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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Chemon 91
In socal today prop 64 has squeezed many out of growing for retail unless they have cutting edge genetics, professional horticulture experience,and property access.

at some coops its so busy they use those lighted vibrating lunch buzzers while persons park around the coops in their vehicles.

i like sorting genetics to fins that unique strain that will provide what the community is looking for in a herb.

big business is here and flourishing in California.


california state county and city taxes? testing of product? plant tagging and tracing?

seeds...make more seeds.


Recreation legal is coming here in Michigan soon. Very soon. They arleady passed some new rules down for the ongoing medical thing. Shut all the pot stores down until they sort out details. But no more small caregiver "overages" to these stores. Once stores reopen they can only buy from licensed (by a 500 min to I think 5,000?? max plant tiered price system) disp only suppliers. Big bucks for those licenses too. Basically they are anticipating rec legal in Lansing and getting this supposed med only thing going is my guess. So it can integrate right in when rec legal passes. Anyways..yeah. You better bring the fire now a days and especially in the near future. Your gonna have to have unique and different genetics that really brings the smell and flavor. Stuff that really zeroes in on what people want in the high as well. I know of cats sifting through 300 or 500 seed lots of one cultivar searching right now. Seed breeders are gonna have to up the game as well. Stop with the 50 different variations on a basic theme all at once amd really focus and do some real deal breeding on one or two extremely reliable and funky varieties.
How are they going to bring the heat if dispensaries can't buy from them?

I'm confused by statments saying you need quality to compete in the legal market. No, you need a grow license that'll cost more than your car, and an instagram fanbase. . There's a reason dispensaries aren't offering fair prices on quality; they are flushing quality from the industry so they can sell the uncured unflushed perfumagated neem coated bagseed they grow themselves. Legal weed ain't for Cannabis fanatics folks.. Its for replacing everything Cannabis fanatics knew about buying weed. People don't even smell the buds anymore. Seriously if you think weed nerds are shopping at dispos just stop and ask yourself, do you even know anyone who knows strains and shops at dispos?

They just want the cheapest shit, thats the largest customer base: poor people who want a quick guilt free headchange and can be fooled into smoking tainted garbage and still being satisfied. Once a dispensary can ride on its name that's what they do.
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I say let em go. Gonna do it anyways. And the more greed involved in that sector..the more the smaller real deal growers can do what we do and still make a living. I sell my weed to patients. But Iam not collecting fat stacks by any stretch. Just getting by anymore. I do ok. And thats fine by me. I just really like growing. Its the real addiction. But anyways let the big dollar licenses and taxes and corporate and legal..advertising..more taxes and fees and regulation..all that shit makes disp weed expensive. All the while some basement guy is cranking out a bunch of jaw dropping crops of really wild wicked stuff grown and dried to PERFECTION. And at a friendly price where everyone is happy.


How are they going to bring the heat if dispensaries can't buy from them?

I'm confused by statments saying you need quality to compete in the legal market. No, you need a grow license that'll cost more than your car, and an instagram fanbase. . There's a reason dispensaries aren't offering fair prices on quality; they are flushing quality from the industry so they can sell the uncured unflushed perfumagated neem coated bagseed they grow themselves. Legal weed ain't for Cannabis fanatics folks.. Its for replacing everything Cannabis fanatics knew about buying weed. People don't even smell the buds anymore. Seriously if you think weed nerds are shopping at dispos just stop and ask yourself, do you even know anyone who knows strains and shops at dispos?

They just want the cheapest shit, thats the largest customer base: poor people who want a quick guilt free headchange and can be fooled into smoking tainted garbage and still being satisfied. Once a dispensary can ride on its name that's what they do.

The black market is how. Fuck the dispensarys.

soil margin

Active member
Yeah my feelings exactly. Douchebags bought their way into the business with $120k permits and now they deserve to have the market stolen back away from them by honest growers on the black market dropping twice the quality for half the price.

And also to the moron complaining about prices.... just shut the fuck up. It’s a goddamn price thread..
I’m sure there is some $5 a gram dirt wax u can purchase if that’s more ur style...
No one is going to force u to buy something u consider overpriced (that’s how a marketplace works)

I swear I’m gonna throw hands with the next motherfucker that suggests growers have some moral obligation to sell their wares at less than market price in the name of “compassion”.

