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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Given that ID can be produced for sub $500 per unit, once the risk premium is eliminated supply will increase and margins will compress substantially. Plan for that day as well as the ultimate conclusion of other trends in this business.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
The electricity for indoor per unit, cost more then $500 where im at!

And PG@E dont provide any lube when they are fucking you too...


Just Say Grow
about $250 per light per run where I'm at, another $40-$50 in medium and probably close to the same for nutes. total cost of production per light ends up around $200 a unit.

those are some nice margins krunch...must be that flame ass outs, I was seeing some ridiculous GH og grown down this way @ 12, it was easily better than 90% of indoor og I've seen in the last few years...worth 32 all day without going over any lines


Krunch don't know if I'm a troll if you say so! I'm definitely stupid! I thought low to mid 3's was good but since your getting 4k & not even growing! Stupid idiot retard would be a better description of me!


Active member
TLC They stock Aliens seeds why don't they carry the flower of those seeds?

jack has 40kw of alien seeds in flower right now lol…he just finished the big archive seed pop and had archive strains for days on his shelfs OGs of every possible flavor. but they are mostly specializing in extracts i feel, they like to do blends of the shatter that come out super fire.

i was joking to a friend the other day about how some of these shippers are making more money than the growers and doing less work. seriously these farmers are grinding non stop to grow OD units for 1k and only clearing maybe 800 in profit after trimming and production. whereas the shippers are coming in and turning 1s into 2s all day and then hitting the city and partying until the next order, while I'm stuck in the boondocks running rooms day in day out and can barely have a social life.. picked the wrong time to switch my business model lol….production is a straight grind i should have stuck to brokering.

couldn't even go down to celebrate new years tonight because of non stop grow work. my entire work crew is off for the holidays in costa rica banging hookers and snorting 10dollar grams of coke and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere growing weed!!

btw to keep on topic, been getting 27 for my indoor glue/cookies in the bay area. and gonna visit a few dispos in sacramento and around norcal to see what kind of prices others will pay. pics in my IG account to see the quality.


Active member
jack has 40kw of alien seeds in flower right now lol…he just finished the big archive seed pop and had archive strains for days on his shelfs OGs of every possible flavor. but they are mostly specializing in extracts i feel, they like to do blends of the shatter that come out super fire.

i was joking to a friend the other day about how some of these shippers are making more money than the growers and doing less work. seriously these farmers are grinding non stop to grow OD units for 1k and only clearing maybe 800 in profit after trimming and production. whereas the shippers are coming in and turning 1s into 2s all day and then hitting the city and partying until the next order, while I'm stuck in the boondocks running rooms day in day out and can barely have a social life.. picked the wrong time to switch my business model lol….production is a straight grind i should have stuck to brokering.

couldn't even go down to celebrate new years tonight because of non stop grow work. my entire work crew is off for the holidays in costa rica banging hookers and snorting 10dollar grams of coke and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere growing weed!!

btw to keep on topic, been getting 27 for my indoor glue/cookies in the bay area. and gonna visit a few dispos in sacramento and around norcal to see what kind of prices others will pay. pics in my IG account to see the quality.

Yeah brokers out here are making a killing as well. My boy's getting p's fronted for 23 and moving them for 3k all day. He won't pay more than 2.5k for anything that I have so I go straight to retail now instead which creates a lot more work. The good thing is now I can squeeze out 3.6k but I have to move it all in oz and Q's which is another job in itself.

The middlemen are making all the money right now and it feels like the growers are getting taken advantage of. It's just a big game but I feel if you only have to move 30 pounds a crop or less it might be better to go right to retail and bypass the middle guy. Sounds like we got indoor cheaper in Boston than out west which is pretty crazy.

Now a days it's all just weed. The middle guy has so many more options that he can just take the cheapest price to make the most profit. If the little guys had to choose, they would choose our type of product because they pay the same in the end for the lessor grade. The end consumers prices didn't get any lower. The middle man price seems to have gone up and the growers price has gone down.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
couldn't even go down to celebrate new years tonight because of non stop grow work. my entire work crew is off for the holidays in costa rica banging hookers and snorting 10dollar grams of coke and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere growing weed!!

Your bitching about them having fun, but who is holding the majority of the cash?

Id have fun doing origami with my cash and jacking off instead of blowing it...

BTW, you were supposed to get my Yukon months ago...:tiphat:

grow nerd

Active member
couldn't even go down to celebrate new years tonight because of non stop grow work. my entire work crew is off for the holidays in costa rica banging hookers and snorting 10dollar grams of coke and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere growing weed!!

But how much were the hookers? :chin:

Gotta pay the cost to be the boss somehow...


Registered Non-Conformist
I hear Ya, YESON, getting away can be the hardest part of this "freedom-based" lifestyle. Ironic. I often plan for trips I don't get to take. Time passes. Costa IS a frikken' blast. Just bring your own smoke. haha.


Given that ID can be produced for sub $500 per unit, once the risk premium is eliminated supply will increase and margins will compress substantially. Plan for that day as well as the ultimate conclusion of other trends in this business.

You want me to sell 1650 doses for $500. Not happening. The price is about the value of the drug, not the cost of production. There is no way I am going to price a bowl of weed lower than a 22oz craft brew. ABSOLUTELY NOT

Let the losers produce their own


Thanks for the feedback prop215 it's good to know we can view & smoke cured bud before we purchase the seeds! It's set a standard, makes it easier for everyone if my finished product test better & smokes better there is no reason not to give me a fair price!


Prop 215 if your cookies cross is as good as the real cookies no reason you can't get 3k in the bay! I get offered 27 for my cookies cross all the time & I walk all the time!


krunch your being a dick! I've been on this board much longer than my profile indicates! Over the years I don't recall you ever starting shit? Yah you have gotten into pissing matches but from what I recall it's only been with people who criticize you directly? Did I do that? What about the time you recommended Eagle 20 remember those 2 GSc infested plants you posted? I wasn't the one blasting you! Am I not entitled to my own opinion? How do you know what my experiences are? Did I call BS bout you gettin 4k (I hope you are) Do you take pleasure picking on the stupid?

grow nerd

Active member
Cocaine = 10/g, check.

I wish someone would tell me how much the hookers are in Costa Rica...

I'm on a limited budget of $47, and wondering if I can do a line of blow off a hooker's ass and still have enough money left for some jerk chicken or ribs afterwards.


Grow nerd when the hookers post "no trade" on their profile I've found if you have "one hit quiter" bud after the 1st session is over smoking out can work out to be mutually beneficial! In my opinion going the extra mile collecting & sifting thru quality genetics while growing healthy plants really pays off regarding hookers especially the high end hookers!


From what I saw on TLC weedmaps assuming 20$ gram as top notch, and the fact I have grown many of those OGs example rascals fire OGbx1 selected pheno (tested 27%) from 3 packs of seeds considering its 2015 I would say 15$ grams is fair! I did take the time to make fire OG seeds but I no longer grow it! I've grown most of the top OGs none of them make my top 12! I do consider many of them great smoke! Also I do grow GSC because of the colors,smell & the fact everyone wants it, especially those not affiliated with dispensary's!

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