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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

I feel you gnarls. Part of the problem is diversion is typically easier and far more lucrative.

Whoever offered you 1k for indoor is playing you. Or trying to.

I see guys get 1500-1600 for "decent" commercial indoor in sacramento. Up to 2-22 for exquisite fire.

Sometimes when a specific buyers supply outpaces ability to distribute, their relative demand for new stock is so low that they will have the audacity to offer such unrealistic prices.

Id rather a no thank you we are stocked than offer me half price of wholesale. I suspect desperate people accept the crazy lowball figs once in a while and when you offer half price you dont need many yesses to win.

Keep pounding the pavement and be willing to expand to new outlets. I hope you push a hard line and dont let someone fuck you

I'm trying, definitely going to keep hitting other shops. Outdoor is illegal here, what sucks is I'm a mile down the road from where it is legal. It's pretty rural here I'm thinking I should just say fuck it and switch to outdoor at least then the overhead isn't anywhere near as expensive. Thanks for the words of encouragement man :)


Active member
Enforcement is still happening. Just be aware.

Even in herb friendly areas.

We had medical card and only 23 girls, midway thru axing.. Indoors too... Came in no warrant, used what they found to get warrant 5 hr later. Broke open my safe before warrant, said large qty cash indicia of sale and then only claimed 120 they found in my roomates dresser lol. fucked me something proper..

Approx 10 pack hanging.

I only share this to remind you to be careful still! We are not out of the woods yet..
Drying up in Trinity. Prices are not particularly high, 13-14 (to the wholesaler) but people are happy to be selling out. Quite a lot of plant chopping going on too. Permitted and not permitted, don't matter. So, what are people seeing, both prices and enforcement efforts?

Dept of fish and wildlife and targeting trinity river watershed. They dont care if you are licensed or not. They will find the smallest of violations in an otherwise compliant garden and chop. They do not want to see compliant gardens succedd and the industry get a legal foot hold. Pretty fucked up and no one is safe. Ive heard 12-14 for deps in humboldt. Ive also seen up to 14 for well stored od down to 500 for boof. Prices are definetly down about 1-3 bucks from last year. Ill be happy with 16 for dep. Was 19 last year. Shit, ill be happy just not getting chopped.


Now we got those tuna tins going for a bomb!

Dont know bout CA but Az is not liking the raised prices of the catfood bud. People are catching on to the marketing gimmicks. Not knocking the technology, but moldy uncured mersh buds are moldy uncured mersh buds whether they came in a tunacan or not lol. Ppl just want it cheap. Which means 150/o for stuff thats 70/o in CO. Dispos run out of trim before top shelf.

If you want to bank, ship smalls to Az for top prices. 1400 for smalls I guarantee it. That's all the dispos sell is smalls. Funny what a state border does.
Dramatic dip from last year, 1200 fruity deps 14-16 og. OD 12 and under. Big profit will be over soon if this keeps up so time to perfect your methods, build good relationships, and start saving.


Active member
Must be a Zonie thing. Never heard of catfood bud either.

Here in Oregon few are raided, and far more issues are with robberies. Guys wearing masks and raiding grow sites. As for weed here, good stuff can be had from rec stores for $5 a gram, after tax. Oregon has the cheapest weed in the states. This is also turning out to be an EXCELLENT grow year here, with non stop sun and warm weather since mid June. As opposed to last summer here which sucked. So prices for outdoor in OR this year are gonna be low low and lower.

As for CA prices dropping, get used to it. Though the NV shortage is interesting. OR could easily supply NV with all the weed that they need. Once CA is up and growing commercial weed, there may well be a glut as Californians becomes the Saudis of MJ stateside.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
the title of this thread continues to be an annoyance.... does that "there" not bother anyone else? that it should be "they're" or "they are"?

anyhow, prices are still dropping....


Dept of fish and wildlife and targeting trinity river watershed. They dont care if you are licensed or not. They will find the smallest of violations in an otherwise compliant garden and chop. They do not want to see compliant gardens succedd and the industry get a legal foot hold. Pretty fucked up and no one is safe. Ive heard 12-14 for deps in humboldt. Ive also seen up to 14 for well stored od down to 500 for boof. Prices are definetly down about 1-3 bucks from last year. Ill be happy with 16 for dep. Was 19 last year. Shit, ill be happy just not getting chopped.

