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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!


New member
Just a few thoughts, I'm new to the site and love it. when I graduated from high school no one had ever heard of pot. Joined the army at 18 and was a helicopeter crew chief, I was lucky I spent part of 68 all of 69 and part of 70 in Germany. Thats where i discovered hash and as they say the rest is history, figure I've been smokin for 41 yrs. What I did as a civilian was LEO Honolulu PD for a couple years and moved to the northwest went to college got married have 6 grandkid and still smokin,never stopped and don't eve plan to. I' now a disabled vet, went back in thw army spent 8 years in the Field Artillery anf loved shooting the BIG guns. Hurt my back and am rated 100% by the VA. Plan to get a card whhere I live and grow. Also spent 15 years selling plants trees shurbs etc and became a Master Gardner, I am so ready to get started. I set up a thread when I get started. Everyone a a smokin new year.

Good luck with your grows, looking forward to seeing them!!

Old Hippie

New member
Greetings, fellow mature stoners. I just turned 50 and have been a pothead for 37 of those years.

First, I took my name from The Bellamy Bros. song, Old Hippie.
Second, I too, am a veteran. US Air Farce.
I look back on my Air Farce days and chuckle over how they were always saying, "If you use marijuana, we will catch you". They never caught me even though they had four years to do it in. My favorite incident was the day the SPs approached my civvie friend and I at the base picnic area. They claimed they saw someone taking pix of the weapons storage area. I told the SP we had no cameras and told them they could search the car. The K9 officer was on my friend's side of the car and the dog was growling and fidgety. They didn't do a search which was the best thing that could happen to us right then. After it was over, my friend remembered the pipe and weed in his pocket. We still laugh about that close call 30+ years later.
Then there were the "bomb shelter excersizes. They would herd us into a WWII vintage building on the flightline, dead center of the target the soviets had painted on us, just like they thought that would save us from a nuke.
Today, I'm a disabled vet, (pulmonary sarcoidosis and some various mundane injuries.), and I spend a lot of time at home, online, and stoned as often as possible.
Good Day Mature Stoners.

I have them mid 40`s blues. I miss buying cannabis by the finger at a few $ an onz. Good ol`days, sure!

Wish I knew then what I know now. I`d be a king pin LOL !


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Greetings to you Reverend. I know what your sayin about finger bags. I had to take to growin my own. I'm 52 as of 4/2/10.:tiphat:




Hey-that's my bday also- 4/2-but I'm 54. I wasn't much of a smoker-get headaches, but it helps with stress and I'm growing
some this year.
I don't get this "kill the males" and only smoke bud thing.
I get the intenser stone/couch lock thing that many people seek,
but whats wrong with some good ole male leaves? What am I
missing ( I mean in addition to bud). What's wrong with drying
and curing and smoking the male leaves?


Thank you Phedrosbenny
Did you mean male leaves don't have as much THC as the buds?
How do female leaves compare to male leaves? about the same?
hate to waste....


I`m from Poland.
Smoking since 80`s at 50 age old for now.

that`s all for now, maybe later i`ll write smthg more `bout me&my stories ;-P.




Active member
I´ve been posting for awhile and really like this site. It´s possible that I´ve written something here but why not do it again?

Soon to be 51, smoked great pot in the Bay Area in the late 70´s, moved to Scandinavia and did hasch for a few years and then I quit. I started smoking again three years ago, medical reasons and it really helps with my pain -osteoartritis, neurologis pain after a herniated disc, neuropathy (NOT from drinking!) etc.

Growing my own now and it´s very very good.

Was in the Army for six years, wanted to go UN but wifey said "No hotspots" so I lost interest.


New member
Hi all, i'm still a n00b here but heres a bit about me.

I don't really have a glittering story like a lot of people in this thread :)

I was the original Rebel without a Cause, from school age, I was a rebel and I had no cause lol left school at 15, had various good opportunities pass me by, cus the grass always looked greener somewhere else, ended up running my own small business for a number of years, got really tired of all the 7 day working though and eventually packed it in, so I re-trained, a few times, but just kept getting the qualifications, then not really liking the idea of doing the job I trained for :) nowadays my wife earns heaps, so I just poke about doing what I feel like for the most part, so it all worked out good in the end :)

I'm 47 now and live in the UK, I started smoking when I was 19, soft black, soapbar, usual old stuff, rarely saw weed and then it was the old stalky Jamaican stuff, I started growing 25 years ago, bag seed outdoors and in a greenhouse, but could never get anything of much use, as it was Sativa and barely started flowering before winter was here, in 1990 I had my first trip to Amsterdam and bought a pack of Sensi Seeds Super Skunk, I grew that indoors in a half ass'd compost box setup and got a nice bit of the best bud i'd smoked outside of Dam, so it all went from there :)

Anyway, I won't bore you all any longer and I need a smoke :)



New member
:ying:I thought I had well I guess I belong here when I realized that I have a pipe older than more than a few of the people I toke with.

komrade komura

Active member
Greetings earthlings....resistance is futile.

Just a 50 plus stoner...who had a 15 year weed sabbatical to have children, get divorced and get an MBA.

Happily remarried now to the woman of my dreams.

Work in the UK for mega american corporate slave owners...but we own a home in florida just for fun.

A refugee from the bush era...and ain't seen enough progress to return permanently...and prefer my cops to not have guns...since I have a mouth that acts up when confronted by authority.

