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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Well-known member
You guys can attack me all you want, but the truth is still there and will be there for years to come. The outlaw pot growing industry is gone. It all relied on inflated prices due to being illegal.

Great hops are grown and sold for $20. a lb why would a weed plant go for $2000lb ? Because it was illegal.

You guys can make up prices all week long but the truth is people in California are buying and selling units for $200-$600. With predictions of further price drops way lower..

It is a hard world and a poor economy out there. The days of growing a few weeds and making a living are over.

"Educating" customers ? lol Do you guys think that people who have been smoking pot for years don't know what they want ? I seriously doubt they want to pay you quadruple the price because your pot was grown in a dirty basement, never tested for pesticides and you are willing to meet in a parking lot.
I'm really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't a troll. I would really appreciate of you gave my posts some thought and responded to at least let me know you read them.
I am hoping and thinking that you just don't quite understand what It's going on. I don't think you shop in California dispensaries at All. I don't think you know about our new legalization laws or our new state licenced "legal" market. I'm not even sure you live in California at all. You are talking about weed grown in basements and houses here do not even have basements. I have definitely never seen anyone grow in one. We have slab foundations mostly. We have a Mediterranean climate! Frost line here is basically non existent other then lake Tahoe.

6 months ago the laws changed and now the law is way tougher. Not more lax. Yet prices are at an all time low. Not just anyone can grow in their backyard and sell to CA clubs anymore. These 200-600$ lbs we are talking about is black market pricing. This weed is mostly exported to other States illegally. The cost of "legal" weed has more then doubled. We have almost no legal supply of weed right now.

Consumers are outraged. The cheap dispensary weed they had for the last 20 years is gone. The black market is dirt cheap and the legal market is rip off Wal-Mart weed.
These are facts. Not observations or opinions


6 months ago the laws changed and now the law is way tougher. Not more lax. Yet prices are at an all time low. Not just anyone can grow in their backyard and sell to CA clubs anymore. These 200-600$ lbs we are talking about is black market pricing. This weed is mostly exported to other States illegally. The cost of "legal" weed has more then doubled. We have almost no legal supply of weed right now.

Consumers are outraged. The cheap dispensary weed they had for the last 20 years is gone. The black market is dirt cheap and the legal market is rip off Wal-Mart weed.
These are facts. Not observations or opinions

This is the logical outcome of a semi-legal market run by a cartel (government). When I lived in southwest Virginia for ten years there was moonshine everywhere. Every get together, wedding, party, the mason jars were on the table. In the era of legal alcohol how could a moonshiner make money? The answer is taxes. Legal alcohol is a cash cow for government. If you can produce alcohol for near the same amount as a big distiller you can make profit on the tax difference.

If governments get too greedy and drive the cost of legal pot too high the consumer will be tempted by the black market weed and the black market will flourish. But the cartels will enforce their monopoly with extreme prejudice. Growing will become illegal again and jail and fines will return with gusto.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Growing plants generally is a peaceful and rewarding pursuit, particularly if its not on a huge scale, and like most here its just a home, hobby, horticulturalists interest, whether you are growing cannabis or chrysanthemums you are not some sort of evil denizen of your nation or state, you are simply a grower.

But these ridiculous and draconian laws and the main-stream-propaganda-media-mill that have for 80+ years elevated cannabis growers in the public eye to be some sort of evil-minded drug pushers that are denigrating the lives of others young and old thru their horticultural endeavors, which we all know just isn't so, and this was what the powers that be wanted everyone to believe so that they could instill fear into the worlds populace, and those that were willing and able to counter all that bull-crap were, and still are VERY BRAVE PEOPLE, some would even question their sanity for risking everything they have. Yes...directly risking their love, life and liberty, their homes, their family lives, their reputations, their professions their wealth and their health just to have the nerve and conviction to carry on regardless and GROW THEIR OWN CANNABIS, for themselves and for those that might need it for medicine or recreation.

Today, as we see the proverbial walls come down, and cannabis cultivation slowly but surely becoming a legal and almost revered pursuit in many parts of the globe, many new people have jumped on-board, and should be showing a bit of respect to the old-school mob that pioneered much of what we have today in the way of knowledge and genetic material for good cannabis cultivation, because the old growers had to operate (and many still do) under a veil of secrecy and intense paranoia, risking all to arrive at where we are in this day and age......and they all risked so much to be able to supply the needy and advance the sciences around cannabis cultivation. For many it was not about just making money, more about saving money when you don't have to go out and try and score low-quality and potentially poisonous 'erb from relatively unknown sources and at a huge price, and for so many of us it became a labour of love, and a way to conscientiously object against a corrupt and unfair system of laws designed to terrorize many generations.

