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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


passing the gas
i know that good top notch CA outdoor is fetching easy 3s in the midwest right now. know some guys who are turning 14s and 15s into 3s and doubling up.

if I go hang in the nearest east coast college town to me the campus is full of rock hard machine
trimmed "Blackberry Kush" packs like this that cost 3K a unit in the mail. 90 a quarter in the quad.

always middle quality at best. stole a lot of market from shitty indoor growers here though...


Well-known member
i know that good top notch CA outdoor is fetching easy 3s in the midwest right now. know some guys who are turning 14s and 15s into 3s and doubling up.

Midwest got really dry towards the end of summer around here. Everyone looking for anything they can get. Indoor growers pretty much getting their ticket this year...35-36 in small lots. More at 3-32 in larger packs.

Tossed a bit of larfier & essentially untrimmed sativa dominant hybrids at 3. I guess anything is great when you've got nothing.

I'm curious if this trend will continue as the CA outdoor starts to roll in.

Love your posts Yes4Prop215. Gives us great insight in the market out there so local growers don't get too beat up when dealing with brokers who are importing CA outdoor while also buying up local indoor. I'm so sick of the CA packs getting pulled out to show me how cheap they got them for all while we're trying to maintain at least 3 for quality indoor.


Seven years ago I was pretty much that guy from High Maintenance but lived in Maui...60-70 dollar 1/8ths to everyone in Kihei all day long. We could even take outdoor grown partly shaded under guava trees and sell it to upper level dealers for 4k a lb...around that same time we started to notice prices would drop around November as we got flooded by outs from Cali. Pissed everyone off. At one point I was repelling almost straight down into a gulch, 3 x a day, 2 x a week with a 7 gallon water jug strapped to a frame pack on my back to water my 20 girls that would give me maybe a qp each. lol...eventually people started to get a taste for Cali grown mid grade indoor too. When I left 5 years ago it was now 33-35 a lb. for super nice Maui grown and 24-28 for Cali outdoor or mid grade ins.

I've been in Cali for a while but I maintain that cannabis grown properly, in the right places in Maui, totally crushes Cali grown. But norcal bud is really good too.

Anyways, getting 17 for the first units of my greenhouse grown SD. Honestly, was hoping for 18 but I'm good with it.


Registered Non-Conformist
This is a California wholesale thread, not Tarzans magical jungle prices. Now get the fuck out with your shitty attitude and shitty math.
Equipped with that shitty California attitude that others consider the ultimate DB, and has no respect for others who are not fiscally benefiting them.

Is it necessary to be so cruel..? We don't act like that where the sensible people are.

Consider being a better ambassador for CA..

Tom Hill

Well-known member
uhhh, excuse me guys,, am i in the right place everything is kinda blurry? Anyway yeah let me just get right down to the point... It seems my crop is a little light this year,,, so i'll be needing the rest of you to simultaneously raise your prices ok? thanks kindly for your cooperation,,, -tom..


uhhh, excuse me guys,, am i in the right place everything is kinda blurry? Anyway yeah let me just get right down to the point... It seems my crop is a little light this year,,, so i'll be needing the rest of you to simultaneously raise your prices ok? thanks kindly for your cooperation,,, -tom..
you got it man

what are you letting things go for?


if it smells like fish
prices have gotten even cheaper here in san diego....yeehaw...I am looking to move where its worth it...maybe back to florida...yeehaw...I can get GG for 150 a oz and a few others too...theres like 20 pages of places in the san diego reader...market is flooded


Professor Organic Psychology
Although you won't stumble across a diamond while digging in your tomato garden, they are far more common than their cost suggests. The big gem companies aggressively control the supply that arrives at market, creating artificial scarcity and high prices.

This practice was born in the diamond fields of South Africa in the 1880s, when Cecil Rhodes, the chairman of De Beers Consolidated Mines, discovered that he could inflate prices at will simply by locking up the rights to every diamond mine he could find. His successor, Ernest Oppenheimer, developed a complex network of wholesalers that gave De Beers effective control of up to 90 percent of the world's rough-diamond trade through most of the 20th century, as the company hoarded stones in basement vaults and doled them out strategically.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Fla is getting 24 for that 14 a few days later,, yep,, that's where the money is at... but all i need is a cool buzz and some tasty waves :)


Fla is getting 24 for that 14 a few days later,, yep,, that's where the money is at... but all i need is a cool buzz and some tasty waves :)

Yeah i feel that. We did our part now let the trappers trap While we get that hard earned beach time
I feel good getting the same as Tom in state. I was hoping for more but asked around and the local price offered by people putting together large packs is super weak but still up a point from this time last year. Respect Tom.


Active member
Fla is getting 24 for that 14 a few days later,, yep,, that's where the money is at... but all i need is a cool buzz and some tasty waves :)

after expenses the trappers are making the same as us lol, without the months and slave labor to get this shit done.

but since i came from those roots, i remember those nights in border line panic attack over that game, so its a huge stress off my shoulders to stay in state.


Active member
after expenses the trappers are making the same as us lol, without the months and slave labor to get this shit done.

but since i came from those roots, i remember those nights in border line panic attack over that game, so its a huge stress off my shoulders to stay in state.

Ya, fuck driving. I'm not doing a nickel in any of those fucked up red states. No thank you. Those guys earn that $.. At least IMHO


Well-known member
Ya, fuck driving. I'm not doing a nickel in any of those fucked up red states. No thank you. Those guys earn that $.. At least IMHO


There is a story every month in my area of someone getting popped getting buds in the mail. The states around the legal states are ready to pounce on every suspect car entering then leaving. There was a post or story I read about some state park campground that was routinely busting people.

I am surprised any decent weed only gets 24 in Florida. If that made here it would be JACKPOT!
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Professor Organic Psychology
You could always pay someone else to do the driving.. I used to drive from Tucson Arizona to Denver with my trunk full for $500 in the early 1990s. I would drive to NYC for $1000. I never seen nor touched what was in my trunk or they would have killed me. I am sure it would cost more now to get a driver to one of those places. Be careful if you consider this because you will need a network and conspiracy charges loom. The payoff can be huge though.


New member
SoCal what are you seeing zips go for? I recently was able to get away from the dispensary scene and found a much better situation but now it's gradually going up to the point I might as well go back to the dispensary for convince and customer service...any input is welcome.

This seemed like a thread that was on topic rather than start a new one. I realize most of you are dealing with real weight...

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