Seriously, I’m salty as fuck about this...
mayb, mayb u could convince me that 5 years ago when I was getting $4800 a lb I had some moral obligation to kick some down to those in need..
but now, I barely pay the bills. And it’s only getting worse...
So to anyone who is gonna tell me I have a moral obligation to sell for less than market price in this economy.. I’d so love to punch u right in the fucking throat...
that is all

First. Have some respect for yourself homie as well as me. There is no reason for your first time communicating with me to come at me sideways and running your mouth when you werent even being spoke too you just show up bumpin your gums contributing nothing but talking shit.. what good did that do? accomplish or further our understanding of the situation? Yea, didnt think so.
I lost my entire life in the wildfires this last October and loosing everything from my house to my gardens and cars and having the insurance try and fuck everyone I STILL would not charge anywhere near that its just plain greedy, rude and uncalled for specifically being a California patient supposedly having medication not Arkansas!
-Second, what does dollar wax have to do with anything that was stated before? With the supply and demand that a few people wanted to point out provides the luxury of fire ass golden dabs that arent full of contaminates all day for an appropriately priced product the old days of high prices are gone YES WE GET IT all things change and adapt but hanging on to things like that is so cliche, not to mention it makes you sound like you need to soak your dentures.. miss the "good ol days"!
-Third, if he did have people that were paying that because of lack of options that doesnt justify price gouging and i am actually pretty sure that illegal which is why there were companies getting fined some pretty heavy numbers for price gouging water during the hurricane where people were blatantly charging $20 plus dollars for a case of water that was normally priced under $5.00 becuase in this great country of America we have laws that protect us haha. Again, maybe you should give it a little more thought before just being an ass to someone because this is a website. And you're not gonna throw hands with anyone tough guy.. Bruddaah calm down before you hurt yourself one for real my guy :laughing:. Who's problem is it that you came from a time where you got nearly 5 grand a pound and are having trouble paying your bills now? Sounds like if you put half the energy and rage you had bottled up into making money and stacking your bread you would have things paid for and be cruising though life so hanging on to that whole i came from a time mentality only makes you look bad because your just telling us that you slacked when people were making a killing and it was easy as fuck. Price was through the roof with the demand to follow and your broke not a good look id drop that line from my arsenal. No one is expecting your dumb ass to sell below market price, dont put words in my mouth thats a feminine thing to do bruh, what went over your head is that the market price isnt plummeting or lowering its working its way down to what its worth.. now that this shit is in the spotlight and legit and people want it regulated and treated like any other product and bring it from the blackmarket to the traditional market place ( you mentioned something about a marketplace but didnt make sense and from your record i wouldnt take financial advice from you even if i WAS trying to go broke we saw what you did with 5k a pound when gas was $0.98 a gallon.) Your gonna loose the artificial inflation thats due to it being illegal. The prices that you were use was becuase there weren't legal business being traded and invested and the state of cannabis we have now was only a dream. i could continue to go but ill let you get back to yourself since your obviously havin some major issues behind the scenes that you need to solve so i dont want to take more minutes then i needed

Pull Yourself together dog.. like i said before, its a not a good look.:tiphat:
Well said. If customers/buyers only knew what it takes and what us growers have to put up with to get our final product out there...they have no clue. Its expensive and competitive as hell. Fuk em I say. Iam pretty tired of the whole "compassion" thing myself. I hook people up still. The ones that don't bitch and get on my case...the humble patients that appreciate what I offer and the risks and bullshit I have to put up with. Fuk everyone else. I was just talking to my girl last night about this. Some buyers/customers can get funny with a grower. They think your sacks of buds or processed product appears magically or out of thin air sometimes. They can have an attiude and be a hater quite often. Again..they have not a clue of what it takes. To do it right..and grow the best you can...its not easy at all. And expensive. These days arent like it was 20 years ago. Where a guy with a thousand watter can sell whatever (pulled early..still wet..subpar grown) for top dollar. Some still do. Bit they arent lasting in this new world of semi or quasi legal and acceptance.

And people like you are the reason that this shits all falling apart and has gone the route it went. Your probably the same guy you would find with 100 plants outdoors next to a church school and wonder why people complain. That whole fucking compassion thing you are so tired of is what has not only allowed us to have the freedoms we have been lucky enough to have for some time now not to mention it allowed "us growers" ( lol i swear you lazy people and your whole " if they knew the hard work we put in" bro stop we are all growers here and just becuase you dont workout and you sweat and feel beat at the end of the day from moving plants and soil isnt something to brag about its literally a job a child or im probably sure you could train an chimp to do... get over yourself cannabis growing isnt hard) a fucking gold rush for the last 20 years and had it not been for the doctors needing to find a cure and fight for the gay population dieing in record numbers from Aids/HIV prop215 never would have been enacted so dont be so quick to cry over some prices.. go plant rice or any other commodity that isnt illegal and let me hear you cry about the price of a pound.... a rice farmer or anything farmer would shit themselves to get DOUBLE DIGIT PRICES let alone mulitple thousands per a pound of something that is a fucking joke to produce.

