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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



yea i dont really get why i see so many large legal ops spending so much money and time setting up indoor grows. i would be all in on auto dep with de lighting...

Because indoor is more consistent. Also a fully auto dep isn't cheap it's basically an indoor that is supplemented by sunlight and still has high energy requirements. I used to think greeny was the way of the future now I want nothing to do with it. Even tho I currently still do grow deps and outs I'd rather harvest a hundred lighter 5 times a year than a greeny for 3 or one big outdoor.

Also don't know why my post was deleted but I got 2 for my wifi deps
The gh is a single up front cost. The indoor is still more up front and more to run every cycle. Easy to power a gh with solar as the haf and curtains dont use much electricity. Mayba a little cost for heating but nothing compared to running 100k of light. In the end id hate to have to compete with somebody whos cost of production is just labor and nutes.
I'd much rather harvest 5x a 100 light a few times a summer than be inside working on indo 24/7. Pound Prices for dep are nearly the same as indoor when it's og yet a fraction of electric costs.

Indodr 2- 23 dep 19-2


Registered Non-Conformist
Indoor 2 - 23...? CA sucks anymore - If ya didn't 'make your fortune' by 2006, it's tough-tittie-fish-face.

I don't miss it hardly at all anymore. Especially where in this state I am moving to, next week. Last I looked, I still couldn't afford land out there, and the rents have not decreased. That's if there was any availability. But, the flower tickets sure have lowered.

In a moment of clarity, I loaded up and drove back E. Got stuck in an icestorm at 8990 ft Wyoming for a week. Waited it out in a real frontier dive. Pretty classic the first and second day. Then I was losing my marbles. haha. Finally made it back here. A putz of an old-friend who I had helped out years previously reneged on an offer to stay in his house temporarily, and made my life terrible. So, we ended that.

Then I Lived in a crappy room in a sloppy apartment, followed by a residential hotel near my eventual job, and worked my ASS off for almost 2 years, 65 hours a week. I smelled a rat, got my last check, and fired the hydro Shop owner just before they robbed each other, their rooms, had written me up a release with trumped up charges from the rich kid's dad, including toking at work... OOOOOH a hydro shop in a med state..>!!! Sinful, The owner was a kid who regularly smoked blunts in the store, on his rare visits, mine were discreet pipe hits.

Then they robbed their own store and shut the doors - NJ Gangsters, not local. Opening up a few miles away a year later under another name.

I gambled my savings by renting a house solo, and grew for a year and a half, and here I am. Thank You Triple Diesel....!@!!!! no thank you broad mites for the loss of 500$ of rare genetics in the first month here.

Even though I am moving into another rental in the country next week, I'm still looking into buying a piece. CA's a Slippery slope Guys. CA ain't the center of the MMJ universe anymore. Plus, the SnoreCal Women are no less fat and/or crazy than anywhere else, perhaps a lot more. and that's saying something. As they are wacko no matter what.

But, don't come here, unless you're from here. "Locals Only" ain't just a phrase in Hawaii and CA>

Midwestern folks just don't trust ya. It's immediately clear that the geographical differences also extend to a sense of honor, and a word/handshake. 99% of the time.

I love the fact that I Can do the right thing here, without being punished and walked on for it...! I love that others can usually be counted on to do what they say they will..!
What a relief. Honor...? There IS more to life than manipulating in a Machivellian way the world to your wishes..!! Awesome.

One does not screw people over where money is concerned, here - without some payback. The Passive Aggressive CA way of pushing just as hard as one can, but not enuf to get a mention, or reproach don;t function at all in these parts, although it is seen in some folks. But, the norm is that A committment needs to be lived up to, and is expected as such. Imagine that.

