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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
4000$-5000$ a pound in my neck of the woods...buying more than ten and 2500$-3000$ with the bulk discount!


Well-known member
Yeah some low ballers really belong in hell. I seen someone sell a 8 pack of outdoor for 8800 in Fl. Fucking rough action.

4000$-5000$ a pound in my neck of the woods...buying more than ten and 2500$-3000$ with the bulk discount!

Yagga Yo! This is a California forum and thread. Unless you have something to contribute to the prices here then please maybe start your own thread for your area.

If you are trying to show us prices in your area to compare to ours for market comparisons, that's cool, but please mention california somewhere in your post so it has something to do with the original thread topic.


Im still holding stuff from 2017..dont want to be holding in late march when the next crash hits us..and my stuff is only worth 500 at max..yikes. And the fucked up thing is on the retail end they are gauging patients and recc with high prices when its broken down..middle men fuckin us again. Whatever..live and learn..adapt..i ching..


Active member
Cali growers need to stick together, every time you let a low baller have his way,you hurt everyone's bottom line. I am hearing ridiculous low ball prices on Cali grown being shipped east,at 1200 in the east. Way to low.

Wendull C.

Active member
^^^^ This!!! If everyone keeps cutting throats it will be bad for all of us. The guy i watched off a 10 pack of perfectly grown cookies for 13000 said he had employees and edison to pay. He had to do it. Told him next time see me and he will be dealt with fairly.

soil margin

Active member
So when do people foresee retail prices falling down to be commensurate with the lower level that growers and farmers are getting now? It bugs me to know that someone putting in the hard work to grow cannabis is getting 20-30% less for his work now but dispensaries are still getting away with $65 for an 1/8 and $400 for an oz.


Not sure retail will drop much. Think most chain stores will eventually produce most of their own supply. Typically, your talking a corporate business structure, goal is to maximize profits. They know people are willing to pay 60-65 an eighth. They might buy from farmers, for near the production costs, but not much more.

With all the over regulation, fees, permits, taxs, it will make it really hard for anyone who wanted to retail at a fair price to stay in the market. I imagine, if they did, it would only take a couple shakes from a politicians wand to adjust the rules again.

Locally there is a giant site, that had come out publicly that they were going to build a huge processing plant. The local farmers were hopeful. Turned out they also want to buy as many 1 acre production licenses as they can, instead of buying from local farms.

Without that vertical monopoly were sort of screwed. Seemed like there was a time when monopolies were illegal, now its just business as usual.

Needed a farmers union years ago. Any other agriculture business has one. Grape growers can plant right next to a river, use all sorts of nasty chemicals, and not give a dollar to the water board. We got shafted.

Think, small black market, neighborhood candy stores. Not many long term cali residents want to pay 60 for some fancy beasters, they will still spend money where the dank is. Think there will be a lot of grey market delivery services to, surely lowered price. Gonna be like wack a mole if the State tries to shut them down.


soil margin

Active member
We really need some kind of cannabis farmers markets. Growers could get twice as much for their flowers and customers could pay half as much. Dispensaries are just money sucking middle men and locking people into only buying from certain stores/suppliers is anti-capitalist protectionist bullshit.


Organization and Farmer Unions was an idea passed around amongst the growers who saw how the future would play out years ago. Not many got on board. Especially you Cali growers. You all were short sighted (apparently most). A little too late now. Should of been organizing and banding together before the first rec proposal got shot down. And here in Mich...we need to organize and band together now as one voice but much like Cali..we wont. Its too bad really.


Not for sure, but I wouldn't doubt that part of the reason there is no union or much organization is the federal laws. Organizing a bunch of people breaking federal law year after year, is a bit of a risk. We talked about starting an appellation, but that is handled by the Fed so they wont allow it currently.

Never can tell, but with the way the fed is handling immigration lately. They are trying to force state workers to enforce federal immigration law. If they turn their sights on the canna industry, I imagine there are a ton of state workers who would love to use that as an excuse to bust and seize everything they have been told not to. Think people are so divided its a bad topic, but really its the same issue, States rights. If the State cant make its own laws about one thing, it cant about another. Feds force immigration on Cali, they are showing everyone who is calling the shots.

