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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Alpha Phase

24 a unit for indoor og or gg4, or similar, in the bay area. This is from my limited knowledge as I've only dealt with vending occasionally so I'm not sure what the price should be or what others are getting. I hear further south the prices go up quite a bit. I guess it's not that bad because I used to get a nice lb of og in NY for 32.. 15 years ago you could get 4500 for outdoor big bud in nor Cal haha. How the times have changed.


Active member
when i first started growing outdoors it was 27-32 for everything. shit i remember some outs going for as much as 36 coming out of the triangle back in my broker days. my first harvest got 27 for my outdoor cherry pies and SFV OG and bought out the neighbors blue knights for 25, next year it was 24, next year it was 2, then it just bottomed out and we had to export to get low 2s. last year i was letting some off locally for 14 when lots of people were doing 1-12. hopefully prices rebound a bit this year, with all the ordinances and raids in the triangle maybe they settle at 15.
California Wholesale Prices

California Wholesale Prices

when i first started growing outdoors it was 27-32 for everything. shit i remember some outs going for as much as 36 coming out of the triangle back in my broker days. my first harvest got 27 for my outdoor cherry pies and SFV OG and bought out the neighbors blue knights for 25, next year it was 24, next year it was 2, then it just bottomed out and we had to export to get low 2s. last year i was letting some off locally for 14 when lots of people were doing 1-12. hopefully prices rebound a bit this year, with all the ordinances and raids in the triangle maybe they settle at 15.

People I know that have been getting 1-12 for years here in the triangle are getting it ready (trimming it out of totes from last fall) and getting 15 for 50 weekly. Based on my understanding of economics, we growers accepted too little early on for our best bud since everything sold out early and people are desperate to buy anything. Some really nice outdoor from last year would be appreciated by many at this time. Been getting multiple requests to machine up some small buds but that gets tricky when I figure the price of smalls by calculating the dab conversion value.

I guess what I am really seeing happening is broker/shippers are buying the cheapest units possible for east coast markets, 1 then 12 then 14 now 15. When the guy that will take 1 sell out then on to the guy that demands 12 then on to those that stuck to their guns and grow quality at 14-16 then back to junky bud for 15. Strange way to do things. Every year more scenes get blown up and every year our countrymen smoke it all up by july. Toke it up!


Active member
when i first started growing outdoors it was 27-32 for everything. shit i remember some outs going for as much as 36 coming out of the triangle back in my broker days. my first harvest got 27 for my outdoor cherry pies and SFV OG and bought out the neighbors blue knights for 25, next year it was 24, next year it was 2, then it just bottomed out and we had to export to get low 2s. last year i was letting some off locally for 14 when lots of people were doing 1-12. hopefully prices rebound a bit this year, with all the ordinances and raids in the triangle maybe they settle at 15.

oh yeah mustve been around the same time as me.
my first harvest in emerald triangle i was gettin 32 but the norm on the hill was 28-29 unless it had a purple tinge at all then it was 3ish.
not very many people i knew were doing clones at all much less og. we were running clones almost exclusively by my third year. sour d was our star, but man was that a gamble. we lucked out harvesting a huge hedge of it relatively unscathed mid nov. wouldnt want to try that again without more infrastructure. we were really lucky it diidnt rain much til later that year.

im hearing nutty prices on og dep. ins are dropping low in oregon but are in short supply.


Active member
I guess what I am really seeing happening is broker/shippers are buying the cheapest units possible for east coast markets, 1 then 12 then 14 now 15. When the guy that will take 1 sell out then on to the guy that demands 12 then on to those that stuck to their guns and grow quality at 14-16 then back to junky bud for 15. Strange way to do things. Every year more scenes get blown up and every year our countrymen smoke it all up by july. Toke it up!

pretty much….demand for that market is way larger than any boutique indoor market right now. its either move bulk open sun at teen prices, or lightdep sour/og at 18-2 and undercut the indoor guys. but hey everybody's different, some people are making a killing breaking down ice wax and live resin at clubs for 40 a G wholesale. seriously some companies are still charging 80-100 a G retail for some high end concentrates.
Even after all the raids and bans people still cut throat the price. Thats the whole problem i remeber 9 to 10 yrs ago the price was 3 and then 25 then 2 then 15 now 1 and even cheaper if someones hard up. And at first i had a little hope that the price will go up because of raids and bans but i think in the end if the price is to inflated at harvest the buyers will look else where to find the cheap packs. Idk though its hard to say until its here either way ill be grateful to even have the xhance to harvest haha.
But on a side note deps by far have been doing crazy good this year. Last year the market was still heavy with good od and drove the price down on deps i seen them for 14 to 16 last year and now im seeing them go for 17 to 18 no prob.
good point

good point

But on a side note deps by far have been doing crazy good this year. Last year the market was still heavy with good od and drove the price down on deps i seen them for 14 to 16 last year and now im seeing them go for 17 to 18 no prob.

The lack of any quality 2014 outdoor must help the dep prices. Hadn't thought of that. People need weed.


Active member
yea 2014 stocks ran out super quick this year all over norcal, demand is through the roof. price point is so important, goes back to that colorado study of 80/20 cheap price vs quality.
Nice set up. Pretty close to what the future looks like as far as i see it. Hope i can get my hands on running an op like that in a legal environment. Fucking balls out, no hand cuffs on plant numbers.


main investor was the ceo of a Canadian cigarette manufacturer... looks like someone wanted to be an early adopter to cali full legalization.


Active member
and that investor and his dad were busted for smuggling back in the 80s! plus they had various sales tax lawsuits in the US too.

crazy big operation though, 40 greenhouses right off the freeway in the most northeastern corner of CA possible. definately bigger than any of the i502 greenhouse ops I've seen that have around 15-20ish GHs.

Do you got a link to that?

its buried in one of the hundreds of articles on colorado pot legalization, it was a market study where they interviews recreational buyers (not medical) and the results were 80% cared more about saving money and only 20% would pay more for top notch boutique quality. wish i could remember and link the exact article but there are so many now, maybe try a rough google search?

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