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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Wendull C.

Active member
I too think its horseshit. Even in med only Michigan really good growers are getting 2500 at the most for super quality indoor grown to perfection. And it has to be cured well for at least 3 or 4 weeks.

Horse shit huh? Keep growing og and the like. 1350 will be more in line with that.

Get a unique pheno you hunted out yourself and tell me horse shit. Have a good one.

Wendull C.

Active member
Dispensary is my buissiness. The strains are blue cookies at 28 and blue moonshine at 27. My last cherry pie went at 24. Gone fast.

My best bitch sfv og, i couldve cried when i let 5 go for 6500. Depends on variety, rarity, and as we all know quality. If it is not AAA. Dont bother. These are all ins.
I have a friend who works at a legal grow in Arizona, he post pics of the buds. They are middle shelf at best. They grow stuff like northern lights, white widow, green crack, big bud. Nothing less than 20 years old. No cookies, no OG, no glue. Freaking funny, but sad for the folks who buy it. I sure hope that's not what happens here in California

No they aren't mids. They arent classics either. They are scammer seedbank junk and bagseed nonsense. Below reggie. The market is a complete fraud. You need to see these buds in person. Unflushed overfed sterile medium, flash dried, sprayed to hell, molasses/sweet/floranectar/honey/Budcandy infused, not a spec of Cannabis aroma on 95% of buds. Reggie smokes better than AZ mmj.. No joke I smoked better reggie in an Arkansas jailhouse than AZ med patients have access to. Dispos won't pay for quality here because they sell buds by looks and have quality standards so damn low by controlling the market. Weed aroma/flavor isn't even important in this market anymore. Getting what you paid for doesn't even matter to the legal buyers. The retailer slaps the classic or popular names on tainted bagseed I would not touch for a million dollars, talking about landrace Hawaiian genetics while the bud registers a big fat nothing on the old stoner excitement scale, and smells like fucking dial soap neem and botanicare, smh.

Sativas are even worse. Never seen a mature Sativa in Az dispensaries. They all smell like nutes, hardcore. Premature across the board. Plastic smelling Jack, plastic smelling Green Crack. Pure throat killers, headache weed full of chems. Fall down the stares forgetting your name slurred speech and blue feet teeth hurting hair falling out weed. Pure poison.

I just bought some Chem that was the only strain on the shelf that didn't smell like nutes or pesticides. Its the same genetics as the dankest weed I've ever smoked, but i can barely smell it and it has no flavor. Versus the shit that couldn't be contained by 4 vac bags. But hey I don't have to run puke up after every hit. So it's bomb dank loud fire i guess..

Az mmj is a complete joke and I'm seeing the same shit in Cali. You can visit a dozen random dispensaries before smelling one actual Cannabis aroma. Premature, terpless chemical bud and perfumed buds are the norm now that most purchasers don't give a shit. So much for natural, when all 6 "OGs" at the nearest organic dispensary all smell like deodorant and give the exact effect of vaping deodorant; restricted breathing, vomit, and feeling nasty.

A totally bullshit vertically integrated market in the making, and the producers fighting for exclusive production rights are backed by Monsanto and friends. Are 4k pounds still being produced? Of course. Is a dispensary going to pay even half of that? Fuck no. They have ZERO care for quality. People need to realize that dispensaries aren't for weed heads. Anyone who shops at or sells to dispensaries has lost their mind or never had it. The dispensary market doesn't even count in the weed game. If you needed new customers a la dispensaries, maybe you bit off more than you could chew. The prices are low because low prices are the game of the dispensary. Why somone passionate about weed would give these places their time of day is beyond me. I'll never deal with one. They are offering you 1500 for 3k pounds. You haven't done anything but confirm they are the enemy to your passion, they'd rather sell a strain that looks the same but smells like stagnant water or haybails. Whether they pay 900 or 4000 the bud is retailing 15 a gram either way. They figured out the obvious step to take: pander to the dumbest most senseless customers and fuck everyone who actually cares about weed, on both sides of the counter.

Tldr: Dispensaries grow garbage and sell garbage. It is not a market for quality Cannabis,and I'm lost as to why people hold dispensaries as some sort of standard in the weed game when their whole business model is based on how to sell garbage.
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Active member
A friend recently bought a pound of outdoor (norcal), he was so excited to get it for $700, was going to sell me some for $100 a z. It was such shit, I had to say no. The buds looked great, but hardly any smell at all. He claimed it was white widow, but looked nothing like the buds I remember in Amsterdam.

It hardly had any taste, except a slight burnt taste, no doubt due to the fires that smoked every outdoor crop last fall. Fortunately I have a small supply of excellent organic Blue Blood to keep me till more recent indoor is available...

But this is the problem as described by Soul Annoyed a couple of posts above.

So unless you know a great indoor grower, or you're one yourself, you're not going to get good, clean smoke at a decent price.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
i know some growers in Nor Cal that have been doing biz for 20 years..they can't make barely any $ anymore so they've been renting their land to other growers & then those growers walk away after a season


Well-known member
A friend recently bought a pound of outdoor (norcal), he was so excited to get it for $700, was going to sell me some for $100 a z. It was such shit, I had to say no. The buds looked great, but hardly any smell at all. He claimed it was white widow, but looked nothing like the buds I remember in Amsterdam.