People do not routinely diss each other, quite the contrary. But, be a douche, dirtbag, liar, and you'll learn what a Midwestern Diss means..!!!! It'll reduce ya to tears. Send ya back to Mommy, with an emotional and physical Cosmic Wedgie. Happy Fourth. haha...
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mojave green

rockin in the free world
Lol, that was quite a rant there stasis. Glad to hear things are better for you. At the end of the day though, it is you whom is responsible for the friends and partners you pick, no?


I bet all this 2-23 for ins is for mid grade ins. I couldn't see some loud, greasy, delicate indoor OGs going for less than 25....

Anyways, well stored last years Blue Dream---15 in large packs.


Show me a 1000 lb dep that doesn't get rolled...not every place has the weather to grow outdoors, in places like CO indoor is really a no brainer.
There's plenty of guys pullin 4-1k plus of dep and NOT gettin popped over the past few years. Take a plane ride through Humboldt and you'll clearly see what I mean. Times are changing get it in indoors while you can, dep is where the money will be at.


That's what the people on Island Mountian thought too before their grows became national news.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Man fuck all the Bullshit...everything is Shwag if it aint good ol Triple Diesel

I love that shit ... when people get the boot from Cali because the game is too competitive and want to blame other people for their subpar talent
Island mountain was mainly over water.. There's hundreds others just like it that aren't pulling from a creek. Used to be a bust every week now just a few extremely large ones each year .CA cannabis voice is working hard to allow folks to run 6-10,000 sq ft with a special permit and under 6,000 sq ft none required. Neat article on local news.


Active member
6000 square feet is some serious space I could yield 1500 pounds on that outdoor/greenhouse in one season, if that passes expect all unit prices to drop at least one point.
basically all the middle men are dumb . all they have to do is under pay or over pay then people play the pricing game with a product they never get to see and use words to describe. its like if people used words to talk about the quality of gas or gas money.

where can i buy a 1 lb of bho in washington or oregon ? if i cant get that small of an amount of the product that people are currently consuming it means the quality is not up to par on most the crops. no other way for me to look at it besides that. they keep expecting me to buy a grade of product that cant be used for anything but cigarettes which disgusts me to think about. then saying quality is not worth paying for anymore because they are too lazy to produce it .

the people who make silicone dishes are a perfect example of what is wrong because they dont mass produce bho .

This is gibberish. This nonsense is not welcome in the wholesale forum please.

Growing 1500 lbs in 6000 ft canopy is basically ridiculous. If your canopy does not exceed your pot size then that is roughly 325 300 gallon smart pots. It is unreasonable to think people will grow 5 pounders consistently without exceeding the canopy. That also is nonsense.


Active member
Actually I would do 100s. There 3 feet wide, then i would allow 1' outside of pots for canopy extending outside, so 4x4 wide is a 16 square foot plant.

6000/16= 375 plants
Yield of 3-4.5 pound plants comes out to 1150-1700 pounds depending on strains used all falling within total canopy limits.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wow you can get 4 lbs out of a plant that's only 4 ft wide,that's really really good...


Active member
It's not that crazy other people doing the same. And just cuz it's 4' wide dont mean it's 4' tall...also a 10 UV index during flowering and all day sun at high elevation leads to very dense heavy buds down to the smalls as I harvest incrementally tops-upper middles-lower middles-smalls allowing each full direct sun before harvest, drastically increasing final yield.


Actually I would do 100s. There 3 feet wide, then i would allow 1' outside of pots for canopy extending outside, so 4x4 wide is a 16 square foot plant.

6000/16= 375 plants
Yield of 3-4.5 pound plants comes out to 1150-1700 pounds depending on strains used all falling within total canopy limits.

a foot outside a 3' pot would make it a 5' canopy. which from my experience with 100 gallon pots, u get up to 6' wide canopies. this all depends on how early you put them in at and what size they started.


Active member
Good point local hero, also when you do math To get square footage of area of a circle it comes out to closer to the 16 square feet I posted.

To get square footage of area of circle its 3.1416*radius (2.5) squared
6000/19.635=305 plants*3 to 4.5 pounds=915-1375, depending on strains