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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!


Nah, what happened was required pee tests.

Sucks for the young. They are forced to use legal drugs and alcohol, which can be very harmful to the system.

Last Van Halen tour I ran into a chick in the bathroom who complained about the pot smoke around her, and what if she had to get tested at work? I was wondering where she was sitting, cuz there wasn't any near me-and I was near the front! No smoking (anything) was strictly enforced by BIG guys!

I think some of the no smoking cigarette laws are more for no smoking pot, or to make it even more difficult.

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Elk Woman

Okay folks, this is weird but I just keep thinking about it. I want to know if any of you were on the island of Kauai, Hawaii in the late 1970s, and grew or smoked "The Kind" that was coming out of Kalalau Valley? I ask because I can’t forget the incredible smoke from the North Shore/end of the road, back in the days of Taylor Camp (I was there in 1976-7). As a young hippie chick visiting for a few weeks, one day I passed some guys smoking a bowl who invited me to join them. Having planned a full day in town, I said, “Well, I’m on my way to hitchhike into town, but I’ll take 3 or 4 hits.” They all smiled at each other knowingly. . . Suffice to say, I couldn’t take the third hit, and I never made it to town.

If any of you, or your friends, were part of the guerilla growers of Kalalau Valley and the north shore, I want to salute you for your pioneering efforts in bringing science to the art of bud-growing. Or please pass my deep appreciation to the folks who took on the polyploidal practices that have brought us such gorgeous buds.

God bless the breeders and growers!


Active member


zoltron said:
We got a lot in common. I started toking in 1969, but never had to take any breaks, as I never had a job that required piss-testing. I'm retired now & have spinal stenosis [degenerative disk disease]. I also collect SS Disability & the doc has me on 90 mgs of Methadone daily for the pain.
Of course, my weed smoking is essential for my cranium. Without weed, I could hardly eat or sleep. Still toke outta my 1974 Toker II. Have never vaped, but 1 day would like to check it out. Sounds like a hassle to set-up, but I haven't a clue.
Best of luck to you, my friend...we're kinda in the same boat.[/Q

ZOLTRON.......nice to see you here,
I have been off the internet lately as I got married on my 60th birthday and am waiting for the CARRIBEAN to calm down so I can go on my honeymoon cruise.
The Carolinas are catching these hurricaines also...

But I am the RN from FL you met recently and I am disabled also and soon to have knee replace surgery...nurses are the worst patients ya know?

I also was cardioverted recently for paroxymal A fib and have to take Cardizem and blood thinners......its hell getting old doncha know????

Never thought I would remarry after being married 43 years to my first husband who died from prostate cancer from Agent Orange...he did 2 tour of duties and survived one of the worst battles in the Vietnam War [Ia Drang Valley 65]...

I was only 15 when I married an 18 year old soldier...
The war finally killed him after after 40 years at ...can't talk about it now...............

so eventually I met this sweet old guy who builds and fly ultra-light planes as his retirement hobby...

So I suffer from"irrational hope" and after dating for a year we join in life partnership. Love at 60 ain't bad babe!!!
am very lucky to have had two great men love me in my life.

But I am an older stoner who smoked from mid 60's till 1984 when I went back to school and became an RN...

SOOOOO due to frequent drug testing I gave up weed till I retired on disability.

But I am active in East Coast legalization of MMJ...

I still have my RN lisence[sp]...but don't work often these days though...
mostly consult work now for a medical malpractice attorney...
I read medical charts for him and point out errors in hospital care.....WATCH OUT DOCS!!!! LOL revenge on the assholes after working with them so long...

But I use MMJ to decrease my intake of Oxycodone and hope after the knee surgery I can STOP THE OPIATES as they screw me up!!!

But I had the wonderful experience of smoking pot in 65 with the GREAT JANIS JOPLIN!!!!!!

She was not yet famous and would perform at Threadgill's on wednesday nights and the University of Texas students came out in droves to see her sing country blues. Threadgill's used to be a Gulf Gas station...but Fred the owner turned it into a musicians venue after the area "became wet"....you could serve alcohol in that area. Texas was very uptight and uncool in those days...but Threadgill's was happening place. My Bf was on football scholarship at that time there at U of T...I met her and we would smoke pot out back with Janis and her black girlfriend. YES GIRLFRIEND as Janis was certainly Bi...but never claimed to be a lesbian or Bi as Texas was very uptight in those days...but the liberal hippy movement had hit Austin finally...

but it was the very first time I ever saw Lesbian interacial kissing was behind Threadgill's in 65...
Threadgill payed the musicians in beer in those days...drinkin'...jammin'...and gamblin' 24/7...

longhairs and rednecks partyin' in those days...AUSTIN is still the liberal center of Texas and wednesday was "hippie night"...
she sang in hootenannies around town and on campus also...
Janis developed her country blues voice there...mixin' country with rock and roll...

