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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Cocaine = 10/g, check.

I wish someone would tell me how much the hookers are in Costa Rica...

I'm on a limited budget of $47, and wondering if I can do a line of blow off a hooker's ass and still have enough money left for some jerk chicken or ribs afterwards.

Yes you can, his name is Alejandro:biggrin:
jack has 40kw of alien seeds in flower right now lol…he just finished the big archive seed pop and had archive strains for days on his shelfs OGs of every possible flavor. but they are mostly specializing in extracts i feel, they like to do blends of the shatter that come out super fire.

i was joking to a friend the other day about how some of these shippers are making more money than the growers and doing less work. seriously these farmers are grinding non stop to grow OD units for 1k and only clearing maybe 800 in profit after trimming and production. whereas the shippers are coming in and turning 1s into 2s all day and then hitting the city and partying until the next order, while I'm stuck in the boondocks running rooms day in day out and can barely have a social life.. picked the wrong time to switch my business model lol….production is a straight grind i should have stuck to brokering.

couldn't even go down to celebrate new years tonight because of non stop grow work. my entire work crew is off for the holidays in costa rica banging hookers and snorting 10dollar grams of coke and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere growing weed!!

btw to keep on topic, been getting 27 for my indoor glue/cookies in the bay area. and gonna visit a few dispos in sacramento and around norcal to see what kind of prices others will pay. pics in my IG account to see the quality.

I feel you on all that. Between the dispensaries wanting consignment and ppl from out of state coming way low, makes wanna go crazy. And being stuck working while the outdoor farmers are off in Thailand or Costa Rica sucks especially for the holidays. Your number are on point for cooks and glue. You might get more in the clubs, but that is a bunch of hassle. And I like to keep them honest, so flowers and clones never make it to dispensary most times. Patients first.

Retail and diversifying is where it's at. Extra work for sure. But helping fam and friends is worth it. From hempcon shows, to clones, co2 extracts and vape pens, there is plenty of ways to make a come up. This is where the cream rises and ppl who are fit to lead come thru IMO. I could never understand how my hippie folks would only grow outdoor for half a year and that's it. Then is off to phish shows etc. idk, I guess when you from the bay, you just got a lot more hustle in you. And now the market is ultra competitive. So you gotta grow the best you can, have the best genetics, make the best extracts, and know the right ppl. Many have tried, most have failed. Props to all those still grinding.


Seeing a whole lot of bullshitting in here. Real numbers from mendo are, reg outs 13, og outs 17-18, reg ins 2, sours 22, ogs 24-26. Not a single soul asking for cookies or glue.


Active member
Seeing a whole lot of bullshitting in here. Real numbers from mendo are, reg outs 13, og outs 17-18, reg ins 2, sours 22, ogs 24-26. Not a single soul asking for cookies or glue.

When you say "regs", what exactly does that mean? Anything besides OGs, Sours?
No one asking for Glues or Cookies?
That sounds strange.


I don't have experience with Glues still waiting for a reason to grow it? It sounds like you think OGs are the best of the best? When grown properly they are nice smoke but none of em make my top 12 also several growers on this site probably have a better line up than I do! Like I said huge demand for cookies especially on the streets, I grow it cause it's an easy transaction especially with the hookers. Mendo does not represent the entire state of Cali!!
Seeing a whole lot of bullshitting in here. Real numbers from mendo are, reg outs 13, og outs 17-18, reg ins 2, sours 22, ogs 24-26. Not a single soul asking for cookies or glue.

That's exactly what I been hearing. Except cooks and glue, well ppl been lining up for those @27. Many larger indoor and outdoor growers will not jump on board with glue until they feel it has staying power. It's like 80% og and 20% cookies in my circles.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
I don't have experience with Glues still waiting for a reason to grow it? It sounds like you think OGs are the best of the best? When grown properly they are nice smoke but none of em make my top 12 also several growers on this site probably have a better line up than I do! Like I said huge demand for cookies especially on the streets, I grow it cause it's an easy transaction especially with the hookers. Mendo does not represent the entire state of Cali!!

You either had Fake Cuts or didn't know how to grow them... Once you said OG doesn't make your top 12... you can pretty much write off everything you say in this thread afterwords

OG is the King of the Wholesale Game

** Critical Mass grown In Hempy** gets 4k a Pound all day ... Rumor is ... its the OG Kush Killer when grown by the Aspirin Gods


aka "Doc"
Ask any winemaker what their favorite wine is---and most will respond with something other than their labels best seller.

IMHO, certain commodities--like wine and weed, the producer will always have a "personal favorite" and "market favorite"; seldom will they be the same. If they are--then IMHO, you need to get out more and discover the "grass is greener on the other side".

Simple expanation--maturity and experience. As one matures, their preferences and tastes will usually increase in complexity and style. As one increases their experiences, they have more memories which to measure "good and bad".

When I was 5 years old, I thought a Hershey Bar was the "bomb" chocolate--but now Hersheys boring; my preference is dark chocolate made by Scharffen Berger (or Belgium styled).

That said--my personal preference is "non-OG" flowers; the aromatic pine thing gets old after awhile (same old terpenes). But what brings home the bacon? OG flowers.


Ask any winemaker what their favorite wine is---and most will respond with something other than their labels best seller.

IMHO, certain commodities--like wine and weed, the producer will always have a "personal favorite" and "market favorite"; seldom will they be the same. If they are--then IMHO, you need to get out more and discover the "grass is greener on the other side".

Simple expanation--maturity and experience. As one matures, their preferences and tastes will usually increase in complexity and style. As one increases their experiences, they have more memories which to measure "good and bad".

When I was 5 years old, I thought a Hershey Bar was the "bomb" chocolate--but now Hersheys boring; my preference is dark chocolate made by Scharffen Berger (or Belgium styled).

