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Like the U.S. the Spanish satanist empire was built on pillage and abominable massacres.

View attachment 19014903

« The name of Christopher Columbus should be banned. »
Victor Bonspille, chief of the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake
Indeed, the old Spanish Empire and its expansion (or the Portuguese, British, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Turkish, Russian, U.S.A., Chinese, Inca, Mexica aka Aztec, Kalinago aka Caribbean, etc. old expansion) was built on human exploitation and it was seasoned with suffering and crimes, both from other people and from his own people.

What amazes me is the people capable of seeing crimes committed with the mentality and morality of the Late Middle Ages or the immediately following Modern Age... but excusing or not wanting to see or even justify, the same crimes committed right now, for the authoritarian Imperialism of the current Russian, Chinese, Iranian governments...
I suppose that the "preventive attack" against the Mexica aka Aztec city of Cholula (with massacre of the population included) by the alliance between the conquerors of the Spanish Empire, the Republic of Tlaxcala aka Tlaxcallān and the Totonaca people, is an abominable crime.
But if half a millennium later, the contemporary Chinese government silences the Tiananmen Square protests by passing its tanks over the protesters, or Putin bombs schools and hospitals... As if Hitler and Stalin wanted to try to judge Cortés postmortem, for crimes against Humanity...
I call that "criminal hypocrisy."

: Galeano is as good a writer as he is a hypocrite. A lot of progressivism and revolutionary humanism, and then, when in Cuba Reynaldo Arenas begged him for help (for declaring himself openly homosexual and critical of the regime, he had to survive hidden in a park like an abandoned dog, and was imprisoned and savagely tortured), Eduardo, who lived as a luxury guest, invited by the Cuban regime, in Havana, remained silent. and looked the other way.
Nor did he dare to question the ostracism and "internal exile" to which other contemporary Cuban writers such as Virgilio Piñeira, or none other than Lezama Lima, were condemned (Lima had already written his crowning novel, "Paraiso", and was and continues to be considered one of the peaks of contemporary Hispanic narrative).

Although the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano is considered a "second-rate" writer of contemporary Hispanic fiction (not because he is mediocre, far from it: especially his micro-stories and short stories, they overflow with a simple poetic beauty; but for the enormous genius of many other of his contemporaries, in addition to the aforementioned Lima from Cuba: the also Uruguayan Mario Benedetti, the Argentines Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortazar, the Chilean-Spanish Roberto Bolaño, the Peruvian-Spanish Mario Vargas LLosa, the Colombian Gabriel García Marquez, the Guatemalan-Honduran-Mexican Augusto Monterroso from whose unsurpassed brief and microbrief narrative is his heir Galeano, the Mexican Juan Rulfo, the Cuban Alejo Carpentier and Guillermo Cabrera Infante, or the Spanish Juan Goystisolo...) I can only recommend his, for me, best work: "El libro de los abrazos"/"The Book of Hugs"; I don't know if you have already read it, @Roms ...

EDUARDO GALEANO; "Banned birds":

Uruguayan political prisoners cannot speak without permission, whistle, smile, sing, walk quickly or greet another prisoner. They also cannot draw or receive drawings of pregnant women, couples, butterflies, stars or birds.

Didaskó Pérez, a school teacher, tortured and imprisoned for having "ideological ideas", receives a visit one Sunday from his five-year-old daughter Milay. The daughter brings him a drawing of birds. The censors break it at the entrance to the prison.

The following Sunday, Milay brings him a drawing of trees. The trees are not prohibited, and drawing passes. Didaskó praises his work and asks him about the little colored circles that appear in the tops of the trees, many small circles between the branches.

—Are they oranges? What fruits are they?
The girl silences him:
And secretly he explains:
—Bobo. Do not you see that they are eyes? The eyes of the birds that I secretly brought you...

And if you like Galeano, @Roms, allow me to recommend his still unsurpassed teacher...

"The black sheep", by Augusto Monterroso

In a distant country there existed many years ago a black sheep.
She was shot.

A century later, the repentant flock raised an equestrian statue that looked very good in the park.
Thus, from now on, every time black sheep appeared they were quickly put to death so that future generations of ordinary sheep could also practice sculpture.

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Well-known member
Indeed, the Spanish Empire and its expansion (or the Portuguese, British, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Turkish, American, Chinese, Inca, Mexican, Kalinago aka Caribbean, etc. expansion) was built on human exploitation and it was seasoned with suffering and crimes.

What amazes me is the people capable of seeing crimes committed with the mentality and morality of the Late Middle Ages or the immediately following Modern Age... but excusing or not wanting to see or even justify, the same crimes committed right now, for the authoritarian Imperialism of the current Russian, Chinese, Iranian governments...
I suppose that the "preventive attack" against the Mexican city of Cholula (with massacre of the population included) by the alliance between the conquerors of the Spanish Empire, the Republic of Tlaxcala aka Tlaxcallān and the Totonaca people, is an abominable crime.
But if half a millennium later, the Chinese government silences the Tiananmen Square protests by passing its tanks over the protesters, or Putin bombs schools and hospitals... As if Hitler and Stalin wanted to try to judge Cortés postmortem, for crimes against Humanity...
I call that "criminal hypocrisy."

