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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!

I'm fifty three and a half ( remember adding the halfs when you were younger?) I started with the plant in 69 when I was thirteen. I've smoked almost daily since 72 when it was basicly free. I've led a good whole life and worked dilligently to make something for my family and self. Back in 05 I was assaulted by a developementaly disabled person where I worked for twelve years. The assault left me permanently disabled. Prior to 05 I used weed for recreation. My nuerologist will give me as much morphine, oxycontin, or other opiods as I want. The problem is the addiction. Horrible.The opiods work great but to be effective the dose keeps going up. I live in a state where the plant is illegal to use("he say kill it before it grows"(B. Marley)). Just recently I have tapered off the opiods down to only when needed, instead of every six to eight hours. It's tough but with the help of the Divine Creator and the plant the Divine Creator gave us I've been coping. I used to use the plant for fun. Now I find it works better for my chronic pain than anything else I've used. It's been difficult to obtain my plant medicine latley. I only wish and pray that the people that pass the legislation and make the laws pass a bill allowing Medical Marijuana Nationally. One step further the plant should be legal period not just for medical use. It really is a joke. the only time I've ever been addicted to anything until all the "smart" we know whats right for you people said "take this". For over forty years almost on a daily basis there was no problem with my use of the plant. It needs to be legal NOW! If any one out there hasn't already called or written their representitive please do it now or when you get a chance. Too many people are suffering and it's just not right. Please TAKE ACTION. As my grower friend in Cali says " this is war". Fight the good fight and fight the ignorance. Thank you.


I remember seeing Mink DeVille at a really small club in SF -I don´t think the cover charge/ticket was more than a few bucks. Nowadays? I don´t even want to think about it.:wallbash:

But I keep going, and I will keep on going, ´cause nothing beats a really good show!:joint:
was Everything 40 years ago?

was Everything 40 years ago?

I graduated from HS in 1969..the WAR, avoiding the draft, the moon landing, Woodstock, Nixon, weed and acid...:yoinks:
good grief...

I dont want to be 18 ever again...

Pot Pimp

I graduated from HS in 1969..the WAR, avoiding the draft, the moon landing, Woodstock, Nixon, weed and acid...:yoinks:
good grief...

I dont want to be 18 ever again...

I avoided the draft, the moon landing, Woodstock (not intentionally), and Nixon. I guess 4 out of 6 ain't too bad. Peas.


I am 40 now, and I can't remember dates, so here I am, lol...........have a good one...peace...O.

LOL. I first successfully forgot my own birthday at 42 this year. :joint:

Hey eglider.It's cool you were at woodstock. I've always wondered;was Mark Knopfler barefooted when he came on with Dire Straights? I would have given anything to have been in on woodstock.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
A real 'leap' year

A real 'leap' year

LOL. I first successfully forgot my own birthday at 42 this year.
HeeHee, I honestly believed I was 37 for a whole year and only realised I had been 36 on my real 37th birthday,:yoinks: I never found why I had made this mistake but it was such a great feeling, like I had been given my 37th year all over again. Happy day's :woohoo:


Thanks for answering my foolish question. :D
An old stoner buddy has this great conspiracy theory that has a few big names going to woodstock incognito.He says they mixed in with some of the other bands.I was hoping these replys would convince him,but he still won't listen,Lol.


New member
53 years young here, do ya remember measureing a lid with your fingers and not a scale?? In the early 70's was getting a 4 finger bag of Panama red for 15 bucks.


Going to High School in So. Cal. in mid '70's, I remember 4 finger bags of Colombian Gold also.


Chat Mod
i am here today on my 40th birthday for my first post as an official apprectice dirty old man. well old stoners lets puff.

peace -fb

Hank Hemp

Active member
20 past 40

20 past 40

Heck Pinball, that makes you a year older than me. :yoinks: But I'd rather be our age with our experience than a "stuff" for brains young buck. :joint: Know what I mean Vern?


well I'm 67 and I want to give a little advice. Stop right now don't go no further. Everything gets harder as you get older, don't laugh, Someday it will be you. Getting out of bed can be hard.
Wish you all health & highness--- oldbob

Hank Hemp

Active member
Your telling me this today

Your telling me this today

Stop right now don't go no further. Everything gets harder as you get older, don't laugh, Someday it will be you.
Wish you all health & highness--- oldbob

Where were you 30 heck 20 years ago when it would have done me some good? Hey, Bye the bye stop what? :joint: