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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!



Patsheba said:
We may, we both know several who have relocated to CO.

I like watching it on TV. Is that getting old? Even now, I tbo'd (which if it is not the decline of western civilization, it is certainly the cause of mine), the Macy's fireworks this year, and like, I think I'm watching them next year and not bothering with going out! When I think of it now, I even like concerts on TV, and miss the old fashioned MTV from when it first came out.

Now, is this a small world? Hey, you ever hang at Deer Grove?

Man, it really is a "Small World After All...It's a Small World..." :yoinks: :wave:
Haha, I'm with you on the TV thing too. I get stoned & watch COPS chase these dudes who would've been me 30 yrs ago. :sasmokin:....but that's as close to the action I get anymore. LOL!!:D
I'll bet we might know some of the same peeps from Elgin. Those are some of the nicest dudes I ever partied with. Very generous with their $$$ & dope!! I'm not real familiar with Elgin, as I grew-up in La Grange/Brookfield area.
And to tell you the truth, I never heard of Deer Grove. But that means nothing....most of the time, I was pretty outta it, so I may have been there & not even realize it!! :confused: :pointlaug :wave: :joint:



New member
aloha, y'all -
looks like i found the right place! been smoking da kine for over forty years and still love it. been really lucky - grew up in nyc, worked at the fillmore east and for woodstock ventures (the folks that put on the concert) when i was still a pup. fondly remember acapulco gold, panamanian red and black gunji, as well as red lebanese hash, blonde leb, pakastani and my favorite, black nepalese hash w/the government stamp.

lived in kona for 14 yrs, as well as cali. now live in the mountains of north carolina. have visited the mideast (heavy vibes, good hash) and amsterdam several times. i know the general consensus is that weed is much stronger today than ever before, but can't agree - too much indica dominant strains, not enough landrace sativas.

as much as i love j's, have switched to vaporizer in attempt to get a few more years out of my lungs, and while the high is more subtle, the lungs are much happier.

glad to see there are still a bunch of old futs tokin up. nice to meet y'all!


Nice meeting you too, kolohe. Worked at the Fillmore East? That must've been quite a cool experience. In fact, 1 of my all-time favorite 'live' albums is Allman Bros at the Fillmore East.
I also tend to agree with you on the weed potency comparison between 35 yrs ago & now. We used to get plenty ripped from some of those high-grade Mexican strains -- Michoacan, Oaxacan, & of course, Acapulco Gold [which I bought a 1/2 lb while down in Acapulco for $8 US].
I've hitched cross-country numerous times from 72-75. I also recall when 'lids' were $15...& if it was $20, it was Jamaican. Plus we had no electronics to 'entertain' us. We made our own fun.
Great having you here...& I'm also currently in NC, but closer to the beach.


New member
hey, zoltron-

yup, working at the fillmore east was quite the trip! (and i mean that literally). saw and heard just about all the great 60's groups, including the allman bros. 4 concerts every weekend. i worked the box office, which had serious benefits especially when there was a sold out concert - the bribes were pretty spectacular...

thankx for the welcome. glad to meet all the old stoners.


Yeah, I luved that Alman Bros, but my favorite live at Filmore was Humble Pie, but was that Filmore west? Dunno, it's too late and I'm stoned enuff. Yeah, I luved seeing those guys come back from Nam, not just to have them back, but that duffel bag was always packed with goodies!



Patsheba said:
Yeah, I luved that Alman Bros, but my favorite live at Filmore was Humble Pie, but was that Filmore west?

I got that album too....& yeah, that album rocks!! :joint: :wave:


I also remember "duck and cover" drills in the cloak room. Clackers and got my first GI Joe in 1964. I remember everything though. Pisses my wife off that I still have a photographic memory. Grew up on that ol mexican, jamacian and panama red in the mid 70's. Then the columbian red and gold hit and the lids went to $35. Mounds and mounds of leb and afgan hash, oil, thai sticks. Damn, it was a long time ago.

I am a database analyst and have been in puters for 25 years.
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40 old enough to join here. I guess growing up in the vacuum that was middle GA makes me feel older? Duck n cover was still going on and the 1st school I went to was still segrigated. Iv been growing indoors 10 yrs after doing 1/2 assed outdoor grows since late 70s. Lived all over us and canada. now hiding in bibled belt. Also ex-military, college,and con. Hoping NOT to be a grand-dad anytime soon.


Trichman, grow up in the midwest? Sounds like your dealers and mine in the 70's were the same! Zoltran is also from the center, Chicago area.

Alexnalaska, yeah we take experienced 40 year olds. None of those namby pambys who are Still living with mom and dad are welcome, tho.

My sons were raised in CA had duck and cover drills for earthquakes at school, but the only duck and cover experience I've had is in paintball.

Wish I would'a kept my Barbie stuff. I hear its worth a fortune now. I always wanted to grow up and be a Barbie, but it just didn't work out.

Nice to see there's a few other mature survivors still lurking around. :joint:


I feel like I am in the way-back machine!
greetings all ya fellow old stoners- and youz in de chicaga area overdere- where the heck did ya all go we need a new hangout


TrichMan said:
Grew up on that ol mexican, jamacian and panama red in the mid 70's. Then the columbian red and gold hit and the lids went to $35. Mounds and mounds of leb and afgan hash, oil, thai sticks. Damn, it was a long time ago.

I am a database analyst and have been in puters for 25 years.

I'm drifting down Memory Lane here. That's almost exactly the way it was here too. That Jamaican was killer & some of that 'old Mexican', such as the Michoacan, Oaxacan, & the occasional A-Gold, was pretty righteous.
& Yeah, that Colombian was when prices started upwards.

Got into compos in the early 80s, eh? I'll bet you made some $$$!!! :muahaha:


With a business degree, working as an administrative assistant for national and government account director of a large electronics firm, in the 80's, I truly believed that personal computers were god's gift to woman secretaries everywhere!

I eagerly waded thru the workings of lotus (I still refer to it as the "black hole program", from before using a Mac (and Excel) showed me what was really going on-I could relate to accounting journal type pages; and still have my collection of DBase I-V programming books!

And, with Word Star (hehehe, how does your photographic memory grab that one?), suddenly my 20 hours of overtime/week for 2 months while working on government contracts went to 8-10 for a week or two! And my completely retyped version was sooo much classier than the crooked bad fill-in-the-blank copies they provide you with! From the first year it was totally redone, we were awarded every submittal.

But I don't think there has ever been such a wide spread revolution of music and unity from music as the 70's had. Maybe the 20-30's Jazz revolution? But that one didn't have the large festivals....(almost naked peeps dancing).

The Animals are playing for free on the 22nd at the Pier. I'm as excited as the $165/ea tickets we got for Ratdog on the 28th!


New member
was 53 this spring. I aint done yet. Quicksilver's "Happy Trails" LP side 2 I think was recorded live at the Fillmore......but humble pie rocked the shit out of the place. I saw H.P. in Oklahoma city with Jo-Jo Gunne and Foghat! now that there was a show! :pimp3:




Man I just knew there had to be thousands of old stoners out there, besides me and a couple of my old buddies. I started smoking back in '68, I think. I quit toking in '85 cause I was in the AF and it was just a matter of time before golden flow got me plus my wife didn't like "happy smoke" (Korean) and asked me to quit. She passed last year (Feb. '06). I started growing Blueberrys last summer and got a couple Skunks going now. I retired from the AF in 2001 and got a teaching degree. But this damned degenerative disk disease thing I have is unpredictable and wipes me right out sometimes. So I live on my retirement and a SS disabilty check. Somebody else here said they live in the boonies in Florida. I have a couple grandkids 80 miles east of here and my Dad's over in Pensacola 120 miles west, that's why I chose here. Smack dab in the middle. Sorta. But my wife was named ***** and when she saw 5 acres in a town named *****stown it was all over. I was born and raised in central NY. And I saw Humble Pie, Greg Allman, Bob Seger, Yes, J Giels, and many more, even Canned Heat, like some others from here did back then. Wow. "Party on Garth. Party on Wayne."
Man, I've surfed around a lot and actually joined these forums here last year, but I just read this one today. I feel so much better knowing there are so many more just like me out there. I knew it, though. But to read it, is just......great. Some other forums are great but this one's where I feel most like everybody else. I started reading to about page 10 here, then noticed there are 254 more pages. Damn. COOL. I'm gonna go vape another bowl and this one's dedicated to all us "older but wiser" stoners. BY the way, names and prices are so much different now. But better I think. We only had metal bowls back then. Yuck. And vape? What the hell is that? Just last week my friend said he didn't have any idea what a grinder was first time he heard it. Now I got 2. But I still don't see much about doing shotguns. "Kids these days" might see it as queer or something. Most don't have a clue what they are anyway. Man, "youth is wasted on the young" ya know? I'm gonna shut up now. I'm tired of typing and I hear my vape calling me. Thanks.


We got a lot in common. I started toking in 1969, but never had to take any breaks, as I never had a job that required piss-testing. I'm retired now & have spinal stenosis [degenerative disk disease]. I also collect SS Disability & the doc has me on 90 mgs of Methadone daily for the pain.
Of course, my weed smoking is essential for my cranium. Without weed, I could hardly eat or sleep. Still toke outta my 1974 Toker II. Have never vaped, but 1 day would like to check it out. Sounds like a hassle to set-up, but I haven't a clue.
Best of luck to you, my friend...we're kinda in the same boat.


I really don't want to do narcs so I try to keep a strict diet and exercise regimen, when the pain's not too bad . Vaping is great. The only hassle is, I keep doing a typical stoner moment thing and leaving the thing turned on. I keep going to take a leak and seeing the light on. But the company says you can leave it on 8 hours. I just want to save energy and try to remember and shut it off. That's just one of my many stoner moments. No biggy.
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Hey, that's a great idea, thanks. That'd be good for turning it on too. I do the typical lazy ass stoner thing and wonder how I can turn it on without having too walk all the way in there. That's the answer. I can also use my grow timer when I'm not flowering. Cool.


Man Zoltron, I hope your still around and okay dude. Haven't seen you in awhile. I was just reading through some old posts and you said you saw Mountain. Righteous, man. I saw them on the same ticket as Humble Pie. Wow, what a show. One of the first concerts I ever saw was in the early '70s with Stevie Wonder and also Earth, Wind, and Fire on the same ticket as ZZ Top. Talk about extremes! Fat black chicks dancing in the isles with rednecks head bangin' in the seats. Wild. But what you and some others said about concerts these days, no pot smokin', metal detectors, and "strappin' a gat", WTF happened? I also saw Arlo Guthrie from the balcony of a little old landmarked movie theater in Ithaca, NY and they were serving wine at the concession stand. Fantastic. Nobody looked twice if you lit up a doobie. Wha happened?
Man, I just read you're an Allman Brothers fan. I saw Gregg and Dicky Betts and crew at Saratoga Springs State Park in NY. It has an amphitheater at the base a hill. I went down in the theater but a lot of folks were just mellowing on the facing hill puffin' smoke with the Staties standing right next to them. They realized back then, stoners are generally a peaceful bunch. Also, too many pot heads puffing for them to do anything. Beautiful thing to see. That was 30 years ago. First I pete, then I repeat, then do it again. What happened? Designer drugs I guess. Damn, those were the days.
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