Its amazing at how fast people forget where we come from. Its truly sad to read things and see people who just blantly abuse our system and then want to point finger because everything is going to hell. If people had been repectful everyone would have been able to carry on with what we knew and were comfortable with but you people who have no values or morals and just see dollar signs and then it not gives the rest of the group a bad rep but also ruins it, we had the freedom to plant as much medication as we needed and to make some extra income on the side to buy some toys or have a nice christmas for the family and maybe take them on vacation or a truck and now its people like this that have ruined a whole culture and a way of life and in the next decade when all these places run down and become ghost towns becuase people cant afford to live in the hills anymore and thanks to this the next generation/our kids wont have the luxury to provide for themselves and to get a head in life because you cant pull 100 grand out the back yard on top of your job. So just know the next generation is gonna have so fingers to point.:thank you::ying::tiphat:

The clones take your time and power, nutrients are fucking nothing, the most your paying per a kilowatt in Ca is $0.45 so if you break down your Production costs your still making a killing at something that takes fucking minimal imput unless your are retarded. It takes all day? invest in irrigation and feeding setups to automate it and you basically just plant the clones and pay the fucking bills... where are these issues you are trying to complain about that you cant make money? Your product speaks for itself and competition is just staring to thin out the weak and you guys are breaking down from the stress of the fact you have been half assing and blew the 20 plus years you had in the game to stack up and you wanna cry now ? If you knew you were gonna be dependent on cannabis for your bills then you should have hustled a hell of a lot harder if you werent wanting to work. This is a side job that just happens to pay extremely well due to the fact it was illegal so people were able to make it a full time job but like any bubble it burst and now that its legal and prices are falling and becoming what they should be as we arent growing diamonds


Active member
First. Have some respect for yourself homie as well as me. There is no reason for your first time communicating with me to come at me sideways and running your mouth when you werent even being spoke too you just show up bumpin your gums contributing nothing but talking shit.. what good did that do? accomplish or further our understanding of the situation? Yea, didnt think so.
I lost my entire life in the wildfires this last October and loosing everything from my house to my gardens and cars and having the insurance try and fuck everyone I STILL would not charge anywhere near that its just plain greedy, rude and uncalled for specifically being a California patient supposedly having medication not Arkansas!
-Second, what does dollar wax have to do with anything that was stated before? With the supply and demand that a few people wanted to point out provides the luxury of fire ass golden dabs that arent full of contaminates all day for an appropriately priced product the old days of high prices are gone YES WE GET IT all things change and adapt but hanging on to things like that is so cliche, not to mention it makes you sound like you need to soak your dentures.. miss the "good ol days"!
-Third, if he did have people that were paying that because of lack of options that doesnt justify price gouging and i am actually pretty sure that illegal which is why there were companies getting fined some pretty heavy numbers for price gouging water during the hurricane where people were blatantly charging $20 plus dollars for a case of water that was normally priced under $5.00 becuase in this great country of America we have laws that protect us haha. Again, maybe you should give it a little more thought before just being an ass to someone because this is a website. And you're not gonna throw hands with anyone tough guy.. Bruddaah calm down before you hurt yourself one for real my guy :laughing:. Who's problem is it that you came from a time where you got nearly 5 grand a pound and are having trouble paying your bills now? Sounds like if you put half the energy and rage you had bottled up into making money and stacking your bread you would have things paid for and be cruising though life so hanging on to that whole i came from a time mentality only makes you look bad because your just telling us that you slacked when people were making a killing and it was easy as fuck. Price was through the roof with the demand to follow and your broke not a good look id drop that line from my arsenal. No one is expecting your dumb ass to sell below market price, dont put words in my mouth thats a feminine thing to do bruh, what went over your head is that the market price isnt plummeting or lowering its working its way down to what its worth.. now that this shit is in the spotlight and legit and people want it regulated and treated like any other product and bring it from the blackmarket to the traditional market place ( you mentioned something about a marketplace but didnt make sense and from your record i wouldnt take financial advice from you even if i WAS trying to go broke we saw what you did with 5k a pound when gas was $0.98 a gallon.) Your gonna loose the artificial inflation thats due to it being illegal. The prices that you were use was becuase there weren't legal business being traded and invested and the state of cannabis we have now was only a dream. i could continue to go but ill let you get back to yourself since your obviously havin some major issues behind the scenes that you need to solve so i dont want to take more minutes then i needed

