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moose eater

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For some reason it's not letting me post pics.it says server error.is anyone else having trouble? Wanted to show my prime new York strip I made.
Sounds like a great meal, 'hawk. And yes, there's trouble with the server and image posting since about Friday, I believe.

Save the pic, and we can drool over it later, I hope.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
thanks moose.i was starting to worry for a second.
No problem 'hawk, other than yesterday I ate the last good-sized bowl of seafood chowder.

You know what they say about fish and company? after 3 days it's time for it to go.

Though in this case, I actually did finish the chowder on the last day I would've wanted to eat it, so there was no expensive loss.

I started to calculate the cost of that pot of chowder, then surrendered, lest I might develop an attitude toward it that might spoil my appreciation for the outrageously tasty stuff.

Still waiting for an appetite for breakfast, as I snacked in the middle of the night, courtesy of the munchies created by the joint of 'Terpee Slurpee' I shared with my wife that my older son had gifted to me.

moose eater

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Late lunch I had one egg over easy on homemade hash browned potatoes with 2 strips of uncured, hickory smoked maple sugar bacon, with French roast coffee from freshly-ground beans and a dabble of 40% heavy whipping cream, 16+ oz. of green tea, followed by a tequila and pomegranate juice beverage with lime juice, lemon juice, and strawberry seltzer water.

Unknown what dinner might consist of at this time. Maybe baked crusted cod with homemade tartar sauce and frozen organic green beans?


Well-known member

Cool.looks like it worked.it said prime but I'm skeptical cause it was about the same price as choice.somewhere around $16 at Walmart and I've never seen prime at Walmart but that what it said.also have a ribeye that says prime.ill show the package so you can see what I'm talking about

moose eater

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View attachment 18836853
Cool.looks like it worked.it said prime but I'm skeptical cause it was about the same price as choice.somewhere around $16 at Walmart and I've never seen prime at Walmart but that what it said.also have a ribeye that says prime.ill show the package so you can see what I'm talking about
A long-time butcher friend of mine was discussing prime versus choice cuts of rib roast and ribeye steaks a number of years ago, and he stated that the choice meats the store he worked at were arguably very close to same-same with those rated as prime. Of course, in those times, there was at least a couple bucks per lb. difference between the 2.

Steak looks good, 'hawk, we'll be right over!!


Well-known member
A long-time butcher friend of mine was discussing prime versus choice cuts of rib roast and ribeye steaks a number of years ago, and he stated that the choice meats the store he worked at were arguably very close to same-same with those rated as prime. Of course, in those times, there was at least a couple bucks per lb. difference between the 2.

Steak looks good, 'hawk, we'll be right over!!
I'd say bring the beer but I haven't drank in 5 days.thats a long time for me.doc gave me some pills to help with the drinking.suppossed to be for opiods but I guess it works for alcohol too.i know I shouldn't but think I wanna get some beer tommorow.you know uh,just to see if these pills are working.

moose eater

Well-known member
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I'd say bring the beer but I haven't drank in 5 days.thats a long time for me.doc gave me some pills to help with the drinking.suppossed to be for opiods but I guess it works for alcohol too.i know I shouldn't but think I wanna get some beer tommorow.you know uh,just to see if these pills are working.
Depends on the advice of the Doc and probable or possible outcomes from mixing the 2.

Is it Naltrexone? If so, it's supposed to reduce the cravings. Are you having cravings?

Look up the contra-indications or negative interactions online if considering combining the 2.

Otherwise, good job on no beer for 5 days, 'hawk. That's impressive, and especially in consideration of your past. Again, good job!!


Well-known member
Thanks alot moose.means alot.and yes it is Naltrexone.it has helped with the cravings.first time i took it i didnt feel good.kinda makes me wanna sleep all day wich is not good.gotta start doing stuff.i don't think I would have a bad interaction from what I read online.the klonipin is helping too but they didnt give me enough and it's a low dose.guess I'll see what happens and thanks again.

moose eater

Well-known member
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i vote for bone-in, myself. meat seems more tender to me that way. it's like it draws up/constricts or something without a bone to hang onto... :dunno: that's a nicely marbled chunk of beef there, Hawk, bone or no! :yummy:
Hadn't considered that angle on it, but I've found that the bone-in meats tend to have more flavor. I believe they draw flavor from the bone and marrow, into the meat.

I've always thought the tastiest meat on a rib roast, or a prime rib roast, was the meat at and between the rib bones. Tender, rich, marbled and juicy. Awesome stuff. The dogs hate that I know that.
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Well-known member
Quizz, 'hawk: Ribeye steaks. Bone-in or boneless, and why?

Same question(s) for rib roasts or prime rib roasts.

Then I'll relate my take on the question.

edit: I just noted you guys get steaks in the grocery that are 3 weeks out from their sell-by date. Lucky bastards!! :)
Always bone in.adds flavor and you can use the bone for soups and stocks.same with prime rib.i had to cook these in a pan otherwise I would of got bone in although it probably doesn't matter to much unless it's a tbone.wanna get a grill this summer if I can find a cheap one

moose eater

Well-known member
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Always bone in.adds flavor and you can use the bone for soups and stocks.same with prime rib.i had to cook these in a pan otherwise I would of got bone in although it probably doesn't matter to much unless it's a tbone.wanna get a grill this summer if I can find a cheap one
Grills, even relatievly shitty ones, seem to have sky-rocketed in price since COVID.

Maybe demand went up for outdoor cooking in group gatherings? Imported thin Chinese steel went way up too? No real idea? Just know that no cheapo portable Webber grill I ever saw was worth $120.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Homemade hash-browned potatoes, one egg over easy, 2 strips of uncured hickory smoked maple sugar bacon.

Freshly ground French roast beans in a stout coffee, with a small amount of 40% heavy whipping cream.
16 oz. of green tea.

Maybe a Freemont Brewing 'Dark Star' 8.5% abv Imperial Oatmeal Stout for a chaser, just to slow down the starting line that's approaching for the chores that have languished for weeks again.

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