It hardly had any taste, except a slight burnt taste, no doubt due to the fires that smoked every outdoor crop last fall. Fortunately I have a small supply of excellent organic Blue Blood to keep me till more recent indoor is available...

But this is the problem as described by Soul Annoyed a couple of posts above.

So unless you know a great indoor grower, or you're one yourself, you're not going to get good, clean smoke at a decent price.

umm yea right man...get off your high horse

outdoor weed can and is just as good as indoor if cultivated correctly

this chem d im smoking on is better than most indoor i see and dam its grown with the power of the earth and the sun


Active member
umm yea right man...get off your high horse

outdoor weed can and is just as good as indoor if cultivated correctly

this chem d im smoking on is better than most indoor i see and dam its grown with the power of the earth and the sun
Was it grown in a fire zone, during the fires? Cause that's what I'm talking about. If so it's not clean, no matter what you say.
And I don't see no high horse around here.

Dog Star

Active member
Also think that outdoor can be better weed than indoor,dont wish to stirr anything..

haved some outdoor plants that didnt get water for two and half months and they
survived 40 C+ for week ,resin was all amber and was cough from her as she was strong..
but a stone was turbogreat and very good taste..

wasnt some special care about them,i put just some organic horse-cow shit pellets
wormcastings..one time watered,growed in short bush so roots was shaded.. when i come i found them 3.5 meter high,could not belive what nature does..


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Yes I do agree that outdoor can be better than indoor in optimal conditions...

However, in certain fire ravaged areas of NorCal and elsewhere, crops have been ruined by a smoke bath during most of last summer and fall.

Perhaps the jointed one doesn't realize that not everyone has access to great outdoor weed this winter... some are suffering from an explosion of badly grown pot being rushed to market to make a buck now that legalization has occurred.

I also note a huge exodus of decent old time growers from the area... there are greener pastures to be found with way less problems than NorCal.

soil margin

Active member
People saying outdoor can be better than indoor make me laugh. It's like the old timers who swear that weed was stronger in the 70's because they got super high once and never forget about it. When your goal is to have certain environmental conditions for your cannabis, having control over those conditions will always produce better cannabis than not having control over them. There is nothing that exists outdoors that can't be replicated more precisely and with more control in an indoor environment. Indoor always trumps outdoor and every grower who has done both with an unbiased perspective knows this from experience. It's common sense.


I know money growers that bailed out in legal rec and med states. Chasing down and moving to the last of the illegal states...setting up ops and rolling the dice because its still high dollar. Not me. The fear of a bust in like Alabama or one of them southern states is a scary thought. They hammer ya down there if you get caught with a nice sized indoor grow. But pull it off...PAID!! Just too scary and chance for me. Iam cool right here in Mich. Still not rec legal but its coming. My patients are pretty consistent and loyal. Hell..couple of them are family. Iam compensated well every month for the product and service I provide. And I dont rape them in price. Iam happy to keep the lights on and do what I do and they are happy knowing they get clean top quality grown right flowers. Win win. Iam not banking fst stacks...not by any stretch. Not like the old days..90's and early 2000's but Iam not struggling either. Sure is a different world now no doubt. I think as we progress state to state and finally federal legal...good growers and old timeys will just drop out here and there till finally most are gone. Sad. One hell of a ride. Almost 30 years for me. But I know I can't do this forever. Get while you still can I guess. A whole way of life and culture...gone with legaliztion.


Well-known member
Was it grown in a fire zone, during the fires? Cause that's what I'm talking about. If so it's not clean, no matter what you say.
And I don't see no high horse around here.

I just seem to always see you post up about how indoor weed is superior,

and fires ruining weed? I have been growing here for my adult life, this year was bad yes but the effects of the fires on the cannabis crops was minimal at best. There is simply too much high grade green house and outdoor to have an effect on average yield and quality.

2017 had some of the best herb quality and yeild in years thanks to a amazing fall with minimal moisture and a long drawn out warm summer.

soilmargins umm...the sun? cmon bro this aint rookie hour.


Well-known member
Yes I do agree that outdoor can be better than indoor in optimal conditions...

However, in certain fire ravaged areas of NorCal and elsewhere, crops have been ruined by a smoke bath during most of last summer and fall.

Perhaps the jointed one doesn't realize that not everyone has access to great outdoor weed this winter... some are suffering from an explosion of badly grown pot being rushed to market to make a buck now that legalization has occurred.

I also note a huge exodus of decent old time growers from the area... there are greener pastures to be found with way less problems than NorCal.

well there is so much supply in our state especially near you, surely you have a choice on whether to buy some random fire weed or quality flowers?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
well there is so much supply in our state especially near you, surely you have a choice on whether to buy some random fire weed or quality flowers?

Not here, you must be dreaming...

Three dispensaries all have way overpriced crap. An iffy farmer's market in an odd location... and I know personally many fine growers who have indeed left the area.

I am so very happy for you that you have a great supply of cannabis! Wish I could say the same. In fact is has been so bad (in terms of supply) that I simply stopped smoking the stuff. I'd rather not put crap in my lungs.

Be that as it may, prices for black market stuff (mostly outdoor) are rock bottom and getting lower. Retail prices are absurdly high with all the extra taxes.

The subject is pricing... we should probably stop complaining about the quality here in this thread.