Last year, the DFW was busting people left and right. Read a quote from them that was pretty anti-canna. Now they are making people fill out huge forms for the LSA. Toppled with all the environmental damage propaganda, I think its at least possible we could see a federal crack down at some point with Sessions. They can bust who they like, seize what they like, and still reap tax dollars from the corporations who they allow to operate. The environmental damage was a slick move. I don't support anyone destroying the environment for any reason especially for canna, but most thought with 64 at least the felonies were kicked down to misdemeanors. Although if they say you did damage while growing, its back to a felony. So basically its at the discretion of the DFW, then you can try to fight it after your cuffed.

Guess only time will tell.


soil margin

Active member
This is something that leads me to believe that current retail prices are absolutely fucking insane:

Gold is selling for between $43-47 a gram right now and a decent gram of legal weed is $20. That means counting the cannabis taxes, gold is almost exactly twice as expensive per gram. That's nuts. Two grams of weed buys a gram of gold right now.

Weed is infinite and we can keep growing more and more of it forever. Gold is incredibly rare and only becoming more valuable with time. How in the hell can those prices for cannabis last?


Active member
This is something that leads me to believe that current retail prices are absolutely fucking insane:

Gold is selling for between $43-47 a gram right now and a decent gram of legal weed is $20. That means counting the cannabis taxes, gold is almost exactly twice as expensive per gram. That's nuts. Two grams of weed buys a gram of gold right now.

Weed is infinite and we can keep growing more and more of it forever. Gold is incredibly rare and only becoming more valuable with time. How in the hell can those prices for cannabis last?

Hmmm, and the wholesale flower price per gram is between $1-$3 per gram... I guess the dispensaries are turning it to gold, not the farmers.


Active member
hey guys good morning

hey guys good morning

i did a Google search for current prices of rec weed in Cali i can up with this i was wondering if it was accurate?

When it comes to dispensary weed, GreenState, a digital publication devoted to cannabis culture, paints a pricier picture. They say that the price of weed will depend a lot on what stores decide is a healthy increase to contend with California’s new marijuana taxation laws, but that on average, consumers are looking at a price hike of around eight dollars. Based on a number of California stores they investigated, the cost for an eighth will now range from around $50 to $65.

Wendull C.

Active member
Wait until local municipalities get their mitts on taxin the shit. You can already see the fuckin crooks at my city council salivating.

These are the same dick holsters who tried everything to run us out of buissiness.

When they couldnt, they weaponized code enforcement. Not everyone had the construction code knowledge to build to code. Some that did may have had an extension cord out when the asshats came in. Long short, they fucked people.

If you were too smart for code enforcement they fire marshalled your ass until the landlord threw you out of your wharehouse.
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Wendull C.

Active member
I saw an la county receipt from toluca lake where 440 dollars of pot came to $603 with all the bend over and grab ze ankles they added on.


When they realize that taxing regulating and charging crazy prices for cannabis still makes the black market thrive and less sales for them..they will change tune after a little while. Lower the taxes..regulation and thus the prices. And eventually once the nation goes legal..ounces will be 50 bucks or less. The big players (big ag)move in to consolidate and monopolize the market. Set a standard product/practice and that's that. It will take a little while. But its inevitable. What alot of grower don't realize is that it takes very little resources and land (from a big ag corporate perspective) to satisfy Americas cannbis consumption.


Active member
Direct from grower was $100/oz last I was in Cali. Medical is going for $80 in Colorado. Four hundred an ounce!!! Prices should be coming down, not going up. That's supposed to keep crime down?
The black market will thrive and those trying to remain legal will be impoverished. That is not access.
Sounds like a consumer's nightmare. Paying higher prices resulting in greater enforcement against our cheaper options.
We've won?


Iam just gonna go ahead and say what everyone is feeling but don't want to say it because they will get bashed and it isnt the "correct" way to think. I really bit myself in the ass all them years...believing the political "cause" from the High Times/ NORML camp and legalization efforts a little later from the MPP. I dont want to see anyone go to jail. I dont want to see Operation Black Merchant all over again but dammit..this isnt what I necessarily had in mind with legal weed. A whole way of life my farmer pals and I have or had is disappearing. A way of life and culture we took the chance and risked freedom to build. We built it alone. No one else was there. And not only that but some wanted us thrown in cages. Again I dont want to see anyone go to jail for weed..ever. But to watch these cocksucking politicians and corporations (who where nowhere decades ago or were the enemy) champion this thing we built because of money..my fucking money I lived on...really rubs me wrong. More and more I wish it would go back to the old days. I know that is selfish but damn man. Thats just how I personally feel about this.

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