So all you young and keen cannabis growers out there need to tip your hats to those that have gone before you, for without them we wouldn't have this website for a start, with all the knowledge and wisdom it contains, and so much more out there that has come about over the years thru the advancement of the cannabis counter-culture that I am very proud to be a member of for these past 45 years or so.

GROW ON!......Gypsy Nirvana,


3rd-Eye Jedi
everyone should simply start reporting posts with the descriptive of TROLL and not reply or comment on his remarks

let the mods know that these posts are not appropriate and unwanted in this community and give the troll nothing else

fuck these dudes ruining this forum because they can't keep their own mind in check, total liability and nothing else.


Lets try to move away from the personal attacks and the low grade bickering. This is supposed to be a discussion on prices California prices. I know many of you are having a hard time with dropping prices, that is no reason to attack people trying to have a realistic discussion.

Lets look at some agriculture growing facts and stats. Lets look at the big picture and get away from “this guy in a stairwell paid me $100. a gram”

Cannabis is legal in many states and going towards legal in the other states. Being legal means it will lose all profits from illegally inflated prices, which brings it down to a basic agricultural product.

Do people make a living growing and selling agriculture products from their back yard ? NO, sorry it takes much more scale. Lets look at some comparable plants.

Bay Leaf $30.00 lb
Cilantro $6.00 lb
Mint $14.00 lb
Oregano $14.00 lb
Rosemary $14.00 lb
Thyme $14.00 lb
Lavender $10.00 lb

Companies are already getting positioned to jump into cannabis production by the acre and get competitive in this newly legal agriculture product. Are you going to compete with a basement ? NO.

Why would cannabis stay at highly inflated prices ? Because sellers will “educate” buyers to pay more ? Errr---- Wrong
Because large growers are idiots ? Errr---- Wrong
Because uneducated criminals can grow better pot inn apartment rentals then professional horticulturists in labs ? Errr---- Wrong

I would love to discus more reasons cannabis prices could stay inflated ? or go back up ?


3rd-Eye Jedi
if you want to have a discussion about cannabis agronomy compared to traditional industries make a thread about it

I have tried to have those discussions and imho most people even many "successful" growers are absolutely blind to the fact that the chemovar variance alone allows for a diversity in the market that no other species of plant has ever offered let alone morphological and physiological variations likewise as diverse

if you want to really go there I am willing to predict that it will become recognized as the one plant that could be used to establish life and terra forming on other planets

but wtf this has to do with prices now I have no clue


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
this is about prices in the California market . You want to discuss other topics please make a new thread


No where in the USA, is Canna federally legal. It just is not legal yet, period. I will be shocked if it becomes legal in my lifetime.

Try to walk into a bank in California, and open up a business account for a Canna based business. You will be told, they don't support illegal activities, money laundering, and be denied an account. That is the stance the Fed has on Canna businesses. This part of the triangle, we have more federal cops than state cops. The state cops, are quick to radio a fed to show up when they feel like it to. Its a matter of the cops decision to bust you or not. Watched two different state licensed operators get busted within the last month.

If it ever goes legal, I imagine import will dominate the market. Imagine dab pens from India, China, Mexico, Columbia, etc.. etc.. Product grown in one country, then shipped to another for processing, then shipped again to be sold.

The triangle is in some extent of a drought until main harvest. The dep is never enough, and with LEO aiming at the tunnels I don't see dep production increasing. Have heard stories of people showing up with money, and having to leave with money. 5-7 for basically anything that is half decent.



The triangle is in some extent of a drought until main harvest. The dep is never enough, and with LEO aiming at the tunnels I don't see dep production increasing. Have heard stories of people showing up with money, and having to leave with money. 5-7 for basically anything that is half decent.

The triangle is not in any "drought".

I have lived here for my whole life back in the day their would be droughts this time of year not anymore.

The real market and prices in the Triangle, Humboldt County right now 07-19-2018

Units $200-$600 cash as many as someone can want.

Their is still holdouts who think their stuff is worth 1990 prices, they sit on stuff and it gets bought for $200 a unit a year or two later. Dry-old stuff $200.

At the top top of the spectrum $600. fresh crystal coated Cookies, OG, GG4, GDP the dank of the dank.

If you want to look up going rates take a look at craigslist. Sellers are trying to get $800 and buyers are offering $200-$300. They meet somewhere in the middle.

These are the same prices locals are dealing in. I have lived here my whole life this is what it is now. Buyers market flooded with product.


Bubblegum Specialist
You can still get my seeds from many places. Hard to find legal seeds under the new system. Some places buy my seeds and some don’t. Email me if you want some ...BushyOG

Gypsy is so right!


The triangle is not in any "drought".

I have lived here for my whole life back in the day their would be droughts this time of year not anymore.

The real market and prices in the Triangle, Humboldt County right now 07-19-2018

Units $200-$600 cash as many as someone can want.

