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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!

Not really that hard but folks are generally a lot more helpful if you make some effort to help yourself. Best advice is keep readin' and take some notes, bookmark some pages.

I suppose the best place to start is with just what type of high you prefer and from there deciding on a strain. I also had been away for a while and I gotta say that the stuff they grow today...it ain't your grandpa's Chevrolet.

The best shit I ever smoked back in the 70's was some kind of alien purple haired Hawaiian that was sellin' fer something like $160 a zzz. It totally fucked me up but I remember thinkin', "there's no way I'll ever pay that for an O of weed." Yeah...famous last words.

Anyway, comparing the shit of yesteryear with what you can grow today is like ping pong balls to watermelons...not even remotely close to comparable. So first figure out what you'd like to grow; couch lock or more cerebral for example. Do you have any particular medical issues that you'd like to address or are you just interested in a temporary sabbatical from reality? The other components to that query are where can you grow it? Are you gonna be indoors or out and do you need protection from just LEO's and the Patriot Act or do you have a significant other that supports the "War on Drugs" as well?

For the moment I'll assume that you're just lookin' to grow somethin' small and simple in your own home and your significant other isn't a member of the Stazi. One of the simplest starter grows that I could suggest takes a little bit of effort to set up, but beyond that it's pretty idiot proof and simple to care for. Check out inefectualize's thread on the High Pod.


Basically it's about $200 of off the shelf shit from Home Depot or Wally's World (Lg. Rubbermaid Brute trash can, 5 gallon bucket, a vortex or fart fan, some PVC fittings, about an 1/8 sheet of bath paneling, some wiring, timer, spray paint, and some Velcro), $100 order from 1000Bulbs.com (lamps, ballasts, lamp holders and clips - depending on the number and quality of ballasts chosen), add soil - water and seed.

His concept is that he kept things relatively simple and the thread gives a good step by step with pictures for duplicating the effort. From the space of a trash can his High Pod turned out almost 6 zzz's in about 4 months. While not exactly a perpetual grow, that should certainly be more than enough smoke to keep one guy retired just growing one plant at a time, three times a year. Also, depending on your location the single plant may represent a lesser penalty from the enforcers of government morality (how's that for an oxymoron?).

There was a lot of jazz on the thread posted by others arguing over his lamp color temperature choice, but the dude's nobody's fool and works with lighting and grows at his day job. Just try to follow his path at least at first and you should enjoy a good yield with minimal hassle.

I don't recall what his soil mix was, I'm sure it's mentioned in there somewhere, but look around here and you'll find all sorts of ideas that work. Soil's pretty forgiving compared to hydro, although the latter will out yield. For an occasional fatty on the front porch soil is the more KISS approach. Nute wise, the variables and combinations are endless. You'll find everything from coco fibre to Miracle Gro has been used with nutes that read like NASA shit to guys droppin' their chicken coop droppings. That you'll have to research a bit more on your own and decide.

Anyway, the best way to learn is to jump the fuck in and just grow. Experience is still the best teacher. If you're still unsure, try raising a more common "herb" in your rig first. If you aren't the gardening type and never grew so much as a tomato, you might wanna try a packet of basil seeds first (they won't make ya cry if and when they die).

All ya gotta remember is that the seed's natural biology makes it want to find the sun and grow. Your job is to do whatever you can to facilitate that and still stay the fuck out of its way as much as possible.


Active member
Simple light setup

Simple light setup

:tiphat:Hello All!!! Cool life stories ....:) For the KISS setup

Depending on how many plants.....

4' flouro 2 tube 40/32 watt T12/T8 from Walmart $10 ea
2= 4' tubes 5000 Kelvin daylight from Home Depot $7 ea
Coco/soil combo mix, or 6" grow cubes $3 ea
1= bag Rapid Rooters
1= Clonex rooting gel
1= Maxicrop liquid seaweed
Use RO water PH 5.8 for cubes/ 6.2~6.5 for soil

And lots of TLC.....;-) :wave:

Jon 54

I Remember..........

I Remember..........