Ken closed it down in 74 when his wife died and someone bought it and it is a music venue/restaurant/museum now and don't miss it when in the country of Texas...

Also in Port Arthur now is The Janis Joplin Museum...the people of her hometown rejected her in those days and now the assholes glorify her.

But janis was EXCESSIVE and she overdid sex and drugs and ETOH!!

She said she was beyond characterization and liked both sexes and was just SEXUAL!!!! Had many lovers of both sexes in those days...and regret I was not one of them even though I am hopelessly heterosexual.......BUT IMAGINE HAVING A SEX FLING WITH THE GREAT JANIS!!!!! I will try anything ONCE! But at 15 was still scared of it...

But anyway she died alone on Ripple wine....vodka...and pure heroin.
I raised my kids singing her songs to them as babies and now sing Mercedes Benz and Bobby McGee to my grandchildren now...

i guess that soldier i met and married saved me from endin' up like Janis as I was wild and free in those days.....but raisin' 5 children slowed me down a lot.., became a soccermom/soldiers wife/nurse....

tell your wife hello for me dear......later....gotta go.....grandson a callin'

PS... guess I better not talk politics on this site as I mentioned who was my choice for pres/VP...and the thread was deleted...

I became more conservative and ideology has been moderated...BUT I am a CENTRIST REALLY......NOT RIGHT OR LEFT!!!!! But think for myself independantly and I guess Sarah Palin is a dirty word here....sooooo I will keep to my politic ONLY board elsewhere and not piss off the locals with my own political views here... :rant:


New member
Where have I been?

Where have I been?

I am home! A senior stoner forum! Back where I belong! I have been dancing with Shiva since 1962. I was a freshman at U of P . . . went to the Showboat to catch a Coltrane gig and during the break a bunch of hipsters asked "the kid" if he wanted to meet Mister Muggles . . . it changed everything . . . got a million stories but right now I have to get ready to teach an 8 AM class . . . how old? . . . will you still need me, will you still feed me?

billy bob

old fart

old fart

i AM so stoned that I ALLMOST told the old lady about smoken & growin AND ALLMOST blazzed HER UP !!! do YOU THINK THAT i SHOLD RISK ENLIGHTENING HER AND TURNING HER ON ...... since THAT would BREAK THE rules # 1 dONT SHOW NO ONE & #2 DONT TELL NO ONE,,,


Had the same deal with my bro-in-law back in the day. When I finally fessed up to him, I found out he'd been a stealth stoner too, so we blazed up & laffed over it for hours...

So Billy Bob, go fer it! Hell, it didn't hurt us none, and if she don't already know, she'll prolly like it (but if she already knows, she might be pissed you ain't been sharing).


Active member
Hi All, I started smoking 38 years ago smoke and only started up again a couple of years ago after a long absence and man have things changed. Once upon a time I smoked because it was fun now I do because I have to getting old is a bitch!


Just stumbled into the den , Think i'll hang out here from time to time, I was drafted in 1968, got amnesty from Pres. Carter, My first indoor grow got busted march 31 1966, I grew up in the east bay of San Francisco, anyway i've enjoyed reading the threads except my kids listened to van halin hmm maybe i truly am gerriatrick lol


New member


I wanted too chime in on the concerts. ya wtf ? happened i haven't gone to one in ages as there no fun anymore. the last best concert I went was oh let get my focus here a min... about 10yrs ago I was tooling around vegas been too a couple local hotspots the better local bars, and was heading to a local spot on the far north side of town, feelling good I was reading the sign pulling into the bar and it said ROBIN TROWER was playing I couldn't believe it sweet!!! i get in the bar and theres about 30 ppl and robins sitting on the stage with his guitar playing !!! I got to sit 5 ft from him, man it was just one of the best concerts I have been too, Trower live !!! it was so awesome I wish I could've video it. you don't get many shows like that anymore these days :2cents:


Hey, Fup...I'm old Air Farce ('70-'73) enlistee. Used to hide my dope in a ceiling panel in the day room (remember that term?). The only thing that saved me at the time were my buds (Friends and Smokes), underground comix, and collecting and listening to the best rock and roll music that defined that era. Take care Bro!


New member
Hi all thought i'd drop buy and see if I qualify as generic stoner
have been fullin around with the herb for 40 years now and like
you gr8fulden I aint hooked yet lol

take care


Howdy. I’m 59, oh what the heck, let’s call it 60. I feel lucky to be retired and living on some acreage where I can grow and keep to myself.

Still getting used to not working and I’m trying to learn how to enjoy life. Up till now I was taking it way too seriously. Smoking helps along with meditation and reading the posts in this thread.