Pull Yourself together dog.. like i said before, its a not a good look.:tiphat:

I’ll respond because there is some truth in that wall of text..
Ya man, I have regrets.. n ya I coasted when I shouldn’t have.. I’ve made fuckng miles of mistakes. I’m def not captain America.
I’m not here to defend myself... or for pity. I don’t really care about either...It’s just that I know there are many other growers here at ic who can relate to being whittled out of existence..(or at least they can see the writing on the wall).
It’s not the easiest position to be in.. becoming obsolete.. I think at the very least we are entitled to be grumpy about it on a fucking Internet forum for said growers.. idk how anyone could expect that those who are slowly losing their living should be happy about it.. I get it; adapt or perish..
I’m just the old guy in the barbershop wishing it was back in the day still.

N if I took ur post the wrong way, my bad

But it is a price thread not a guilt and shame dudes for getting what they get thread (and I’ll always always always defend and side with the small farmer)..
So let’s get back to the thread topic.... if we need to further discuss our situation take it to pm.. anyway hope all u ic maggers out there have a good one..
no throat punching today.. peace
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Well-known member
legal weed brought the major assholes out into the limelight in WA, too. . .

getting all david hogg on the issues. . . would be funny, if it wasn't so fucking tragic


Well-known member
My major issue with the price drops is the fact that theres hardly any profit for the farmers after taxes, permits etc. I dont have to pay half my crops worth for a permit to grow corn and then pay the other half to get it to market. Hell I've payed people to trim lbs the same price as pounds are selling for out west now. I think its fucked that the gov is gonna make all the $ and blow it on bullshit while causing thousands of families to loose their income and ruin their local economies. It wouldn't be so fucked losing my income if I could at least grow like I want to. As is we wont be able to grow but a few plants for personal use if even that. So hows it legal then. Seems more like a gov controlled mafia to me. Legal should mean I can fill my yard or farm if I want without going to jail or paying anyone. Im still in a non legal state (FL) and can get good $ because I have the best organically grown and never sprayed weed anyone around here has ever seen. I know people that can get import from out west for half what I charge but still come to me because quality matters to some people, even broke people.


Well-known member
dammit you all are fkin up this thread you dam out of staters..lol

seriously this is a ca thread, ive had to say this like a million fkin times.

You want to start a thread about the general market make a new thread but dont change the topic of this one to suite your needs please ok?

soil margin

Active member
My major issue with the price drops is the fact that theres hardly any profit for the farmers after taxes, permits etc. I dont have to pay half my crops worth for a permit to grow corn and then pay the other half to get it to market. Hell I've payed people to trim lbs the same price as pounds are selling for out west now. I think its fucked that the gov is gonna make all the $ and blow it on bullshit while causing thousands of families to loose their income and ruin their local economies.

Yeah my other issue with the price drops is that there hasn't actually been any price drops at the retail level. Collectives are selling shit at higher prices than medical ever went for. Basically what's happened is the farmers get fucked, customers keep paying high prices and everyone holding a dispensary permit/collecting taxes gets to profit from it. It's not a legal/free market, it's a rigged market designed to profit a small number of entities/individuals.


Active member
Yep, the legal, licensed places are charging a good amount still, along with (sometimes) in excess of 40% taxes on top of that. The gray market delivery companies are selling indoor ounces for as little as $100, crappy herb, but still cheap.... that's where to prices have fallen on the retail side.

I'm still sitting on an 8 pack of mid Sour D for $400 per for a friend. Was offered $600 per for my Bodhi strains, but I turned it down. I can press it into rosin and make twice that or more.


Active member
dammit you all are fkin up this thread you dam out of staters..lol

seriously this is a ca thread, ive had to say this like a million fkin times.

You want to start a thread about the general market make a new thread but dont change the topic of this one to suite your needs please ok?

How do you not see that prices in other states directly effect the prices in Ca. Granted it is less and less every year as legalization grows


Well-known member
How do you not see that prices in other states directly effect the prices in Ca. Granted it is less and less every year as legalization grows

thats a good point, but not really the intention of the thread iirc

saw some 2017 full term go for 8
Vertically integrated farms are really the only game plan that can be profitable for the better part of this decade. Brand yourself,grow fire, make your third party products, sell at your own retail spot. Integrate your black market stuff, find law loopholes, fuck the capital g . We are just at another step of adapting as farmers.

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