High I was born in 54 and remember the so called baby boomer days of home ownership, thriving economy and family values. Than came the sixties and the world seemed to blow up in ten different directions. I remember my mother catching me weighing out a half elbow of Mex. and trying to convince her that it wasn't mine while I was caught red handed with it. My father came home and beat the sell out of me and backed up the toilet trying to flush it down all at one time. He never trusted me again for the next thirty years until he saw that I wasn't a addict from smoking weed. I never drank till the service and than I became a full blown alky for the next thirty or so years. I quit the booze going on twelve years cold turkey after finding out I had Hep C. . I just smoke and grow the best herb I can find now. My life has come full circle back to where it all began. My only regret is ever putting a sip of booze into my mouth, I tell my kids this but they have to find out for themselves.

Jon 54 :tumbleweed::tumbleweed::plant grow:


New member
I tell my kids the same thing

I tell my kids the same thing

Although I never was an alcoholic, my father was, and we watched a neighbor family be destroyed by alcohol. My kids are too young for me to let them in on my current use, but whenever the subject comes up I say marijuana doesn't destroy lives like that, alcohol is scarier, doesn't make sense that it's legal and mj not.

55, female, daily stoner for most years since age 25, except forties when I was pregnant all the time.


Hello all, I started smoking at college in 1975. I am like a poster a couple above. I come full circle, also. Being told how bad pot was, I became a drunk, sober over 20 years. I remember once the old man, twenty yr. Army, I not sure how many times he went to Nam probably ten year worth, was on his daily pot rant putting me down. He kick me out the morning after I grad. from high school, I had to come back and move the family from Texas To Kansas. So I told him I want the couple thousand he owed me for clearing his new land and left. I had two lbs of very different weed, one was some nice mexican and the other was some ditch weed that got you high in my room. The old man taught me stuff he would forget, like how to hide stuff. If you really want to hide something, hide it in the open. So I had put the good weed in a paper bag and threw it on the floor. I careful wrapped the ditch weed and put it in some nylon bag and hid it in my closet. I come the Drunk telling me that he flushed my weed. I told him I had two bags of weed and if he flush the wrong one, he best have my money. I went to my room and the paper bag is on the floor and ditch weed was gone. I came up and called the sheriff. I ask him, if you rented a room from someone could they go in a mess with your stuff, he said no. I ask him to tell the old man, he did. Then he want to know if want to press charges.I told him no. I know when to stop.lol He never went into that room again. When you are an old grezzer, you tell long winded stories.lol...rw


New member
Hello my fellow old folk, I'm almost 50 Female expat Yank living in Australia, yet another Bush era escapee. Not lived in a post 9/11 USA, nor under a Medically accepting government.

Smoked most of my life except when I was trying to conform - and that didn't end well at all. So back to being true to myself (non-conformist) and growing/smoking.

I'm well educated and finishing my second degree, while smoking cannabis!
I am everything a "stoner" is not supposed to be.

Hope to see ya' all later



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hello my fellow old folk, I'm almost 50 Female expat Yank living in Australia, yet another Bush era escapee. Not lived in a post 9/11 USA, nor under a Medically accepting government.

Smoked most of my life except when I was trying to conform - and that didn't end well at all. So back to being true to myself (non-conformist) and growing/smoking.

I'm well educated and finishing my second degree, while smoking cannabis!
I am everything a "stoner" is not supposed to be.

Hope to see ya' all later

Welcome to IC. I'm a 54 male in Florida. I'm retired, disabled but have a AS in marine technology, or an outboard mechanic, factory trained in Evinrude and Honda and reached the top of my field before I retired. Have an above average IQ. I'm kind of a armature physicist now among other things. And like yourself, not the kind of person you would think of as a stoner. But to look at me would be different. I ride motorcycles and am a Cherokee so I have long hair to honor my family heritage. Glad to be of service in any way. Welcome aboard!


