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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I would never post any pics I'm not comfortable with it! I've been smoking since the 80's gathering seeds that long too! When I have my harvest tested I never reveal the true Genetics it's never a problem cause I never run into my strains @ dispensary's! Hydro your just gonna have take my word that I don't have Nute & temp issues!


I love my life
I would never post any pics I'm not comfortable with it! I've been smoking since the 80's gathering seeds that long too! When I have my harvest tested I never reveal the true Genetics it's never a problem cause I never run into my strains @ dispensary's! Hydro your just gonna have take my word that I don't have Nute & temp issues!

Fair enough, but you are just going to have to take the word of other icmagers that Quality is not going down if you have the right circle of friends....

Hate on the industry as much as you want but the quality of cannabis and variety of cannabis is increasing year over year. You just need to look for the cream of the crop and not the dregs of the barrel.


Wendull C.

Active member
Whadeez and Wendull, I have no doubt you guys are getting those numbers because higher paying customers do exist. Are you guys getting that north of so cal?

No so cal but for quality the bay pays the most but you lose a day at least and if you decide to have any fun the extra profit goes on ....


In santa cruz indoors are 22-24 right now except the really nice stuff. Outs are 800-1400 wide range of quality and desparation


Registered Non-Conformist
Desperation and Patience are the keys to the Cannabis market. Find a good gig, hold on to it. Ride it, with hard work and plenny attention to detail.

Seems prices are pretty much standard in med States. Interesting that. The costs to grow are lower outside CA - markedly. 22-28 ins. I get the 27-28.


Active member
market is different every week..had a neighbor have a fire sale on his entire crop and brokers were driving up every other day and its pretty much all gone. demand is very very high, even if the tickets are low now, all these shippers and drivers will still need product months down the line so the more inventory that gets chipped at, the higher prices will be when all the open sun runs out and all these brokers are still shopping. I'm predicting prices go back up real nicely right after spring time. the weather all over the US is freezing right now barely anyone is gonna be able to harvest any open sun until spring, unless they have a fully controlled, heated, and supp lighting greenhouse which 90% of growers dont have.

what are people seeing on wax? seems like theres a mini flood of concentrate right now with all the open sun trim and material, but with sooooo many people having a CLS system right now, once all this material runs out i predict a bunch of empty CLS systems sitting around waiting for indoor product. already seeing low prices for EA, 40-60 seems to be "good" nowadays but plenty of 30-70 and even cheap ass contract work at 4-5bucks a gram.
I would never post any pics I'm not comfortable with it! I've been smoking since the 80's gathering seeds that long too! When I have my harvest tested I never reveal the true Genetics it's never a problem cause I never run into my strains @ dispensary's! Hydro your just gonna have take my word that I don't have Nute & temp issues!



GTFO here you troll


I'm not the only one critical of these so called master growers who hype their goods! I definitely agree many peeps have access to quality among circles, it's the dispensary's I was referring too! Again will someone direct me too 1 dispensary in the entire state that has a legitimate top shelf!

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Most people I know are sitting on 75% of their stuff still and just chilling literally... doing small stuff at 13-15 just to keep contacts up and whatnot...

That supplemental lit heated greenhouse get down is pretty nice i heard


This time of year is always kind of weird... from what I've seen shippers are picking desperation sellers to pieces at 1k with a two week wait. The key is to have a good storage space.... Because after february, it's a whole new world...!

I'm not the only one critical of these so called master growers who hype their goods! I definitely agree many peeps have access to quality among circles, it's the dispensary's I was referring too! Again will someone direct me too 1 dispensary in the entire state that has a legitimate top shelf!

Tlc collective in LA jackmayoffs club has fire. There are also others, just look on instagram


I love my life
TLC They stock Aliens seeds why don't they carry the flower of those seeds?

Because a club may easily sell thousands of strains in seed form and it is very hard to have thousands of varieties on the shelves at any one time.....

Pretty easy to answer that question....



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I'm not the only one critical of these so called master growers who hype their goods! I definitely agree many peeps have access to quality among circles, it's the dispensary's I was referring too! Again will someone direct me too 1 dispensary in the entire state that has a legitimate top shelf!

Your either a troll, or really fucking stupid person...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Its REALLY hard to justify growing indoors right now in the Bay Area...

Getting super fire outdoor for $900-$1100, cashing out at 4k all day....