First smoked in 1969 but laid off for 25 yrs while working. Started again last June and haven’t looked back. It really helps put things into perspective.

Saw the Who when they were still smashing their instruments. Good stuff.


Active member
Howdy. I’m 59, oh what the heck, let’s call it 60. I feel lucky to be retired and living on some acreage where I can grow and keep to myself.

Still getting used to not working and I’m trying to learn how to enjoy life. Up till now I was taking it way too seriously. Smoking helps along with meditation and reading the posts in this thread.

First smoked in 1969 but laid off for 25 yrs while working. Started again last June and haven’t looked back. It really helps put things into perspective.

Saw the Who when they were still smashing their instruments. Good stuff.

Another Baby Boomer returning to being a stoner and grower...life is good when you retire and leave the politics of the rat race.


Lammen Gorthaur
No, no, no... Our generation will never retire. We might cut back on the throttle a wee bit, but retire? Eh gads, no!

This is what happens on open boards. People start tossing around radical ideas like "retirement" and use it in the same sentence to describe my fellow denizens.

I recommend repeated bong hits for the offenders to be followed by abject public humiliation when the inevitable bong water spills on the floor when they really "retire"...


Active member
Hell you know I ain't REALLY retired when my kids bring their kids for me to babysit. I need to go back to work so I can get some rest.

Glad there is other older tokers here. We need to start a Boomers returning to weed happening. Prolly these young stoners don't even know what a HAPPENING is.

But many Boomers quit to keep their jobs and now retire and light up again. I even used to dream about tokin again. Guess I am a true stoner. But what the hell...it ain't hurtin' anybody and it does mellow me out in these scary times we are living.

But Florida laws suck and I will be traveling in the future and hope to see some of the areas that have made progress. Too many fundy's in this neck of the woods.

Damn politicians and everybody knows Charlie Crist our govenor was a stoner once.


It's been awhile since someone posted, but since I'm pretty damn old I wont let this thread "fade away". I'm new here but some of you might know me as major counter-culture Icon of the 60's. Remember on the Woodstock album they come on and say "Get off the lights please." Yep that was me. Well not really me, a guy and me were already up there smokin a fatty when about 5-6 other folks thought it would be a good idea. It was ....for us. The staging started swaying about a foot as these yahoos started climbing. I cant prove it but I think my voice was picked up by the mike cuz I was screaming so loud "Get the F%*& off". I suppose the acid might have dramatized things a bit but it sure felt like it was going down. Another under-reported danger was the Hog Farm Macrobiotic Rice. God bless you Wavy and all the others who worked so hard. You made Woodstock what it was, but the rice was lethal. Bound me up for over a week. Agony...but considering the state of the available facilities perhaps a blessing in disguise.
Nothing should be said about a 15 yr olds fascination with adult women and the swimming hole. It did make you forget about the water moccassin snakes and jump right in. Ah Youth!
A few ups and downs since then and a bit of a long strange trip. But now I revert back to childhood again I can embarrass my children instead of my parents. All part of the Great Mandela....or maybe not...maybe its just me. Cosmology gives me a headache.


I wanted too chime in on the concerts. ya wtf ? happened i haven't gone to one in ages as there no fun anymore. the last best concert I went was oh let get my focus here a min... about 10yrs ago I was tooling around vegas been too a couple local hotspots the better local bars, and was heading to a local spot on the far north side of town, feelling good I was reading the sign pulling into the bar and it said ROBIN TROWER was playing I couldn't believe it sweet!!! i get in the bar and theres about 30 ppl and robins sitting on the stage with his guitar playing !!! I got to sit 5 ft from him, man it was just one of the best concerts I have been too, Trower live !!! it was so awesome I wish I could've video it. you don't get many shows like that anymore these days :2cents:

It's funny you should mention that, because it just was $150/ticket for pretty lousy tickets for the Dead, at a pretty lousy concert venue (& $25 to park!). But, I looked at Woodstock Heros Tour and they have some alright tickets for $50, so I think I'm skipping Arrowsmith/ZZ Top & hit the Woodstock tour and have a lil extra pocket/party money.

Ticket prices have really skyrocketed! Around here, gotta pay at least a $10 cover charge for a live nobody heard of band even. I saw Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, Johnny Winters, Foghat, Sticks, Chicago, Manford Mann, Rare Earth, so many I can't remember for less than $5. Even Led Zepplin's first couple tours, $10/ticket, $12 for the good seats! When I complain, it reminds me of my grandparents complaining about the price of a baseball game. Not to mention the comparative increases in the price of hotdogs and beer!


damn you and your able to get through checkpoints without a second look age


40+ 'r Here

40+ 'r Here

Hi all you fellow oldtimers like me!

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