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moose eater

Well-known member
Made a homemade tangy BBQ sauce the other evening, and baked 7 thighs in a skillet, submerged in the sauce.

Just had one reheated, slathered in the sauce, and there is so much sauce that we're eating 'nuclear' baked potatoes, smashed, slathered in the stuff, as well.

Now for some salad with homemade Ceasar dressing, etc., and out to put batteries in the 4-wheelers.

Then down to buck up some aspen logs and roll them toward the road. After some giant jalapeno and garlic-stuffed green olives, and maybe another beverage.
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moose eater

Well-known member
My standard lately: one half-cooked medium small potato from the fridge (nuked to half-way done the other day, then flash cooled in ice cold water to arrest starch conversion) grated into hashbrowns, and fried crispy in avocado oil, with one egg over easy on top, with Tapatio sauce.

French roast coffee with a micro-splash of 40% heavy whipping cream in it. 20 oz. of green tea for medicinal purposes, fist full of supplements and 2 Rx pills, and 3/4-qt. of RO H2O

A fellow who picked up some spruce from me the other day (5/8-3/4 cord of cut, split and stacked wood, and nearly a cord of 4' lengths), is bringing me a small dormitory size microwave for our Class B camper van as a thank you.

So, it's breakfast, then shave for masking, and a late start to the day's lengthy list of shit to be done.

Unusually dizzy this AM and installing the batteries in the 4-wheelers and airing up their tires yesterday afternoon/evening (a fairly simple task, really) just about tapped me after a town run with lots of walking through larger stores. I suspect that when my body's (or mind's) ready to be clearer in translating or conveying what's going on, it'll do so.

moose eater

Well-known member
Would any of y'all eat this? Not I said the little red hen!

Reminded me of the no longer available military C-rats, but in a retail can.

Ewwwww. I mean, there's a reason they switched to MREs, and even those are relatively unhealthy if one reads the contents and nutritional value. Never mind the taste. Which is sometimes 'OK'.

moose eater

Well-known member
Getting ready to light the grill to put on 3 T-bone steaks with sizable sides on them on the fillet portion. Almost enough to qualify them as porterhouse. The way I like them if I'm going to trifle with T-bones at all. They're all about 1-1/4" thick.

Been raining today off and on, but just lightly.

Have a decent salad made already in the fridge that my wife made a couple days ago, and my homemade Ceasar dressing to go on it.

Going to nuke a couple decent spuds and maybe use some of the left-over BBQ sauce from the oven BBQ'ed chicken on my spud; too tangy and spicy for my wife now. She'll likely have plain old sour cream on hers.

Made almost 5 quarts of mole' sauce for what will likely be close to 2-1/2 to 3 gallons of my spicy Tex-Mex (fairly traditional, NOT Americanized) chili, as my older son's going to a music festival a couple hundred miles+ south of us for 4 days and he requested a half-gallon of the chili I sometimes make to take in his cooler.

Seldom do I fuck around with a half-gallon of anything, so he'll get his 1/2-gallon from the larger batch, in a recycled half-gallon yogurt container.

Tomorrow will be the preparation of the spiced lean ground beef, and cooking the mix of small black beans and pinto beans that are currently soaking in a large stainless 4-gallon stock pot.

And there's still a relatively mild Szechuan chicken stir-fry in the fridge from yesterday evening.

Then I'm done cooking for most of a week unless something -really- strikes my appetite.


Active member
IndoMie with soy chunks and swiss chard



ICMag Donor
That looks good. Me, I'm on a lazy man's way to do things tonight. I had a Boston Market Meatloaf Dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, quite a bit of gravy and I can honestly say, in a pinch and there's nothing else, and your hungry, this boston market meatloaf with a slice of fresh buttered bread to dunk in all that gravy ain't so bad. Ain't so bad! o_O



Well-known member
fixed boneless ribs, corn bread, green beans, and mashed potatoes for supper tonight. (okay, my wife made the corn bread) then had a large warm slice of some type of cake my wife baked & buttered the hell out of it! pound cake? i'm not sure...:dunno::yummy: t'was good though.

moose eater

Well-known member
On the way at the moment is a late breakfast of my usual; freshly grated hashbrowns from golden potatoes that were nuked to mostly done, then flash cooled in very cold water and chucked into the fridge the other day, with one egg, easy over, on top, to permit mopping the yolk with the crispy spuds. and some Tapatio sauce to make it more interesting. (*Note to self; we're low on Tapatio sauce. YIKES!!! Crisis in later life is now defined way differently than when much younger).

16 oz. of dark French roast coffee from freshly ground beans, with a splash of 40% heavy whipping cream in it. And 20 oz. of unflavored, unsweetened green tea for medicinal purposes.

HOWEVER!!!! I just placed 10 chicken thighs with salt and coarsely ground black pepper into a fairly sizable cast iron skillet after pre-heating the oven to 330 f., and after remixing my homemade barbecue sauce from the other day, to accommodate my wife's more sensitive palate by reducing the intensity of the heat and 'twang' by adding another 15-oz. can of organic tomato sauce and some more of the 'safer' seasonings, the thighs are now buried in the barbecue sauce in the previously mentioned skillet, in a 330 f. oven, for about 50 minutes or so, after which they'll be flipped, reburied in the sauce,and baked for another 50 to 60 minutes.

After that point, we should have successfully tilled, fertilized, and hilled the spud field and maybe even brought up another 4-wheeler trailer load of spruce from the lower end of the property.

A specific area of nerves in my lower thoracic or upper lumbar are intermittently complaining when I run the chainsaw, lift larger pieces of 4'-length, heavy, greenish spruce, or other maneuvers with which the nerves disagree. So, I'm guessing the chicken thighs will get steamed green beans to accompany them, and a side-order of hashish and tequila for lunch, before 'getting back to it'.
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ICMag Donor
Potatoes and scrambled eggs!

Boil a small potato. When it reaches the desired tenderness remove from the heat. put a little butter in a fry pan and put the chopped up potato in the simmering melted butter. Then crack your eggs and mix it around. Eat with some buttered fresh bread and an iced coffee :tiphat:

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