: Galeano is as good a writer as he is a hypocrite. A lot of progressivism and revolutionary humanism, and then, when in Cuba Reynaldo Arenas begged him for help (for declaring himself openly homosexual and critical of the regime, he had to survive hidden in a park like an abandoned dog, and was imprisoned and savagely tortured), Eduardo, who lived as a luxury guest, invited by the Cuban regime, in Havana, remained silent. and looked the other way.
Nor did he dare to question the ostracism and "internal exile" to which other contemporary Cuban writers such as Virgilio Piñeira, or none other than Lezama Lima, were condemned (Lima had already written his crowning novel, "Paraiso", and was and continues to be considered one of the peaks of contemporary Hispanic narrative).

Although the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano is considered a "second-rate" writer of contemporary Hispanic fiction (not because he is mediocre, far from it: especially his micro-stories and short stories, they overflow with a simple poetic beauty; but for the enormous genius of many other of his contemporaries, in addition to the aforementioned Lima from Cuba: the also Uruguayan Mario Benedetti, the Argentines Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortazar, the Chilean-Spanish Roberto Bolaño, the Peruvian-Spanish Mario Vargas LLosa, the Colombian Gabriel García Marquez, the Guatemalan-Honduran-Mexican Augusto Monterroso from whose unsurpassed brief and microbrief narrative is his heir Galeano, the Mexican Juan Rulfo, the Cuban Alejo Carpentier and Guillermo Cabrera Infante, or the Spanish Juan Goystisolo...) I can only recommend his, for me, best work: "El libro de los abrazos"/"The Book of Hugs"; I don't know if you have already read it, @Roms ...
View attachment 19015744

EDUARDO GALEANO; "Banned birds":

Uruguayan political prisoners cannot speak without permission, whistle, smile, sing, walk quickly or greet another prisoner. They also cannot draw or receive drawings of pregnant women, couples, butterflies, stars or birds.

Didaskó Pérez, a school teacher, tortured and imprisoned for having ideological ideas, receives a visit one Sunday from his five-year-old daughter Milay. The daughter brings him a drawing of birds. The censors break it at the entrance to the prison.

The following Sunday, Milay brings him a drawing of trees. The trees are not prohibited, and drawing passes. Didaskó praises his work and asks him about the little colored circles that appear in the tops of the trees, many small circles between the branches.

—Are they oranges? What fruits are they?
The girl silences him:
And secretly he explains:
—Bobo. Do not you see that they are eyes? The eyes of the birds that I secretly brought you...

And if you like Galeano, @Roms, allow me to recommend his still unsurpassed teacher...
View attachment 19015746

"The black sheep", by Augusto Monterroso

In a distant country there existed many years ago a black sheep. She was shot.

A century later, the repentant flock raised an equestrian statue that looked very good in the park.
Thus, from now on, every time black sheep appeared they were quickly put to death so that future generations of ordinary sheep could also practice sculpture.




Well-known member
... if you continue to allow me, @Roms, to continue linking to your literary reference to Eduardo Galeano, and my previous comment, where I quoted Juan Goystisolo: I think you are French, @Roms (but sorry if I'm wrong); If you are, in line with the current French sociopolitical situation (problems in the integration of immigration, rise of the extreme right, etc.), allow me another recommendation of a 1982's novel as provocatively fun and easy to read as it is profound in its meaning in a second reading plane (something it shares with the previously recommended Monterroso; it is not in vain that both declare themselves as "simple" followers and imitators of Cervantes):

Juan Goystisolo : "Paisajes después de la batalla" / "Landscapes after the battle"



About the autor and his book:
"Goytisolo first became known in the United States before than in Spain and Hispanic America, for his novel The Young Assassins (1954), the story of juvenile delinquents corrupted by social conditions during and immediately after the Spanish civil war. His depictions of the spiritual emptiness and moral decay of Spain under the Franco regime led to the censorship of some of his works there, and he moved to Paris in 1957. In 1966 he published Marks of Identity, which would eventually form a trilogy with Count Julian (1970) and Juan the Landless (1975). Count Julian is an exile's view of Spain, with Spanish history, literature, and language derisively viewed for the purpose of destroying them so that they might be reinvented. Formally, it is a "new novel" along the lines of Robbe-Grillet's formulations. Makbara (1980), a misogynous novel, also attacks capitalism.

Landscapes after the Battle (1982), based loosely on the life of Lewis Carroll is, in fact, a self-conscious novel concerned mainly with the problems involved in writing novels.
In this work, like in no other, the vision of the city as a complex and multiracial metropolis, a dynamic mix of cultures and ethnicities, with all its advantages, problems and disadvantages, appears as a fascinating reflection of the author's personal universe.

