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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Boreal Curing
I think there's confusion about ripping people off here.

If I peddle door to door and quote a price, i expect the client to try and talk me down. He's not ripping me off if he's successful. I've had someone get insulted when he offered 1-2 year old dry as fuck weed for 800 and I offered 500. Fuck him and no deal. The only way for me to sell it was to add more work to further process the shit.

I've had someone come to me for something I grew. I quoted 1200 and he asked me to give him a better price so I said 1300.
"Hey that's more!"
"Oh.. you meant better for you"

Obviously I'm a Canadian, but let me break from the stereotype to avoid getting stepped on. If I can get 4k and someone will pay it, why not? Doesn't make me a rip off artist. And if someone is only willing to pay me 500, that's just the way it is. No harm, no foul. I really don't see any confusion.

Or maybe this is really about missing the 4k boat and kicking grass.


Active member
There's few people that purchase large amounts of high grade arpund here. Lot's of low grade in the recreational market. Most of the high grade is under ground medical. People just don't usually value high grade cannabis without a medical need, and don't have the the large amount of cash.

Cops qoute high grade over $4k a pound. Much easier to move small bags than a large grow of quality. There is a lot of drug testing and probably 70% of the consumers have already been caught. Almost the entire sunday court report is cannabis possession. Half pound is a felony so people keep it to qp at the most. The big guys don't last long and are into other drugs so it's a total non-cannabis issue at that point.

Too many people used to brick weed and brick prices. But I have on the other hand seen seedless brick go for $50 an eigth. That's because nobody has an education on what their product is. They don't care if it's cartel weed or cali weed or local.


Well-known member
Price gouging drug peddlers. will be gone from the cannabis industry.

The price gouging drug peddling business model all depends on cannabis being illegal. You guys pretend it is because you have good weed, it's not. It because their was a shortage of weed due to it being illegal.

Legit business owners are taking over and giving customers what they want. Do you catch that ?? Giving customers what they want. Quality product at reasonable prices.

You guys have no concept of the customer. You just rip as much as you can out of them. That model only works in shady illegal markets which are over.

That is not even close to what It's happening. Not in California at least. My entire area survives off farming cannabis. And i really mean survive. No one is getting rich. From the grower, to the construction worker, to the plumber, to the waiter at the local restaurant, to the guy stocking shelves at the grocery store. We have no industry here that isn't supported by cannabis. Our local real estate market is crashing with legalization. Allot of these farming neighborhoods had nothing but crazy tweekers living in the woods until growers wanted that land for ganja farming. Now i worry it will regress again.

We grow enough cannabis to make Our land payments and feed our children if we are lucky. It is/was a beautiful thing that happened up here. Our kids are brought up around the plant, knowing it's just medicine. There is nothing shady about it. We are just farmers living in a small town. Our community is like one big family. Everyone helps Everyone and is very open about what they do.

Then the out of town "brokers" come to town. We all band together and help each other to move each others crops. People make 25$ or less per lb as the link between our neighbors and family friends crops and these out off town brokers. The people up here don't treat it like a business. It's just a way of life. Don't believe what you see on tv.

Legalization is destroying our way of life. It's pushing out the mom and pop boutique grows. It's all turning to big business models. You walk into the clubs in the local cities now and all the customers are pissed. They haven't seen prices this high in 10 years. They are all talking about going back to the black market in the waiting room. It's all taxes and permitting fees and unnecessary stuff. The California dispensary customers are paying way more then the people on the East coast buying "smuggled" black market cali weed. The small mom and pop farmers are getting pushed back into the black market by Legalization. Counties like calaveras took permitting fees and then banned growing. The people who were pro Legalization didn't see the writing on the wall. I did.

On another note. There are farmers getting more then 600$ a lb for their outdoors and depps. Plenty of people that had well preserved well grown "gas" strains got 1000$ this spring. The first depps that came to market this spring fetched up to 12.


If I peddle door to door and quote a price, i expect the client to try and talk me down. He's not ripping me off if he's successful. I've had someone get insulted when he offered 1-2 year old dry as fuck weed for 800 and I offered 500. Fuck him and no deal. The only way for me to sell it was to add more work to further process the shit.

I agree "ripping off" is a poor description of the previous illegal cannabis market. I would call it price gouging. The illegal climate created a shortage and dealers ran up the prices as high as they could. Text book example of Price Gouging.

"Growers" in the previous market are not real growers, they completely made a living from price gouging with price gouging gone they are done.. good bye, game over.
Growing a few weeds is not a life skill and price gouging is not a sustainable business model.

Legalization is destroying our way of life. It's pushing out the mom and pop boutique grows.

Growing 20-30 weeds is not going to support a life anymore. Cannabis is going to be like any other agriculture you are going to need to work and work hard to make a living.

If you are a real grower just switch products ? --- --- ? yeah, that what I thought.

You walk into the clubs in the local cities now and all the customers are pissed.

Lol, People are so happy to walk into a store and buy legal cannabis at a decent price. It is a different experience to walk in choose between 10-20 strains at a competitive price. I love it, so does everyone I know.

I don't know anyone that wants to go back to the dark days of paying $90. a ¼ meeting a dodgy places to get a bag of _____?? what ever the creepy meth head dealer calls it today. Hoping no one gets paranoid and accuses you of being a “cop”.
Oh yeah, those were the days. No thanks, I'll stick to the nice clean dispensary with the $25.-1/4s, cute budtender and big selection.

On another note. There are farmers getting more then 600$ a lb for their outdoors and depps. Plenty of people that had well preserved well grown "gas" strains got 1000$ this spring. The first depps that came to market this spring fetched up to 12.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Your loyal customers will be happy to keep paying 4-10 more and get a limited selection because … ? you say so.