:tumbleweed: must be blind, getting there, lol bright lights, just noticed this site, so hi, im in my sixties and still revin up. still enjoying, through the pain of it all lol:woohoo: got caught while back now, judge said it was greed, i laughed ,he's sitting on 400 grand a year, ya right lol. i think i might try and join fuk em club too .have a good day.:dance013:


Hi everyone...I guess it's time I poked my head in here for a few as I will be 47 next month. I have been growing for the last 20 years more or less and even when I think I've had enough I always seem to start up again...I grew on the west coast as a care give when prop 215 was passed in cali. Now I am a patient unfortunately I live on the east coast in a non med use state. Every now and then I take a stab at seed making and breeding....however I am not a breeder nor will I ever claim to be....I'm just interested in the potentail of certain strains for the treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis. The current treatment is more or less chemo...I take Methotrexate...I also still use a combination of synthetic and real narcotics for pain management and thats what I would like to get away from. I'd rather be natural...my cureent experiment involves a female BTB from Mandela and a male Plushberry from TGA. That is pretty much what I do these days....once apone a time I was a telecom.Engineer at a little company called SunMicro Systems....but that was a life time ago.Yes I do remember the days of Panama Red,Brown Mexican,Cali-o and good old skunk....the old genetics rocked and the prices were pretty nice too. I think I'll enjoy it more this time around as I am getting the direct benifit's we all seek in medical strains...and I guess I'm still facinated by the plant itself after all these years...It's nice to see people Like BOG and others of his stature and reputation as well as others that are willing to mingle with us regular guys and pitch in...it's nice to have a community like this to go to....it wasn't always like this. Anyway I ramble as us old guys tend to do so for now I'll let this be and check in and contribute as much as I can.....after 20 years of growing it's nice to see that there is still a lot to learn from the young and old alike....nice to be back....and thank you to those that have encouraged me and helped when needed....it's nice to have a family away from my family...lol...peace to all


Where's the real geezers at? I remember smoking with a white haired old guy back in the late 60s and thinking how cool that guy was. I'm 59 now and waiting on my wife to finish her time so I can move to a med state from Florida. I'm on disability for a while but my worst problem is that I can't take very many prescription meds without severe side effects and what few I can take, I have to take at the lowest dosage that most times doesn't do any good. By the way, I'm in no hurry for Cathy to leave this world just for my benefit. We've been together since 1974 and married in 75.

Mud Boy

I'm 59 and I used to burn with an old guy who started smoking in the 40's in the Navy. Another old guy I knew in the early 70's spent forty years in the merchant marine and turned me on to the first Thai stick I ever smoked. And I'll never forget learning that Louis Armstrong smoked a joint every night before bed right up until the day he died. I know some young folks who think pot was invented in the sixties. Go figure.:noway:


Hi stressqueen welcome to the weelchair room......just kidding...and post 9/11 kind of blows smart move getting out of here....if it wasn't for the wife and kids I'd would have headed your direction....my technology backround would have made imagration easy.Good on ya Queen.


Well I'll be 60 next Valentine's day, & those air raid drills were corny as hell! Yep! Drop a bomb on us suckers! Our sturdy little desks will save us! LOL!
----Hey dude! I was just checking out some BOG seeds on line earlier!
I was reminiscing about the music of the 60's & 70's just today. It had meaning & was some pretty deep shit. We used to have a local radio station that played it all day, but like everything else good in life its now gone.


Sign me up in this ward too. Turn 58 next Feb but still chugging along. Just got finished raking leaves with my 9 y.o. grandson. Trying to teach him a good work ethic.

plus g'pa needs the exercise.

been tokin' since '72 I think. 2nd year grower now. that's the best kind. your own.

Don't know why it took me so long to start a garden.

Could have never done it without people like yourselves. pass it forward


New member
Well I guess I"m in the right place.
52 and been growing for about 5 years. Unfortunately I live in a very unfriendly state so I haven't had the benefit of other growers, wish I'd have found this sight a few years ago! It'd would have saved a lot of trial and error!
I plan to retire in 4 years and spend all my time sailing, skiing and smoking
At any rate hello fellow geezers, with a little luck I'll be one of those white haired old dudes still hitting a bong everybody keeps mentioning
BTW the reason they had us crouch under our desks was not for protection, it was so we'd be in the right position to kiss our asses good-bye when the end came!!!