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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
keep a fart bomb in the car for the ride, break if pulled over, when the cop ask for lic, and nevermind you can tell him i was just hoping to make it to the next off ramp man. you will already look the part anyways ;)


Active member
yea really its all fun and games until the blue/red lights go on behind you. and honestly most cops are not stupid enough to fall for half of these tricks, especially when they are specifically on drug interdiction. the key is not getting pulled over or profiled in the first place….something as small as your passenger wearing a beanie, or having dust on your tires is enough for NorCal cops to want to pull someone over.

^ right on. :)

the cop that stopped me was a pro. he would question in circles; kept winding back to my earlier statements looking for continuity in very clever ways.

I used to have a half baked excuse ready for potential encounters. you need a solid reason for being where you are doing what you are doing. when it's show time there is no room for childish bullshit.

the consequences.

work thru the consequences to your life and those dependent on you before you work out your "alibi".


Pretty sure the last page or so is all trolling. Obv doing any of that shit will just make you more suspicious/stand out.

Cops will just go over your story multiple times to try to catch you slipping and ask the same types of questions in different t ways. Have your story straight and remain calm are the 2 keys.

Been pulled over dirty quite a few times. Only bad luck I had was at a border patrol checkpoint that I had no clue about many moons ago in Temecula.


Well-known member
One way to roll with cash is print up a Craigslist ad for a car for sale at same price your holding, as well as in the area you headed. You can even call the person selling the car and arrange a meeting... "Actually I'm supposed to check in this rig for sale in Oakland, dude wanted 9k cash, heres the ad..heck give him a call he's waiting for me"

And you can just flake on sale after sale lol,


Awww C'mon, Bamboo :) Unless I missed something a lot of the posts lately have been on topics ancillary to the ups and down of cannabis prices. topics that might not necessarily be best served by having their own threads.
So, how's the prices going for everyone? I'm still trimming..... I grew all SD in my greenhouse this year and the plan is 16 all in one swoop. despite all the talk of this year being different I'm still hearing a lot of 12 and 13 talk. I'm still very curious to see where things are at in a couple months...I recently heard some insanely huge statistic about how many new cannabis consumers there will be in 2016..with the rec shops, the image cannabis is getting and, all the new 21yr olds.


Everybody better get ready for recreational California. Prices are going to spike for a bit and then drop heavy.

GH Dep OGs making It to LA for 18. Easily moving for 2000.
Top Indoor Chernobyl 12 pack @ 26 this week
commercial Indoor xj-13 packs @ 2200
commercial indoor sky og 22-2400
Top big nug conneseur OG and cookies moving for no less then 27-28

If your in LA push those numbers fellas. If your clients aren't budging well I promise you there a plenty more where they came from willing to play more. I am selling the SAME packs I sold for 1750-1900 last year for 21-2200 all day now and they call me.


even have some dispensaries willing to pay 29-3000 for some unique connoisseur big nug strains I have. Used to get 24-26 for them.


BT has been down for a couple of days, anybody know what happened?

Ohh NO! we might actually have to do some leg work....LOL

owww i liike what im hearing, awd is that LA or bay? 3k for AAA cookies and OG is proper from the clubs :)

better start thinking bout raising the ticket on my AAA cookies packs... fuck the clubs... was gonna ask 2200 or 2k for multis, or break down zips for 3 but fuck that getting it all off at 2800 would be fucking sweet :)

Pic for reference, perfectly cured, LOUD grape punch/cookie dough smell..
Dude, those are not very impressive plants, for all you fap on about their merits, and they look very low yielding.
Must be a real pot shortage in your area if you think you can sell them for $2 800.

If I sold that shit, I would be selling it for $150 an Oz; I would be too embarrased to ask for more.
Please tell me this is a trolling attempt at humor. 28 for outdo instate is unheard of, but on my first ever outdo run I was able to pass for indo. EBG has high demand strain and looks like he did a damn solid job with it. also, he actually contributes useful feedback and info to thread.


Dude, those are not very impressive plants, for all you fap on about their merits, and they look very low yielding.
Must be a real pot shortage in your area if you think you can sell them for $2 800.

If I sold that shit, I would be selling it for $150 an Oz; I would be too embarrased to ask for more.

..But your not selling it.... you got pics bro?

Lol your an idiot, i was obviously responding to the previous poster (#4460) who mentioned the ~3k numbers, i was asking 2k for my best AAA big cookie nugs until i read his post, sounds like someones jelly... 3 pounds in a 45 gal smartpot... so low yielding...

And im in the bay area bitch... better recognize!

I'm just surprised that in the US, with legalisation in some areas, and medical marijuana in others (isn't it the case that in Colorado where it's legalized you can grow 6 plants, and in California where it's illegal but they have medical marijuana you can grow 99 plants legally?),
that the prices are so high?

No way that a bag of plant leaves matter should be $3000 a pound.



No way that a bag of plant leaves matter should be $3000 a pound.
why dont you tell us how much things should cost then?



mods please delete, i was taught not to poke fun at retards... trying to restrain myself... back to price talk please.. anyone letting em go or waiting for the desperation to settle before hitting the market?


That's in LA I don't go up to the bay anymore. Too many crazies. If you go out to Orange County area there are some places paying UP.

Remember guys if its going to a dispensary look at there board. See what they are pricing things. I a

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