So why the worry ? Just let the dispensaries and legit grows fail. lol


Well-known member
Where do you live? I really have a hard time believing you shop at California clubs.
Cannabis has been legal for medical use since 1997 here. We have had clubs with cute bud tenders and great boutique selections for 20 years here. All you needed was to get a note from your physician when you went for a check up or 40$ to see a pot doctor. I'm not talking about pre 1997 before there was medical.
I'm talking about the recreational legalization that just happened at the beginning of 2018. Club prices have doubled. Selection isn't even 1/4 off what it was. I had a legal collective until 6 months ago and now i can't even sell to a club because i am not state licensed and i cannot get licensed because Our the law change. Most cultivation collectives are going through the same thing as me. So now the consumer can't pick up our affordable weed grown with love at a dispensary. They are left with with a few selections of mass produced walmart weed at rip off prices.
Now we have to sell our product on the black market. That is where we are only getting 600$ a lb. The legal market can't even buy our weed.

Fact is, dispensary shoppers lost their selection, and now they have to pay 2x the price. And what did they gain? The only thing they gained is now they don't need to get a 40$ dr note once a year. Seems to me like the consumer got screwed and the growers.

Wendull C.

Active member
Calgrow, you are one arrogant individual drawing lines where none exist.

What is your obsession with calling respected members here ala schrews tweekers?

A meth head kick your dog? Steal your recyclables? Beat your mama?

Have you even looked at Schrews multiple year documentations of his grows? Have you seen the quality of the outs he grows? Yet you insult him and his circle as drug dealing tweekers?

I dont know the man, have never conversed with him but he does not appear to be what you describe at all.

Why are you so disgruntled over people who have kept an industry alive (at great peril to themselves and everything they hold dear) you now profit from?

If we are are peddlin dope addicts, why bother to post here and waste your time with our ilk?


Active member
It's supply and demand not price goughing. So if we don't have a multi million dollar operation, we are all tweakers. Not cool Calgrow. If you don't like small scale growers, this probably isn't the place for you. I have never seen the quality at the dispensary even close to what the newbies here produce. You just can't keep quality, beyond a certain scale.


Well-known member
It's supply and demand not price goughing. So if we don't have a multi million dollar operation, we are all tweakers. Not cool Calgrow. If you don't like small scale growers, this probably isn't the place for you. I have never seen the quality at the dispensary even close to what the newbies here produce. You just can't keep quality, beyond a certain scale.

It is my hope that once everyone knows where to find cheap mediocre herb that small farmers will gain in popularity.


You guys can attack me all you want, but the truth is still there and will be there for years to come. The outlaw pot growing industry is gone. It all relied on inflated prices due to being illegal.

Great hops are grown and sold for $20. a lb why would a weed plant go for $2000lb ? Because it was illegal.

You guys can make up prices all week long but the truth is people in California are buying and selling units for $200-$600. With predictions of further price drops way lower..

It is a hard world and a poor economy out there. The days of growing a few weeds and making a living are over.

"Educating" customers ? lol Do you guys think that people who have been smoking pot for years don't know what they want ? I seriously doubt they want to pay you quadruple the price because your pot was grown in a dirty basement, never tested for pesticides and you are willing to meet in a parking lot.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
He might be a little wrong on somethings, but in total he is telling the truth to those who have something to lose and do not want to think about it. A thankless task. He does not come off like a troll to me.


Well-known member
all change is returning things back to their roots,,,

corporate schmucks, sure as shit, aint the roots,,,

just an annoying trend before systemic collapse
You guys can attack me all you want, but the truth is still there and will be there for years to come. The outlaw pot growing industry is gone. It all relied on inflated prices due to being illegal.

Great hops are grown and sold for $20. a lb why would a weed plant go for $2000lb ? Because it was illegal.

You guys can make up prices all week long but the truth is people in California are buying and selling units for $200-$600. With predictions of further price drops way lower..

It is a hard world and a poor economy out there. The days of growing a few weeds and making a living are over.

"Educating" customers ? lol Do you guys think that people who have been smoking pot for years don't know what they want ? I seriously doubt they want to pay you quadruple the price because your pot was grown in a dirty basement, never tested for pesticides and you are willing to meet in a parking lot.

This guy is so full of shit and he is repeating himself so many times that others, those watching from the sidelines, are starting to eat his shit. He is a troll and really, just dumb.

I mean, Central Valley flowers are better than humboldt? Because there is not enough sunny days? Tell that to a guy that hasn’t had a cloudy day in 6 weeks! I wish there would be a few cloudy days so I could knock out a few big projects! I don’t think anybody that grew up there would say that.

He’s telling a bunch of growers that are counting up stacks from last season and bringing down deps that are already sold that it’s all over. And ya, prices are down but we are dealing with it. I’m getting 80% less than 9 years ago for a better product but are the consumers paying 80% less for better weed?

I was in a dispensary on July 3 and the budtender was having his worst day ever with people getting angry and storming out because there is no such thing as a $5 gram anymore. The cheapest they had was $13 with taxes included. Pfft, $25 quarters! I know there used to be $100 oz’s and maybe there still are but not in Vallejo and not anything you would want a whole oz of. Calgrow obviously hasn’t been into a dispensary recently, if ever, and there is no way he holds any kind of state license.

This used to be a discussion of real, on the ground prices. Seems like this year it has just gone to shit because of amateurs and trolls that can’t make it in this brave new world. It is clear to me that getting licensed is not going to be the only way to make a living going forward. The black market demand is strong. Long live the black market.