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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
You could always pay someone else to do the driving.. I used to drive from Tucson Arizona to Denver with my trunk full for $500 in the early 1990s. I would drive to NYC for $1000. I never seen nor touched what was in my trunk or they would have killed me. I am sure it would cost more now to get a driver to one of those places. Be careful if you consider this because you will need a network and conspiracy charges loom. The payoff can be huge though.

When its yours the numbers are pretty good, doubling or more use to be the goal when I was brave. Consequences are severe though and driving 24 hours each way is a lot of exposure, especially when your carrying the worst possible thing you can have, an out of state license plate. Even if you have all the rest of your shit together the plate is enough for a "conversation".
Of course its an eadier situation to sort out, but dont sleep on having to make it Back. They will profile the fuck out of you on the way home they want rhat money. The extra fucked part is, first hand experience, these small town pigs can often use the seized proceeds to supplement their own income. They will call feds in to try n crack you up over surprisingly little cash, and once they take it how much more exposure do you want paying crook/lawyer to fight for it? Yes, everyone who survives truly does earn their keep. Agree with other posters though, especially when you have kids, how much extra is worth the risk? No amount of money for me these days, unless sheer survival..


Active member
re transportation.

my mom recently passed and I was her guardian for 24 months. she was bed ridden. I made close to 30 2,000 mile roundtrips recently. I got pulled one time near ferguson mo. cop interrogated me for 1/2 hour. I mean interrogated. pulled me for 10 miles over posted speed limit. really wanted to know why I was able during the week to cross country travel ( outa state tag). had a dog in his popo car. never brought it out to sniff.

it only takes 1 time.


Active member
^hope you had a prius!

one of the reasons i HATE the midwest and have no desire to be in those towns with pounds or cash. the cops in those areas are all bigot pieces of no good shit, front line for a drug war because most of them are bored out of their mind and have no real crime to fight except try and bust drug money and collect revenue.

i hope all those cops catch aids…fucking worthless pieces of shit.

fwiw, someone we know was pulled over in nebraska coming out of colorado, straight profiled and illegal stop. the cops sped up past him, then got in front of his car and brake checked him, then said he was "tailgating".

if you are driving cross country you should invest a couple hundred dollars into a remote camera recording device so that you can show the cops performed an illegal traffic stop.


one of my friends around here was bringin home an enclosed trailer stuffed full of plants and a shadow car following incase the truck with trailer gets pulled over the shadow was supposed to do something like throw a beer out the window and take that ticket and trailer gets home.
they passed a chp and he flipped a bitch with his lights on, the shadow car did nothing but pull over and let chp get behind trailer. trailer pulls over, chp asks whats in the trailer?
driver answers - get a warrant.
chp says if you got wet weed i'm letting you go.
if you got dry weed i'm takin it.
driver got out and opened the trailer and a shit ton of wet weed spilled out all over the road.
chp said thank you- have a nice day....
got in his car and left.


lol..nice one.

I was driving down through Vacaville with about two full units of wax tucked inside a cooler in the cab behind the passengers seat in my truck when I got pulled over for expired tags..DUH. just spaced it and driving weight isn't really my thing. The hwy patrol cop goes I smell marijuana I said yea I smoke marijuana here's my card but, he wanted to search my whole car and I said, NO--you're not searching my car...you need a warrant. He says no, I don't I'm calling K-9 right now...or, you can let me search your car. He goes back to his vehicle to run my info and I'm already calling my workers telling them I'm going to need to be bailed out of Vacaville jail in about two hours...so, he comes back one last time and says are you sure you don't want to let me search your car? once the K-9 unit gets here we'll have to take you in if we find anything...so, I thought, fuck it, and told him yeah I got a few oz in the cooler go ahead and take a look...He opened the cooler--poked the wrapped up parchment paper a few times with his pen and said I can't do anything with this...the judge would say I was wasting his time, now get the fuck out of here. Anyways, it's really going to depend on what county you're driving through wether they throw the book at you or not... out of state though, FUCK that. I'd rather live a simple life in Hawaii, on food stamps if need be, than take those kind of risks.

The Revolution

Active member
that's gotta be it. Real tight bud frosty as hell. Smell is real nice. I can see where someone would say baby poop

Old betsy has a very distinctive smell to it. Tough to describe but I have heard poopy baby diapers more than once. Lots of big trichs. Most people love it but is finicky grower.

Moved a few "mistakes" at 11. Nothing bigger than a dime and cost .65c to trim but everyone was happy.


if it smells like fish
I transported in classic cars from cali to east coast for years without incident...yeehaw ...florida has a good market but also harsh laws and really stinky jails with horrible food...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
you guys are doing it wrong.

Nobody pulls over a hearse!!!! If they did ya reckon theyd peek in the casket? :D

If ya got a tail car fuck throwin a beer out the window just tell em to take off like a bat out of hell, 90+ mph should get em to chase ya good. :D

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Tip number 6021,

always have some food present and ready to go to work... if you see trouble coming,, stuff your mouth with food at the airport in the car wherever does not matter,,, chew,, chew with your mouth open,, let them have a full and disgusting picture of your open mouth mastication while you are communication... This fucks with people on a subliminal level puts knives in parts of their brains they do not even admit exists and they want to get you out of their face asap and get the fuck out of there,, pass,, move along,, i am not the droid you are looking for... That is some inner circle smuggler old school shit right there :p


lol..nice one.