We are worried about the DFW Cause they can take your home for any little thing. I have been prepping by general cleanup, getting gas cans stored in sheds?, of course no pipes in creek, dab stuff, guns, and getting product under medical limits. This last one is often overlooked. Why not just go do raids in dec.? Can't wait till 2018. 6 plants and 500 ft2 medical. They think we are bad now, wait till we got nothing but free time (and money)! I heard when they come, they come with a warrant, many agencies, and lots of time to look for $. Our Trinity county leaders seem to be looking for a way to fuck this up!

CanniDo Cowboy

the title of this thread continues to be an annoyance.... does that "there" not bother anyone else? that it should be "they're" or "they are"?

anyhow, prices are still dropping....

Dude- You're a moderator so...moderate! Call your fellow mod peeps & make a change. On the other hand, I guess if the thread were so vital that it was important to kick down some spell-check, it would have already been done...


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Dude- You're a moderator so...moderate! Call your fellow mod peeps & make a change. On the other hand, I guess if the thread were so vital that it was important to kick down some spell-check, it would have already been done...

there is no mod covering the california section, i find it mildly amusing (and slightly annoying at the same time)
if i pushed the issue im sure the title would be changed to "Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now their starting to get better"
The prices for indoor in medical Massachusetts has dropped roughly 20% I'm guessing. I hear prices will keep dropping, good for patients bad for business if you retail. I noticed that with lower prices that more undesirable buds are on the table
I no longer grow/sell but doesn't anyone else think its pretty fucked up how much wholesale prices have plummeted yet retail prices in most places have gone up? Here in Canada wholesale prices are the lowest they ever have yet the dispensaries are charging 14/g $280/ounce and have line ups out the door. Also anyone selling small scale directly to customers are getting a higher price per ounce, or at least the same price they have in the last 5 years.

I stopped growing because I would only wholesale my bud as its way too risky to be selling a shitload of small bags to the end consumers and would take forever to unload that way as well and I felt/feel that growing weed indoors to wholesale for profit just isn't worth the headaches anymore and the prices I get offered for my primo outdoor just insult me compared to what I used to get. I really do miss it and hope to enter the legal industry in some way but for now, risk is not worth the reward in my opinion.


Active member
I no longer grow/sell but doesn't anyone else think its pretty fucked up how much wholesale prices have plummeted yet retail prices in most places have gone up? Here in Canada wholesale prices are the lowest they ever have yet the dispensaries are charging 14/g $280/ounce and have line ups out the door. Also anyone selling small scale directly to customers are getting a higher price per ounce, or at least the same price they have in the last 5 years.

I stopped growing because I would only wholesale my bud as its way too risky to be selling a shitload of small bags to the end consumers and would take forever to unload that way as well and I felt/feel that growing weed indoors to wholesale for profit just isn't worth the headaches anymore and the prices I get offered for my primo outdoor just insult me compared to what I used to get. I really do miss it and hope to enter the legal industry in some way but for now, risk is not worth the reward in my opinion.

I was just thinking this. Skilled growers are now making a lot less regardless of quality, and all of the vendors downstream are making as much or even more than before. I'm in Oregon and the clubs are getting waaay more $ than they were 2 years ago. And (at least from my perspective) all of the ounce customers that formerly supported small farmers have mostly bailed on us and are now buying factory weed in shops "because I like the variety they offer and I'm happy to pay taxes"... even though the quality is usually shit and the price is 30% higher.

I assume it's also because so many more people are growing now and the newbies are happy to take these pathetically low wholesale prices, thus fucking every long-established grower in the process by setting a much lower wholesale price norm.


Active member
there is no mod covering the california section, i find it mildly amusing (and slightly annoying at the same time)
if i pushed the issue im sure the title would be changed to "Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now their starting to get better"

"... Now their prices are getting better."

"... Now they're starting to get better."

"... Now, there. Starting to get better."

Its been bothering me, too.


I was just thinking this. Skilled growers are now making a lot less regardless of quality, and all of the vendors downstream are making as much or even more than before. I'm in Oregon and the clubs are getting waaay more $ than they were 2 years ago. And (at least from my perspective) all of the ounce customers that formerly supported small farmers have mostly bailed on us and are now buying factory weed in shops "because I like the variety they offer and I'm happy to pay taxes"... even though the quality is usually shit and the price is 30% higher.

I assume it's also because so many more people are growing now and the newbies are happy to take these pathetically low wholesale prices, thus fucking every long-established grower in the process by setting a much lower wholesale price norm.

Same in WA. Rec stores selling low quality at high prices are preferred over high quality black market. I think folks get a kick out of going to a store front.

I noticed the low ballers on CL when looking for supplies. They fuck up the market too.


Active member
Holding steady at 1600 per unit at the club, last years outdoor, stored properly, green and better than a lot of indoor.

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