tells me not to worry about a thing.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Couple months ago some really good dep GG4 came around for 800 a piece, 100 minimum.

I’m still seeing thing go for as high as 15 coming from the triangle. There’s deals to be found, that’s for sure. Wouldn’t say the entire market is collapsing though. Out in LA some are still able to get high 2s and low 3s for stellar batches.

What do you mean a couple months ago deps?
were they from last season? or did they have a actual greenhouse to use supplental lighting? and use heat inside. where they can control everything. If its legit fresh deps from a "couple months ago"

Noonin NorCal

Active member
You got a red spot.

thats what she said!!!

Fuck the people that are in charge/own the dispensaries, they are already rich and getting even richer from commercial guys that don't give a fuck what goes into their product. They just care about quantity and not quality.

Like me, Im small time mom and pop, keep everything clean its all top shelf, I don't pump salt based nutrients into my product... And i flush everything for 2 + weeks


Active member
My pinky tells me that this large of a monocrop can not be supported without pesticides, they will be using fungicides as well and have to hire a hell of a lot of useless employees, my pinky tells me not to worry about a thing.

You have an interesting point.

Can microbes be tailored to a mono crop?

We are fixing to find out one way or the other.


Well-known member
Why would a large indoor like that need pesticides?
I'm pretty sure the huge legal indoor ops will be done like labs. Sealed environments. Scrub downs and painters suits. No bugs can get in, hardly any mold spores.
All off these legal grows do not affect our gray market outdoor/depp market as far as i can tell. Such a small percentage of outdoors have gone to clubs in recent years.


Why would a large indoor like that need pesticides?
I'm pretty sure the huge legal indoor ops will be done like labs. Sealed environments. Scrub downs and painters suits. No bugs can get in, hardly any mold spores.
All off these legal grows do not affect our gray market outdoor/depp market as far as i can tell. Such a small percentage of outdoors have gone to clubs in recent years.

You got it, sterile environment... here is what i believe, the best cannabis is not grown in a sterile environment, that s why i say i do not worry. But if you believe otherwise that is fine.

Also, bugs just get in one way or the other in a big facility, lots of the staff have grows at home to start with.


Active member
What about mid summer light dep quality and price ?
Currently doing it in Canada but was wondering how it compare to other products in a competitive market...

Has anyone seen mid summer deps turning purple under warm weather ?


Active member
What about mid summer light dep quality and price ?
Currently doing it in Canada but was wondering how it compare to other products in a competitive market...

Has anyone seen mid summer deps turning purple under warm weather ?

In general, deps imply better quality than full season, and depending on local market, may come at a time when outdoor stock is dwindling.

Quality wise, your mid summer dep should be substantially better than full season flowers. If the market dries up in your locale during as the better packs from last years full season have gone, you can typically run em higher than full season rates.

As per color, strain dependent. Have had 100 degreee deps where some were still blackout purple, but others that typically were purple showed zero sign of color.

Good luck.