Cloistered in his refuge in the crowded Parisian neighborhood of Sentier, a solitary character who will maintain curious emotional relationships with his invisible wife throughout the play, alternates his political concerns - through his contacts with mysterious foreign terrorist organizations - with the exposure of his catastrophic ecological forecasts and compelling sexual fantasies close to the childhood world of the creator of Alice in Wonderland. Its eccentricity is perhaps a defense against the normalization of our time. As the author himself has written: "Written under the epigraph of Bouvard et Pecuchet "They questioned the probity of men, the chastity of women, the intelligence of the government, the common sense of the people; in short, they undermined the foundations" -, the novel is an immense laugh at the spectacle of the city of the future, which is already that of the present: the worldview of the daily catastrophe that is coming. Its hero, a protean character -mediocre, meticulous, obsessive, he identifies with the neighborhood in which he lives and reproduces or clones its contradictions, he listens, sees, fantasizes, imagines all kinds of conflictive situations from which he always comes out badly hurt."
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Well-known member
No nothing can be compared in modern era to genocide and fascism from Spain, England-U.S-(Germany)-Israel. who killed hundreds of millions of civilians just for capitalist enrichment satanism. (Germany in brackets because nazism idea and funding is English/U.S. piloted)

France was human rights builder but then yes colonialism shameful era in Africa and today epicentre of European decadence, U.S. infiltrated from all sides like Germany as the time and with Macron as the new Hitler puppet. The world deep dark state operation since industrial revolution era.

Russia and China or Iran aren't colonizers and did not practice genocide, it's quite the contrary!

Remember that who killed nazism is Stalin lol and who kill it again right now?

Putin bombs schools and hospitals
Schools and hopitals used as military bases by cowards uko-naz-anglo-rican-zionist.

Putin will be the man of the century in next century books, the man builder of the next peace era and nova europa cleansed of all satanists nowadays in power.

Africa is the cradle of this change hand in hand with China and all BRICS++
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Well-known member
No nothing can be compared in modern era to genocide and fascism from Spain, England-U.S-(Germany)-Israel. who killed hundreds of millions of civilians just for capitalist enrichment satanism. (Germany in brackets because nazism idea and funding is English/U.S. piloted)

France was human rights builder but then yes colonialism shameful era in Africa and today epicentre of European decadence, U.S. infiltrated from all sides like Germany as the time and with Macron as the new Hitler puppet. The world deep dark state operation since industrial revolution era.

Russia and China or Iran aren't colonizers and did not practice genocide, it's quite the contrary!

Remember that who kill nazism is Stalin lol and who kill it right now?

Schools and hopitals used as military bases by cowards uko-naz-anglo-rican-zionist.

Putin will be the man of the century in next century books, the man builder of the next peace era and nova europa cleansed of all satanists nowadays in power.

Africa is the cradle of this change hand in hand with China and all BRICS++
Do you see how you agree with me?: what I said, not only childish anchronism, but criminal hypocresy :  The preventive attack half a millennium ago by the Spanish-Tlaxcalo-Totonac, on the Aztec city of Cholula to prevent the supposed ambush of the Aztec troops hidden in the city, is a fascist genocide, without comparison with anything current... ...But if today Putin preventively bombs hospitals and schools and kills civilians and children, because they supposedly house "military bases by cowards uko-naz-anglo-rican-zionist", and delete entire cities with its people from the map,

then it is NOT genocidal fascism but rather the logic of war and collateral casualties (And that is exactly the same excuse that Israel uses to do the same thing now... And in the end, all criminal hypocrisies are, act and are justified, the same) and "Putin will be the man of the century in next century books, the man builder of the next peace era and nova europa cleansed of all satanists nowadays in power"...
Sí, claro... Y Francisco Franco sólo será recordado por su enorme influencia en el reggae de su época...

...y mi Cádiz C.F. será, al fin, Campeón de Europa...

Postscript: Free Palestine!
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Well-known member
Just check out true journalism work far of main stream media, Russia doesn't bomb civilians, evacuates first!

Russia is humanism who fight satanism. War crimes are every days from ukro-naz bombing Russian people with NATO's arms, Slavic other genocide piloted by the NATO. Btw already more than 500 000 Ukro soldiars in cemetery!


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Everything About Israel Is Fake



Well-known member
Just check out true journalism work far of main stream media, Russia doesn't bomb civilians, evacuates first!
Russia is humanism who fight satanism. War crimes are every days from ukro-naz bombing Russian people with NATO's arms, Slavic other genocide piloted by the NATO. Btw already more than 500 000 Ukro soldiars in cemetery!
In the Orwellian Newspeak of the novel 1984, Blackwhite, applied to an enemy, refers to the habit of blatantly stating that black is white (contradicting the evidence, which is what the Party has prescribed), while if refers to a member of the Party means to willingly affirm that black is white, when the Party indicates so.
...And war is peace; servitude is freedom...


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The carrier of the Zircon hypersonic missiles, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, arrived on the shores of the United States

The Kazan nuclear submarine, carrying cruise and hypersonic missiles, is also expected to arrive at the port of the Cuban capital.

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