Their is still holdouts who think their stuff is worth 1990 prices, they sit on stuff and it gets bought for $200 a unit a year or two later. Dry-old stuff $200.

At the top top of the spectrum $600. fresh crystal coated Cookies, OG, GG4, GDP the dank of the dank.

If you want to look up going rates take a look at craigslist. Sellers are trying to get $800 and buyers are offering $200-$300. They meet somewhere in the middle.

These are the same prices locals are dealing in. I have lived here my whole life this is what it is now. Buyers market flooded with product.

If your using craigslist, I understand why you are a little out of the loop. Around here people talk face to face, and are friendly. A large buyer is around, you might here about it from 3 or 4 different people.

This side of the triangle, has seen a steady barrage of buyers in the last month, not being able to fill their entire orders. Was sort of comical because it was so slow for so long, then all of a sudden... damn could have sold out 3x.. 4x... 6x... Someone shows up for a 300 pack, and can barely piece together 100 and goes home with money, it is a drought. Sure there are tons of worthless units laying around that should have been composted years ago, nobody will ever buy them except for distillate. People have always had crap units buried, pulling them out during drought season for decades, nothing new. Try to get boxs of decent units, and people will be scrambling to piece it together atm.

Typically I have noticed on average we are a point or two higher than Humboldt's market.



If your using craigslist, I understand why you are a little out of the loop. Around here people talk face to face, and are friendly. A large buyer is around, you might here about it from 3 or 4 different people.

Like I said earlier I was born and grew up here. I have heard many "locals"(who moved from ____ 2-4 years ago) tell me how things "operate. I can tell by your tune you most likely moved here from the east.

There is a new game in town if you haven't realized. It's called liquidate and move on to the next profitable gig. You can play ostrich with your small group but your head in the dirt will not help you in the long run.

Craigslist is full of fire sale cars, trucks, tools you name it. I buy and sell in other locations that have a better economy. I also buy from word of mouth, but I do not limit myself to a small circle of people.

JFC, maybe take a drive north of the border then? We're getting a steady 15 all summer long up here...

Better enjoy it while you can they will find much cheaper if they look around.

Cal grow sounds like a man who is worried..

I make money.

I made money logging, I made money when the loggers left. I made money growing, now I buy grow equipment and sell it to the next prospector.

I was here making money before the "bros" came and will be here making money after they all leave. The only thing I am worried about is the growers who do not move and start living on the streets. We already have enough street people.


Well-known member
The triangle is not in any "drought".

I have lived here for my whole life back in the day their would be droughts this time of year not anymore.

The real market and prices in the Triangle, Humboldt County right now 07-19-2018

Units $200-$600 cash as many as someone can want.

Their is still holdouts who think their stuff is worth 1990 prices, they sit on stuff and it gets bought for $200 a unit a year or two later. Dry-old stuff $200.

At the top top of the spectrum $600. fresh crystal coated Cookies, OG, GG4, GDP the dank of the dank.

If you want to look up going rates take a look at craigslist. Sellers are trying to get $800 and buyers are offering $200-$300. They meet somewhere in the middle.

These are the same prices locals are dealing in. I have lived here my whole life this is what it is now. Buyers market flooded with product.

You can keep saying prices are 200-600 but it's not really true. This whole year, I havent ever really seen anything even smokeable at 200$ or even 400$. Except for smalls. And you can't really include smalls in bud pricing. Including weed that's just downright ugly or over a year old is silly. That is a defective product with no real market value. It's close to impossible to sell at any price.

While there is no real drought per se, there are dryer seasons and prices do fluctuate. The increase in light depp cultivation really changed things.
The high point of this market for nice outdoor isn't in the summer anymore. It's right before depps came out. This spring there wasn't allot of good looking outdoor left and depps weren't in.
People that had well grown well preserved "gas" did get 1000 or close to it. Now that depps are in outdoor prices are back down, but there isn't allot that looks good. The outdoor People are getting at 600 now does not look like the outdoor People were getting 600 for 6 months ago. Most off the outdoor that's left now is stuff that didn't move this winter. It's not higher end. Depps are like 800-1150 with nicer stuff being more 1000 to 1150.

I think a more accurate way if pricing is saying this winter was 500 to 750 with an average around 600 for good stuff. And pricing from this spring to now is 600 to 1150 ( if we are including depps, which we should because they share a market segment).

And I'm not one of those people disgruntled about price changes. I have no one to blame but myself. We all grew more weed then there was a demand for and now prices are terrible. We were growing 500-1000 lbs when we should have been growing 100-200..... I also grow decent weed and have never taken below 600$. Most of my stuff went closer to 1000 this year.


I just got 7 for a 10 piece of almost year old og that still smelled good but was oxidized, in one of the most completive markets in the state. They were trying to hold out for fresh ones but there isn't a lot coming down the pipe line and the ones that are people are wanting 1k for. Ins at 13-15.