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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!


Back into the fold as a 'geriatric'...hehehe...

Back into the fold as a 'geriatric'...hehehe...

Heck, I'll type in.
53; was outa the smoke scene for ~30 years.
NorCal native (SF born!); lived in NorCal my whole life, save a 12 year, work-related, 'prison sentence' of living/working in LA.
Getting back in to 'smoke' has been moooost intewesting fer this wascally wabbit!
Gotta love the i-net for research!

From 3 finger bags o' dirt (schwag??) for 10 bones back mid 70's to:
I can get a letter that makes it ok to obtain and imbibe???
WTF??? I'm IN!!!
I can grow my own? InSIDE? Soil-less? (YESSSSSS!!!!)
What the HELL are all these 'strains' I'm reading about?
Wonder if there's herb like the stuff that blew the top of my skull off back then?
Sativa/Indica: you mean there's a difference? Hmmm...
(I likes me mah sativas; trip city from an occasional wake'n'bake through the work day.
SOME old habits that get regenerated ain't all that bad...)
You can make your own HASH??? NO WAAAAYYY!!! (YES WAY!)
WTF??? Vaporizers??? Huh???

Soooo; got my letter and have visited a couple o' 3 collectives/dispensaries.
CRAZY!!! It's like walking in to a jewelry store!
All the 'wares' in glass jars on the counter; the clones, the edibles...Good damn thing I'm a miserly kinda dude...
I'd be high AND broke!
Haven't yet found a sample like back in 'da day'; good stones but not quite.

I figured I can grow my own; I have my grow room under construction as I type.
This site has helped iMMensely in my 'ejimacashun' on how-to's.

I'm ALSO quite intrigued with the honest med side of this wonderful herb.
I know it works for me and my achin' back and such...
What about those who can't buy/grow who REALLY could use the help?
If I can grow enough for me, have a bit to keep my elec paid and help out some who are less fortunate, I'd like to do that!

As I've read up here on herb differences, locales, developments, seed wars (yep, I read ALL the posts here on OG in '06), etc., I've begun thinking about my NorCal history...must be the sparks from my bowls or something...these sat trips...ya just never know...

It adds a quite curious twist on my grow thing:
See, I have avenues/connections to a few old schoolers who were growing in Santa Cruz and Lake County back in the 70's.
Not any of the 'famous' names or anything, but those who owned the land and grew on it.
Some of the growing continues to this day...
Never even thought about it back then; I was just a teen getting lit, but the genetics from then MAY still be around.

As I get my first grow up and done, I'll see what I find on my NorCal 'holy grail' quest...

Thanks all for the how-to's and such from those who've been down this road for longer than I.



Well-known member
i can see myself in a lot of these posts. 52 yrs old now, a smoker for 41 & a farmer off & on for 37 yrs. BUT, just in the last few years, thanks to you folks & OG (RIP) is what i have grown really been worth smoking. former USAF, sorta wished i had stayed in, would have been retired by now. looking forward to hanging with you kind folks.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hello all I'm 51 and been smokin, and growin most of my life, And don't see stopping ever. I'll be tokin to the end. Then cremate me with some good weed and everyone must get stoned. :eggnog: :xmastree:


Today's my 50th birthday, can I join the Geriatric Stoners club now?, already know the handshake.



Feeling good is good enough.
Once we were young...

But I tell ya!

When I smoke some nice homegrown... Hell folks, I feel very young again!

Smiling like a silly teenager watching Star Wars...

This is a nice place to grow old...


Greetings all and Happy Holidays! About to turn 57, man it just jumps up on ya, don't it.
Just finished up 30 years as an airline pilot. Lucky for me I discovered early what I wanted to do for a living, couldn't afford the training so did a 2 year army tour 73-75, and used the gi bill.
Carried my little stash thru many an airport security in that time, Europe, Asia, Aust., USA, pardon the pun, only touch and go once in Brussels.
Discovered in my travels the best place for me to be, Montana, grew up in Billings. Nice to see you there BOG.
Living in Tunisia now but going back for good this summer! Long time married to the same woman and 2 daughters.
Wishing you and yours a great 2010!


Lammen Gorthaur
God... Star Wars...? I was working on the farm that summer when it came out. Didn't Jaws come out that year or was that the year before? I remember going to see the movie and being absolutely and completely stunned by the special effects. The commercials were a big teaser and promised so much and I remember being really excited, but only being 15 I was dependent upon someone to actually want to take me and since I lived 20 miles from the nearest movie theater it had to wait until my parents finally took us - I think. I can't remember who was with me; might have gone with a friend - I don't know. God, where did all those memories go to? This is what happens after just ten years of anti-psychotics, the past ends up getting wrapped in cotton nothingness that floats in and out of realization.

Or is that old age?

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
let your freak flags, fly...I almost cut my hair...then I realized...I don't have any hair to cut?...where did it go?


Cheer up.........59 and still going. Just easier on the lungs to vaporize now. Plus it's a different kind of high.
Old dogs can learn new tricks.


May your race always be in your favor
Just a few thoughts, I'm new to the site and love it. when I graduated from high school no one had ever heard of pot. Joined the army at 18 and was a helicopeter crew chief, I was lucky I spent part of 68 all of 69 and part of 70 in Germany. Thats where i discovered hash and as they say the rest is history, figure I've been smokin for 41 yrs. What I did as a civilian was LEO Honolulu PD for a couple years and moved to the northwest went to college got married have 6 grandkid and still smokin,never stopped and don't eve plan to. I' now a disabled vet, went back in thw army spent 8 years in the Field Artillery anf loved shooting the BIG guns. Hurt my back and am rated 100% by the VA. Plan to get a card whhere I live and grow. Also spent 15 years selling plants trees shurbs etc and became a Master Gardner, I am so ready to get started. I set up a thread when I get started. Everyone a a smokin new year.


63 this year. started smoking dope when I was a college freshman in 66. retired now from corporate america, but still a hippie at heart. got a few plants indoors. cheers all