Grandkids? Got em.

Ain't had the health problems of some of my friends...but I have never been a drinker and my cigarette career was cut short by a father who died of lung cancer.

Volcano and iolite are my friends...can barely smoke a joint anymore.

Make little grows for personal consumption and to give the excess to friends. My english cab produces 1/4 elbow per month and my special friends love it...especially since I take strain requests.

Back in florida currently waiting for work permit renewal...got caught out by the bloody new rules and had to leave for a few weeks.

Enough...getting embarrassed by talking this much about myself.

komrade komura...closet anarchist and always an...
Is this the curmudgeon club? Am I in the right room?
Let's see...anyone younger than myself tends to annoy the crap out of me as soon as they open their mouth. It's not that I don't love kids and grand kids (got'em), but I just can't fathom the reason for the wimpering, whining, give me everything that I want and give it to me now malarkey that confronts me every time I'm allowed out in public. What makes it worse is that I no longer care what people say or think about me, so I'm pretty apt to be that crazy guy that jerks somebody up for tryin' to slide through the express line with too much shite, parks illegally in a fire or handicapped zone ('cuz they're obviously more important than the rest of us), or gets thrown out of town meetings for calling a politician a liar (more than once). I also relish pulling LEO's over to confront them and file complaints about their misbehavior (best to make sure the car is sterile 'cuz they don't generally appreciate critiques on their driving acumen). Basically it's an authority thing that has always been there, even through the military.

Retired old fart now that my kids just kind of refer to as the crazy old man that embarrasses them when we go somewhere and get shitty service. What can I say. I read 'In Search of Excellence' and thought it was like the Bible, so I tried to learn it and live it. Also a big fan of Rand's stuff, which is actually why I wanted to post here.

I enjoyed all of her books, but The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are two favorites, (although 'We the Living' I also enjoy re-reading). Well they made 'The Fountainhead into a movie back before the War I think, with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. Very film noir, and dated to view today, but enjoyable all the same. Particularly Roark's (Cooper) court room defense speech. The kids that I can't get to read the book I can usually get to watch the movie.

Well, Rand's Magnum Opus 'Atlas Shrugged' has finally been made into a movie. It's due to be released this April 15th (Tax Day...how perfect is that?). It was made totally independent of the Hollyweird machine and so does not enjoy the type of advertising and distribution monster that more meaningful work like 'Paul' or 'Bring it On' enjoyed. As a result you may have to go looking for it or demanding it to be seen locally. Here's a link to the movie's links:


If you never managed the 1300+ pages you're really missing something. As it relates to today's world it is absolutely scary to read while having to remind yourself that it was written over fifty years ago. Folks who can remember what a work ethic is and understand what it used to mean to be free will appreciate the little memory jog. I realize that many are turned off by her style and philosophy (which I personally believe most detractors misunderstand - usually because they have never read her books), but the stories are still very compelling regardless. I would urge any and all who found the book enjoyable to let your local theaters know that you want to see it, 'cuz that's the only way that Indie films get around. The links include some clips and a trailer that all look pretty cool. Certainly worth at least as much consideration as any of the other drivel that is usually foisted upon us.


Just stopping by to say hello. Just made 40 last year so I guess I qualify. I grow indoors under T5 and LEDs and outdoor under the nearest star, in a greenhouse and on ye olde patio. Southern California is a wonderful place!

Just getting started here at IC Mag even though I signed up (and got stoned and forgot) a while ago. :) Having trouble finding places where everything hasn't been said and resaid. Maybe that's an old guy thing...


Hay Gunny. I am a Navy brat conceived in Naples in 53. Dad wore three ribbons. WW2, Korea and Nam. I grew up on bases around the world. Was evacuated from GITMO in 59 Bay Of Pigs clusterfuck. And again in 62 for the missile crises. Dad was on Halsey's staff and is standing behind Nimitz on the official photo at the surrender of Japan in Tokyo harbor. I was the paper boy at Pearl in the mid 60s. Taught Marines how to swim at the barracks pool for .50 cents a lesson. Born to be Navy. I had a sponsorship from Admiral Warner for the Academy in 70 but gave it up and enlisted. Was afraid the war would be over by time I graduated. I needed to share a ribbon with dad. Went to play on the boats on the Mekong in 71. 6 months later I would spend the next 9 months at Bethesda Naval hospital. And 40 years of rehab. Got my first buzz in 68 and planted my first seed the same day. Never could understand why you would spend money to buy Cannabis when all you had to do was plant a seed. Did do some dealing in my younger days. Couldn't help it when you could grow and sell at $80 a kilo. Being acquitted and facing life on a 120 count indictment cured me of dealing fever. My base genetics that I still use are from 60s Mexican Sativa's crossed with Indicas harvested around Mount Vernon from George Washington's crops that were found wild up and down the Potomac. So I grow for myself and gift what I don't need to the poor. Glad to be on board.


I am 55 and have been smoking for 39 yrs. I really liked Thai sticks, hash, and honey oil. The older I get the less I care what others say, think, and do.


New member
Old grunt

Old grunt

1st post and had to mull it over. Haven't smoked since 85 and I am retiring from work next week wand looking forward to sitting on the steps looking at what god has done for me and enjoying a toke or two. Want to grow my own but lost even reading a lot of post here. Can some one direct me to an easy soil/fert/water/light duration ect. So I can grow for myself.