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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That's a really good deal turn it all into wax and you just doubled up on investment. 1000lbs sold for 600k you could turn that into 150 - 200lbs wax sell for 6k a unit all day. A marijuana auction wow what a beautiful thing go Washington!

back from the dead...must be getting cold up there


Active member
Damn.. Someone is taxing heavy somewhere down the line! Single packs of indoor commercial blue dream on the east coast is fetching 27 all day... Locals growers still getting 38-4K all day long for cookies... Indoor sour 36...nug run shatter of elite strains 1100-1300...Anyone else feel that quality indoor will always fetch a respectable price despite all the medical/legalization going on? As much as I enjoy seeing the legalization movement I also would hate to say small time mom/pop operations not being able to make a respectable living....

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
If California goes legal I imagined something like this would be the case for larger producers. Who wants to shop around their flowers if they can move them at once and get back to doing what it is their focused on.
The problem with people that are in my circle is that a lot still grow from seed. So many various phenotypes that its hard to move it with regularity. Right now they're asking 13. Clone only og or diesel holding steady at 16. Indoor animal cookies go at 26. Although a friend who runs the animal said he got 28 afew weeks ago at a club after he got it tested and it measured in at 24.7% THC. Not too bad. Anyone know what AA indoor GG#4 and Triangle Kush will or should go for?


I know several growers who lost their crops to pest but have made back losses and much more! They have been getting Cali out door & shipping it out of state! They are earning $1,000 per unit!!!!


I've seen ID prices cut almost in half over the last 8 or so years, but have remained stable at a 22 to 24 ticket over the last 3 years for 5+ size broker transactions. At a per unit cost of roughly 500 that's still a very desirable margin, mostly due to the risk premium. So as legal, economic and market conditions evolve, I would expect significant further price reductions and margin compression.


Active member
Where I'm at in mendo, places are flooded and the average is 1000-1200. I know lots,of people waiting on their stuff hoping market goes up a little.


Active member
Seen pounds in Boston for 23 and it's all being fronted. Looks like indoor as well. Brand names slapped on them. Times are changing. My boy's moving them for 3k all day making bank in the city. The middleman is doing pretty great in this market. The small time growers are getting squeezed out of the game. You'll need lots of lights to compete in the new market.


Active member
I agree w the lots of lights. I live near Colorado and it makes it hard for me to get top dollar for my hard work when theres 50lb coming in from some warehouse for 800/ 1/4 . at those prices i gotta pull 10 every cycle just to compete w supply...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I agree w the lots of lights. I live near Colorado and it makes it hard for me to get top dollar for my hard work when theres 50lb coming in from some warehouse for 800/ 1/4 . at those prices i gotta pull 10 every cycle just to compete w supply...

800 a qp?