That said--my personal preference is "non-OG" flowers; the aromatic pine thing gets old after awhile (same old terpenes). But what brings home the bacon? OG flowers.

Well said doc well said.

Everyone over here on the cookies bandwagon and i just want a killer jack h. mom. Love that real pine smell.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Ask any winemaker what their favorite wine is---and most will respond with something other than their labels best seller.

IMHO, certain commodities--like wine and weed, the producer will always have a "personal favorite" and "market favorite"; seldom will they be the same. If they are--then IMHO, you need to get out more and discover the "grass is greener on the other side".

Simple expanation--maturity and experience. As one matures, their preferences and tastes will usually increase in complexity and style. As one increases their experiences, they have more memories which to measure "good and bad".

When I was 5 years old, I thought a Hershey Bar was the "bomb" chocolate--but now Hersheys boring; my preference is dark chocolate made by Scharffen Berger (or Belgium styled).

That said--my personal preference is "non-OG" flowers; the aromatic pine thing gets old after awhile (same old terpenes). But what brings home the bacon? OG flowers.

Well said doc well said.

Everyone over here on the cookies bandwagon and i just want a killer jack h. mom. Love that real pine smell.


But also ask any winemaker how much they are willing to spend on a bottle, they will ALWAYS opt for the cheaper....


Active member
We know what the wholesale markets been. What do you expect in 2015?

Retail and diversifying is where it's at. Extra work for sure. But helping fam and friends is worth it. From hempcon shows, to clones, co2 extracts and vape pens, there is plenty of ways to make a come up. This is where the cream rises and ppl who are fit to lead come thru IMO. I could never understand how my hippie folks would only grow outdoor for half a year and that's it. Then is off to phish shows etc. idk, I guess when you from the bay, you just got a lot more hustle in you. And now the market is ultra competitive. So you gotta grow the best you can, have the best genetics, make the best extracts, and know the right ppl. Many have tried, most have failed. Props to all those still grinding.

This guy said it best! Although, it doesn't only hold true in the bay. You gotta have that hustle in you and go right to retail and branding as well with custom packaging. And you have to be one of the top 5% class of growers to have the quality product to compete in the new market and hold your customer base from looking elsewhere. Variety will be a key factor as well as quality. No matter what market you are in, it's always possible to get low 3's if not high 3's with the right strategy. If your market is bad for retail, there's always another market 3 hours away. That's indoor of course. The green rush is still here if you have enough light. Also gotta start cutting expenses and do as much work as you can without many employees unless you got 50+ lights. The guys with 8 lights or less will be in the fight of their life trying to stay alive. Most will drown and the cream of the crop will come to the top and continue to ride the wave.


aka "Doc"
But also ask any winemaker how much they are willing to spend on a bottle, they will ALWAYS opt for the cheaper....

Cheaper...not to sure about that. Most winemakers/vineyard owners I met are "value conscious" but not "label conscious"; meaning their choice of wine is NOT driven by "consumer demand" (label) but by their "taste and preference".

I agree, not every winemaker/vineyard owner will have cases of Screaming Eagle in their locker--but the fact is....many do.


Registered Non-Conformist
Trendy people will always want the 'Jordache' of the month. Even if the quality is not there. Also a local thing. A strain in one area is not well known, but is on the top shelf of every dispo in another particular area. Commanding more, while in the former area, lowball still rules. The market is like the ocean, itself without mercy, gotta be smart.

I will do it without being a risky baller. Looking into other ideas. Ways of maximizing what I got. Freedom is too important, the only thrill I want is satisfaction of a job well done. Not interested in being the largest set on the block. Don't really want any part of the business end of what it could be, after seeing over and over the sort of people who try to jump on the wagon to capitalize off growers work and arcane knowledge. There have been a few with sense, but for the most part, with All Due Respect, Fuck them. Period. All trying to re-invent the wheel with no information besides what some one told them. They hire ya, and then don't listen. While you watch the downward spiral. We are after all, in these cases mostly dealing with lifer Drug-dealers, manipulators, 'puppet-masters,' - with little or no respect for the process that was necessary for them to amass the poker chips that they DO have. The MJ plant that comes from someone's garden.

Then they fail, and who's to blame..? Let's see. the Douchbeeach who thinks he knows what the grower needs to do, and micromanages accordingly..? Not.


Several - as in Many K up front, very nice, sounds wonderful. Now, just talk with my accountant, Mr. Paypal - or don't even ring my phone/waste my time ---- Been up and down with these shits, from here to timbukfrikkentoo.. Florida to BFE Guam. Greenland to Ushuaia. Not again.

The ONE Guy who did listen - well, we worked together for almost 2 years, and took a very central Medical MJ Town by storm. We did well. It was fun. Worked my culo off. But, it wasn't CA. haha,.


It's been a good discussion mission accomplished! Prices have in fact gone up for many! last two years drought, pest & disease have in fact rocked the market like I suspected and it's only gonna get worse! Last 2 seasons Midwest & east coast weather was horrible meaning inflated prices there are a short term thing even with added CO harvest! CO not meeting expectations also having shortages! Just like the food shortages! Upcoming water permit requirements will hamper large scale outdoor grows & new pest ,regular pest, much more mold & fungus should really uncover the truth!

The Revolution

Active member
I will be doing my part on the right coast. Will be interesting to see how the water permit reqs affect the outdoor grows in ca


Twisting my words, knowing what ghettos I'm talking about, knowing what my circle of hookers want! Storm Shadow I would say you are an example of a great grower that is weak on his strain knowledge but I don't believe that to be true, I know you are holding!! Blowing it up as soon as legalization hits gonna require lot more than growing skills, rare strains & $$$ no need to hold on so tight!