I was driving down through Vacaville with about two full units of wax tucked inside a cooler in the cab behind the passengers seat in my truck when I got pulled over for expired tags..DUH. just spaced it and driving weight isn't really my thing. The hwy patrol cop goes I smell marijuana I said yea I smoke marijuana here's my card but, he wanted to search my whole car and I said, NO--you're not searching my car...you need a warrant. He says no, I don't I'm calling K-9 right now...or, you can let me search your car. He goes back to his vehicle to run my info and I'm already calling my workers telling them I'm going to need to be bailed out of Vacaville jail in about two hours...so, he comes back one last time and says are you sure you don't want to let me search your car? once the K-9 unit gets here we'll have to take you in if we find anything...so, I thought, fuck it, and told him yeah I got a few oz in the cooler go ahead and take a look...He opened the cooler--poked the wrapped up parchment paper a few times with his pen and said I can't do anything with this...the judge would say I was wasting his time, now get the fuck out of here. Anyways, it's really going to depend on what county you're driving through wether they throw the book at you or not... out of state though, FUCK that. I'd rather live a simple life in Hawaii, on food stamps if need be, than take those kind of risks.

your lucky you didnt end up in Fairfield jail, SHIT SUCKS, funny shit...

as far as prices go...

cookies in the bay going for ~2k, OGs for 1800-1900, currently zips going for 200 of the best quality (=3200) or around $150 if it aint got the smell and "loudness" (=2400), thats black market/ patient-to-patient ... thats prob how ill do it for my measly 10 units of Cookies and OGs...
Last edited:


Active member
Tip number 6021,

always have some food present and ready to go to work... if you see trouble coming,, stuff your mouth with food at the airport in the car wherever does not matter,,, chew,, chew with your mouth open,, let them have a full and disgusting picture of your open mouth mastication while you are communication... This fucks with people on a subliminal level puts knives in parts of their brains they do not even admit exists and they want to get you out of their face asap and get the fuck out of there,, pass,, move along,, i am not the droid you are looking for... That is some inner circle smuggler old school shit right there :p

^^^Funny stuff!
I have found that people will not approach you if you have a good drool going.....chewing tobacco helps...


Well-known member
Tip number 6021,

always have some food present and ready to go to work... if you see trouble coming,, stuff your mouth with food at the airport in the car wherever does not matter,,, chew,, chew with your mouth open,, let them have a full and disgusting picture of your open mouth mastication while you are communication... This fucks with people on a subliminal level puts knives in parts of their brains they do not even admit exists and they want to get you out of their face asap and get the fuck out of there,, pass,, move along,, i am not the droid you are looking for... That is some inner circle smuggler old school shit right there :p

I used to keep a burrito next to me when driving so if I got pulled over I'd be half deep in the dam thing. Figure a cop is just gonna be like yea ok, keep it slow have a nice day.

That is if your other needs are being met. I.e. license plate lights!! Dam those things!!!!!!!!


Active member
yea really its all fun and games until the blue/red lights go on behind you. and honestly most cops are not stupid enough to fall for half of these tricks, especially when they are specifically on drug interdiction. the key is not getting pulled over or profiled in the first place….something as small as your passenger wearing a beanie, or having dust on your tires is enough for NorCal cops to want to pull someone over.
I too have been profiled up north. Aftermarket car stuff will get their attention and tags registered out of the area, followed me for 15 min, i pulled over to gas up for trip home and the jackass pulled up to pump next to me to wait, continued to follow. Turned round, and k9 suv waiting followed and eventially rolled for "inconsistent speeds" up ridiculously steep hill. They make their own Probable cause. was not over limit for that county, i made them work for it tho but dog found it.

Agreed avoid profiling, what is your opinion on spiciness of rentals In state?

Nothing is rawer than cross country in Cali plates. Felt like the salmon that made it past the gaping bear maws to mate. Course, whole pnw is on fire now..

Honestly what was once an adventure is not even fun anymore. Seems like the tide is turning, but big business undoubtedly poised to take over.

Man, this got off topic :smoke out:

So whats ticket on fire indo ogs?


Active member
yea really its all fun and games until the blue/red lights go on behind you. and honestly most cops are not stupid enough to fall for half of these tricks, especially when they are specifically on drug interdiction. the key is not getting pulled over or profiled in the first place….something as small as your passenger wearing a beanie, or having dust on your tires is enough for NorCal cops to want to pull someone over.
when it gets weird stop talking and never ever consent to a search. if they ask, the answer is "no. i dont consent to a search" this surprisingly works well in interdiction cases. not always or necessarily mostly but it happens often enough. surprisingly also is how often asking for consent actually works. people are afraid the cop will know. the problem isnt the cop knowing. the problem is giving the cop an arguable legal right to enter or not. if they arent sure if youre guilty or some civil rights wingnut, or neither or both, however they do know they dont have any legit reason and the person knows their rights and is lawyering up. and they have nothing on them. they cant win a court case that way. if they fake it and go in it does leave you with a very good bargaining chip in court. they need a good solid probable cause or risk getting embroiled in a lengthy court session, possibly not fairing well. they are more likely to drop down. unless of course you agree to the search and theres nothing to talk about and youll have to hope your case has some other sticking point to needle back and forth with.
so the cops are playing numbers for arrests that lead to convictions and hopefully assets. its a numbers game. the more dead end trails they drop upon recognizing its dead, the faster they get to the next one that is hot and obtainable. this is more interdiction task forces versus the nosey dickish beat cop whos got a hair up his ass. the other ones a more professional and fast and straight to it and done type.

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