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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
I fucked the numbers up...I meant to show breakdown around 5-7k at 40$ g breakdown...the numbers I posted were for the insane 80-100g stuff from guys like WCC bamF and crown.


Active member
I fucked the numbers up, God damn dabs lol..I meant to show breakdown around 5k at 40$ g breakdown...the other numbers were for the insane 80-100g stuff from guys like WCC bamF and crown.


I've crumbled up bins of giant blue dream colas as big yer arm and run those...Was around 23% but SO beautiful...talking that peach/off white color you get..so sexy. I've also had 20% just from high grade trim...never seen %30 but I bet it could happen under the right circumstances..


Im confused about,,legalization,,on one hand,,im for everybody whos truly sick to have access to cannabis,,on the other hand,,the value of cannabis will be crap once legalized,,,wiping out GROWERs who are just getting by with the prices now,,i think im going to go with legalization,,because if your growing the best,,legal or not the prices to my strains will only go up,,,just like alcohal,,the best beers,,only made more money,,because legalizing somthing weeds out all the pretenders,,who are just force feeding plants nutrians,,just for profit,, and theirs people like me,,who grows nice plants for full 7 to 9 months,,and cures the buds for 3 to 5 months,in,, C vault jars,,if your growing with ,love,desire, and passion,i guarantee you will always have the best cannabis ,HAPPY GROWING,,


Im confused about,,legalization,,on one hand,,im for everybody whos truly sick to have access to cannabis,,on the other hand,,the value of cannabis will be crap once legalized,,,wiping out GROWERs who are just getting by with the prices now,,i think im going to go with legalization,,because if your growing the best,,legal or not the prices to my strains will only go up,,,just like alcohal,,the best beers,,only made more money,,because legalizing somthing weeds out all the pretenders,,who are just force feeding plants nutrians,,just for profit,, and theirs people like me,,who grows nice plants for full 7 to 9 months,,and cures the buds for 3 to 5 months,in,, C vault jars,,if your growing with ,love,desire, and passion,i guarantee you will always have the best cannabis ,HAPPY GROWING,,

I missed the type of math were if you do less you get more and if you do more you get less because you did more.



New member
I've crumbled up bins of giant blue dream colas as big yer arm and run those...Was around 23% but SO beautiful...talking that peach/off white color you get..so sexy. I've also had 20% just from high grade trim...never seen %30 but I bet it could happen under the right circumstances..

The really high % returns are usually on small runs and aren't really attainable at certain rates, in other words someone might only run 10 grams of material but yeild 3grams which would be a 30% return(This is an odd example I will admit lol)


Active member
@ej2012, l seem to be the only one who cares about the quality, the fancy name, and the time and care that goes in to producing top shelf. 8 out of 10 custies would rather have cheaper and more of less quality than top dollar top shelf...


Active member
furry were you using closed loop? i was under the impression that closed loop would yield more because you can keep cycling the butane through the tube to really get every drop out of it, versus open blast where you really only want to run it once or twice at most before the return/cost of butane ratio isn't worth it. but CLS is easy because its recovered so you can literally just keep cycling the system over and over until its alll out!

but hey i could be wrong, i dont touch butane manufacturing at all I've outsourced all of it.


with cls you could keep cycling the solvent, without loss, for a higher yield but that would pickup more waxes which aren't useful when making shatter or even higher quality honeycomb crumble...there's generally a sweet spot for the solvent to material ratio. open blasting is kind of just dumb..no offense to all you people who like to meditate on pools of flammable liquids. ;). Yea I've been out of the extract game for a while now too..and I'm hearing that from more and more people lately. Around two years ago it seemed like it was kind of a grey area but now it's just plainly illegal here in Cali so I steer clear.


Active member
Did a pound of gsc and gg4 trim open blasting and got back 58 grams...it wasnt dewaxed tho......A friend fronted one of these big time extract guys and he only got back 26g.Kinda questioned the yield he got but it was top shelf fire.
still lookin for deps or ins...been seeing nothin but garbage!


New member
Lookin for growers,

Lookin for growers,

Gonna be in SF BAY AREA aug 8-14 lookin for some wholesale light dep..can visit mendo,sohum ..serious


Active member
lol things are getting desperate

deps going from 16 all the way up to 22 depending on a variety of factors. some of it is looking seriously fire and very comparable to indoors.


Active member
the weed game is over, someone bought all of it earlier this week. even the stuff thats not harvested yet has sold. what the hell? theres no more weed.anywhere.not even my car. the brown shit in my scrap bin sold. seriously if yall see any weed call the fire dept so they can get it on the auction block before people start smoking that potpouri, spice, k2 shit.

the federal govenrment is calling in the national guard and the army corps of engineers to do some massive light assisted green houses to get the usa through the to start of the new year.

obama said he hasnt seen a drought like this since the mid seventies in maui.

time to get crackin folks.

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