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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


thanks for the clarification, AWD, any examples of unique connoisseur strains? From what ive seen the cookies has consistently been getting the highest ticket in the bay area ime, im looking into getting away from these played out strains too (trying some black lime reserve, sour tangie, ect..)

This thread is funny...


Andinismo Hierbatero
some of you guys will be in for a surprise if cannabis ever goes truly legal worldwide...

people in California won't be able to even compete with countries with better climate; the prices will be very cheap...

but until then, make hay while the sun shines...


Well-known member
some of you guys will be in for a surprise if cannabis ever goes truly legal worldwide...

people in California won't be able to even compete with countries with better climate; the prices will be very cheap...

but until then, make hay while the sun shines...

Yeah right, that's why you don't see any California made strains in Dutch coffee shops..


Andinismo Hierbatero
Yeah right, that's why you don't see any California made strains in Dutch coffee shops..

are you implying that California has a better climate than the Netherlands, hence no other place in the world has a better climate for growing herb than California?

if so, what made you make such an irrelevant argument?

these are all rhetorical questions of course.


Well-known member
are you implying that California has a better climate than the Netherlands, hence no other place in the world has a better climate for growing herb than California?

if so, what made you make such an irrelevant argument?

these are all rhetorical questions of course.

I'm implying the brand marketing that has been going on for the last 50 years has imprinted the idea that California does dope correctly, even better than the rest, you can't buy brand marketing like that and it won't simply fade when the rest of the world starts catching on. There are more experienced growers per capita here than anywhere else, that's going to leave a lasting impression when import/export opens up. Not to mention the collective breeding of famous strains that aren't found anywhere else. You're tripping if you don't think California will always be a power player in the Cannabis world, even globally.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'm implying the brand marketing that has been going on for the last 50 years has imprinted the idea that California does dope correctly, even better than the rest, you can't buy brand marketing like that and it won't simply fade when the rest of the world starts catching on. There are more experienced growers per capita here than anywhere else, that's going to leave a lasting impression when import/export opens up. Not to mention the collective breeding of famous strains that aren't found anywhere else. You're tripping if you don't think California will always be a power player in the Cannabis world, even globally.

well, people in BC Canada thought the same... nowdays, what do they call the herb from there? beasters?

anyway, don't mean to piss on anyone's parade, but do you think people will buy California grown over Thailand grown or Colombian grown when given the choice in a truly legal market?



people in California won't be able to even compete with countries with better climate

do you think people will buy California grown over Thailand grown or Colombian grown when given the choice in a truly legal market?

don't mean to piss on anyone's parade
you sound kind of spiteful. it's cute. why dont you take your future prediction skill and make some real money playing the lottery or stock market, eh nostradamus
Anyplace with a mediterranean climate will grow great cannabis. Spain, austrailia, chile all have areas similar to cali...but they dont have the genetics. Columbia and thialand are much to humid though i would love to grow sativas like they can closer tothe equator. I see no reason Cali wont be the center of the cannabis world come worldwide legalization.


harvest time is really bringing out the haters, its funny, congrats to all the successful Cali growers this year and lets try to keep this thread to pertinent info.. Price/strain/location...

Thanks for all those who contribute meaningful posts (i realize the irony in the fact that its a post with no price info :p)


my broker just sold a 5 pack of outdoor OG's in long beach for 8k. Only gave me 6500 for it on the hill though. he's a friend but still it's enough of a difference to make me think about driving my own stuff around.


Andinismo Hierbatero
you sound kind of spiteful. it's cute. why dont you take your future prediction skill and make some real money playing the lottery or stock market, eh nostradamus

Spiteful is not the correct word; I'm actually disappointed in the current legal prices being the same as black market prices... but it is my fault for having expectations :D

don't need to be Nostradamus, if you had any clue, you'd know tons of people in the game are already setting up shop all over the sweet spots for growing cannabis in the world; California is not on the list; well, it is on the list for people already set up in California, but once the consumer gets educated, you get the drift...

lets be honest, in California people started growing with seeds from Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Thailand... ever heard of Haze? where do you suppose the genetic make up comes from? California? LOL!...

Colombia has so many micro climates and thermal floors it is ridiculous, saying "Colombia is too humid" is not understanding micro climates at all... or latitudes and photo-periods.

but you are right only in that as of now, in this moment, California is huge in terms of the herb, but can't change its latitude, its climates, its thermal floors, it is what it is... I didn't make the world or cannabis nor decided where it grows best, take your beef elsewhere with that :tiphat:


Andinismo Hierbatero
harvest time is really bringing out the haters, its funny, congrats to all the successful Cali growers this year and lets try to keep this thread to pertinent info.. Price/strain/location...

Thanks for all those who contribute meaningful posts (i realize the irony in the fact that its a post with no price info :p)

for the record, I'm not even in the U.S, and I don't sell weed.

but you are right, this is not the thread to discuss the issues I started to talk about. carry on.
Getting 18 for truly organic varieties. Most crops got sprayed with miticide at least around here. Dow and Dupont kinda shit. Last year we didn't spray pesticides, organic or not and had <1% mold. Albrect ratios. This year he hood (or town or county) got hit by russet mites. We tried sulfur, neem, then azamax with practically no scuccess before dropping the bomb on 90% of the crop on aug 1.

Last year when I told my guy that handles %90 of my stuff that it was "beyond organic, pesticide free" he said "nobody cares, its not like I can get more for it..." I said "i'm not asking more, I just wanted to tell somebody."

I have friends that supply people that I don't know, with serious problems and require honestly clean medicine. They always paid 18. If you know me and are seriously ill anything you want is free. In a lot of cases, those deals will go away after ab666 goes through. If they tell you it is NorCal organic, ask them what they did about russet mites. There is atleast 1 successful organic treatment(s) for russets but if they say they did nothing or "I spray neem every week so I don't have to worry about bugs" they may be bullshitting about the organic. Also growstores sell it with funny, non DuPont sounding names so some people may not even know what they are spraying. You ask me and I will tell you what, when and why I sprayed. So organic bud 18...
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Anyplace with a mediterranean climate will grow great cannabis. Spain, austrailia, chile all have areas similar to cali...but they dont have the genetics. Columbia and thialand are much to humid though i would love to grow sativas like they can closer tothe equator. I see no reason Cali wont be the center of the cannabis world come worldwide legalization.

G`day LH

[sarcasm font ] Yes your poor cousins down under .
We don`t have access to the internet . So quality genetics are just a dream . Only Mericans and speciffically Cali have any seeds / clones worth spending the time growing .[ sarcasm font / ]

We` just stand outside lickin the windows . FFS !

Geography lesson . Australia has tropical , Sub tropical and temperate regions . Pick a region and pick a strain .

Thailand is not humid during the cold season . It hardly rains around harvest . Phenomenon called monsoon brings the rain in wet season . Actually most of Thailand is drought declared ATM .

Thanks for sharin

EB .